EU needs to do something about this.
How is this legal?
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe the gays can all go to israel
what is "legal" in the first place huh
Fuck you. Pol is a LGBTQ* friendly board
Poland no!
Le nordcuck
Based Podkarpacie
Based Poland
whole country should be red
east Polan
Yeah. That fits
Weak bait
>It matches up with the Baltid/dinarid race zone
I completely agree with OP. Until all of EU is that color there is a lot of work to be done. Yet rejoice, OP, for progress is being made
Kek cope more. Maybe you can come and investigate it? Ask around? Just make sure you have your little rainbow flag with you so we know you are asking questions and we will help you answer some things I am sure.
Hey OP. Do you sit to pee?
Austrian Partition is best partition desu. Pope was from the South.
have sex you disgusting incels
Shut up and go 41% yourself you retarded hateful fag
Kek was pretty funny. The police response was exactly what you should get if you complain about trying to undermine our society with your faggotry.
What's your problem with that?
People will always disagree with different things, you can't forbid them not to.
Go where you are welcome.
Imagine if they passed a law that declares a city Christian free zone, i would like to hear your hypocrisy than.
LGBT events don't represent gays
I literaly have sociopathic gay friend (he is leftist) and even he thinks that's it's cringe
that would be different
explain how would that be different from an lgbtq+ ban
>sucking cocks is a religion to faggots
Sounds right
>christianity free zone
>no go zone exist
yeah there are no zones like that
>i have a gay friend so im not homophobic
wew lad
Why not? I mean.. christians are annoying but everything is better than lgbtprtvagd+ dogshit that should get rope first
>the EU takes time to vote on symbolic actions
This faggotty union of faggots needs to end.
Whats wrong with makin babies op? U'd like human race to extinct huh?
>i have straight buddies so i'm not heterophobic
So i am? Or not? I don't think a commie or antifa guy would befriend a nazi