>Government gives thousands of small companies low interest loans worth millions.

>Company goes under and files bankruptcy. Loan obligations dissolve.


>Government gives thousands of low interest loans to millions of students

>Student goes under and files bankruptcy. Loan obligations DOES NOT DISSOLVE, student goes to jail.
What's wrong with this?

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It depends on what, if anything, you secure the sba loan with.

And by the way, no one goes to jail over it.

Both types of loans make you a PWNED nigger

Not in open air tax farms.

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Nothing because business loans create jobs.

Student loans do not.

>student loans do not create jobs

Tell that to my sister, the well-paid professor of diversity studies.

Usury should be illegal
Student loans shouldn’t even exist in the first place. No loans means a person has to pay out of pocket and colleges would have to lower their tuition
>bbbbut a college would go out of business
They would adjust

one is secured the other is not. student loans are guaranteed by the gov so, like taxes, they can never be discharged.

Lol but then only rich people would get to go to college, even more so than it is now-- what we need is for college to be very cheap or free for those that cant afford it

The third world has no student loans, you pay to get in.

How does she help the economy?

Does she employ people? Produce something of value besides more 'that's raaaaaaaaaaaacist' indoctrination?

Also, that's literally nigger tier 'degree'.

Not a skill. if the world truly had an apocalypse, she'd be one of the first to die.

That's a funny shape for a star on the left

Make it free for the top 1000 students with the best grades per university. The rest pay the full price.

>what we need is for college to be very cheap or free for those that cant afford it

1. How do you go about doing this? 2. That, assuredly, involves govt. interaction -- which got us into the student loan mess in the first place, i.e. govt. subsidies. 3. You're devaluing college even further by making it so accessible.
This is what people who take out student loans act like.

Akshooooolllyyy...if you sue over a defaulted debt, including student loans, if the person doesn't show up in court, you can get a contempt order and toss them in jail. That's only if they don't show up.

But then if they DO show up, you can garnish their wages and freeze their bank account in most states to take whatever you can up to a certain limit (most states allow some basics for living).

And student loans almost never (99.9999% of the time) can be discharged in bankruptcy because the undue hardship standard is impossible to meet. If you take out student loans, you're fucked for life. LOL.

Bzzzzt. Wrong. Certain taxes CAN be discharged in bankruptcy, depending on when you incurred them and when you filed the returns.

Student loans are treated almost at the level of child support in terms of never being able to discharge. LMAO YOU'RE FUCKED.

My company has executive spouses on the payroll.

Your argument is invalid.

It's a Jewish scam in both categories.

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You can't collateralize a student loan, but you can and do collateralize all the assets of a business for a business loan. Had you attended a school that was worth a shit you would already know this.

If we instituted Georgism all of these problems would instantly dissolve. But this board is too stupid to comprehend any of it anyways.

start a company who's whole business plan is to send you to college. get loan through company.
i seriously dont get how people make posts like these and dont realize this. you identify the problem and the solution... then you just complain instead of doing it.
you dont take out loans in your name for anything else... why the fuck would take out college loans in your name? mortgages appear to be in your name, that is the closest you get, but they arnt.

Government needs to stop giving loans


the sheep/ peasants spark the economy. government are giving small businesses money to keep alive for a month or two, but then what? the sheep are in panic mode, this is a shock to the system. recovery is gonna be slow. (prob new years 2021, will cleanse us)

more and more i think $2000/month for 6 months a reality, then after UBI will be normalized $1000/month.

>hi loan officer? yes, here's my business plan:
>attend college and then go get a job
>what do you mean the loan must be for equipment, materials and supplies?
>no, no property at all, 100% of this loan is working capital
>for who? for me. I pay myself the working capital and then use it to pay the school.
>hello? hello, are you still there?

That's why you should get a bisness and then go to college

This, so much this.
Yas Forums has zero understanding of how banking works.

Fun fact. Pussy pass applies post apocalypse

i have enough knowledge to know that lending money at interest is kikery.

>defending the need for Shlomo to seize something of actually value for the fake money his bank prints

It's like you love sucking up to jewish cock.

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Yeah why wouldn't someone just hand me money at massive risk with no upside?!? Fucking Jews. (Banking is kikery but not for the reasons your smooth brain thinks)