This is (((progressive)))

This is (((progressive)))

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Anyone that reads slate deserves AIDS. Stop spreading their BS. Don't give them clicks.

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What the hell? I would be concerned at the very fact my son was gay. I would want to know what I did wrong to allow this.

It's not up to you to allow or disallow your son to be gay or not. It's none of your business, the same way your intimate life with your significant other is none of your kids' concern.

>am i allowed to be concerned
The absolute state

gas yourself mouth breather

Says who? You? Lmao, my son would be in piece, fed to the dogs if I learned he was a faggot.

I am divided I want all the homosexuals to get HIV but I dont want my public healthcare to pay for it

One of the many glories of having privatized healthcare

This. Billions wasted on a virus that can never be cured that only effects fags and bi-fuckers.

no u

Just because you're in charge of your offspring's education and well-being doesn't mean they're your property.

HIV is technically cured, it's no longer a death sentence as it used to be.

Yes, one can see how your country's healthcare fares; I mean people die because they can't afford insulin. Great system you have there.

not Yas Forums


>sons boyfriend
It's too late for concern

cured doesn't mean permanently medicated

thats why you try to have at least two or three, one has the chance to go dark and fuck your lineage

That's why I said technically.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

>the same way your intimate life with your significant other is none of your kids' concern.

This is why society is in the awful state it is. All children have an absolute right to be raised in a loving environment by both biological parents until the age of majority. The only exception is when they are dead.

Parents incapable of this need to be gassed. Marriage is not a dress rehearsal.

It's up to me whether I leave him alone with uncle Clancy. It's up to me whether I allow him to view modern media. It's up to me to tell him he can't hang out with an abused kid who's now reprogrammed to sexually assault his friends. It's up to me to protect my children from the shit that turns them gay.
So yeah, I can make that decision.

If you are old enough to remember the 80s you will know gay=aids.

If you are gay, you will have aids.

>Simply because you knew someone living with HIV more than 30 years ago does not make you an expert on medical best practices now...

I simply do not understand the mindset of the author. I think it's fair to be worried about your only son dying from an extremely dangerous and deadly disease.
Can you recent progressive newfags explain this to us? It makes zero sense.

You don't have to completely control your kids, but we all made horrible and dangerous mistakes when we were younger.

That's the role of parents, to love and accept... but to also ask questions and have an open discussion when they are making potential dangerous and deadly mistakes.

Just letting them roam free is what creates the degenerate society that only Niggers experienced before. Fuck this clown world

Why should kids be concerned about their parents intimate life? Is it important for them to know how daddy fucks mom while she dresses as a school girl or something? None of that is relevant.

I agree with the rest of what you said though. Problem is, most homophobes are against such things because >muh gays """""infecting""""" kids with propaganda
if being gay is genetic no amount of propaganda is going to turn your kid gay. Unless you're saying you could become a cock sucker (or a pussy licker) by watching a shit load of gay/lesbian porn.

>It's up to me to protect my children from the shit that turns them gay.
I thought being gay was genetic. I guess that means given enough time you can start enjoying sucking dick / licking pussy.

Yes, you can and you should do some of those things - but beyond that it's abuse like .

>am i allowed to be concerned
Imagine being this pathetic.

And the author is a literal tranny, just to complete the picture.

>by watching a shit load of gay/lesbian porn.
or other retarded shit you come up with.

>reads slate
>single mom
>son is a poop dick

The story checks out.

People can now live with drugs to suppress symptoms and increase longevity of patients is probably how they rationalize it. Which is still retarded

I'll answer.

If your son's boyfriend is taking anti-viral medication, then your son is safe. As a extra precaution, you son could consider taking Truvada to guard against HIV transmission. You're "allowed" to be considered for your child, just be sure you have the proper medical information before discussing your concerns with him or have him speak with a specialist.

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>I think it's fair to be worried about your only son dying from an
>extremely dangerous and deadly disease.
See, you're making the same mistake as the concerned parent.

You're assuming people still die from AIDS (HIV is the virus, AIDS is the consequence of the virus) and that's no longer the case, well, unless they live in a shit hole and are unable to afford proper treatment - obviously.

Sure, you should always care about your kids but overly protecting them to the point of controlling all aspects of their lives is literal abuse.

>I thought being gay was genetic.
Well surprise, it isn't.
And if you don't know the difference between childhood imprinting vs. adult conditioning, then you really shouldn't speak on this subject.

People need insulin because they can't figure out how to live properly. We're just helping humanity weed out the weak

Source it then.

What a distorted definition of the word weak. Pretty sure I know some gay guys you wouldn't call weak.

I'm speaking in well known and understood generalities. You can shape a child much more easily than you can an adult. Children are molded by their environment and shaped by early experiences. Is this news to you?

Seriously just go listen to gay men talk about how they were turned gay. They'll tell eachother.

>Am I allowed to portray an embedded evolutionary part of me that got the humans to survive to this point
How just how cucked can you get

being sold expensive pills for life to be TREATED by Big Pharma kikes =/= a cure.
Fucking retarded AIDS-brained faggot.

It's okay. My wife's boyfriend is also HIV positive, and I'm fine.

I completely understand that not everyone dies from HIV anymore. However, it is still 770,000 people died from AIDS related deaths in 2018, that's still a shit load.

So far, 203,922 have died from Corona. If we are shutting down everything for that amount of deaths, should we not worry about HIV/AIDS as well?

This is a disease that is easily tested for, and easily transmitted. It's not bigotry, it's simple caring for your loved ones.

Why do you defend people potentially spreading a deadly virus?

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Flippy bippy

the nigger race is hiv positive

No drink his blood, bigot!

actual faggot here -- here's the deal: just get on PrEP and problem, essentially, solved. There ain't nothing in this world that hates a faggot more than another faggot -- and spreading AIDS and fucking and getting fucked by 30 cocks a day makes most nasty faggots wet --- i just got done dealing with a fucking dumpster fire that is my ex, who has become a full-on crystal meth addict and a archtypical cum-drenched whore. Just make sure on PrEP cause, in addition to being a vector for disease, most faggots are also liars

Most gay people are weak... and predatory. There's a reason I don't want public funds spent on keeping them alive after making bad decisions

What is with meth and the gay community? I know it's prevalent everywhere, but it seems more so within your group?

Mine too. The struggle is real mate


>Why should kids be concerned about their parents intimate life?
>Why should parents be concerned about their kids intimate life?
Let them eat AIDS.

>I thought being gay was genetic.
That's because you are a useless pos that'd rather bitch at society rather than improving yourself.

>I guess that means given enough time you can start enjoying sucking dick / licking pussy.
Yes you shoe size IQ nigger propaganda and daily activities do affect behavior. Where the fuck do you think all these retarded trendsexuals came from?