Slovakia thread

Redpill me on your country. I don't really wanna live in Russia so I'm escaping this frozen shithole full of shitskins, and Slovakia seems like based. I'm about 188cm, fair hair, grey eyes. Slovakia seems like a good country that isn't an cuckoldry. So, how based is it really? Most of your minorities are Hungarians right, I guess thats a step up from our minorities here.

I'm fucking tired of my country. I'm sick of Putin and his "multiethnic diversity". I'm tired of non-white ethnic minorities and immigrants stealing our jobs and fucking our women. I hate the fact that women here race mix with subhumans. I'm tired of zoomers wanting globohomo, neo-liberalism, LGBT rights and feminism. I'm tired of watching my country go to americanized degenerate shit.

I have made up the decision to move to Slovakia. I want to live in a white conservative country that doesn't bow down to diversity. Why not Czechia or Poland? Slovak language is easier, less degeneracy, Slovaks are less anti-russian and more soulful and closer to Slavs in terms of mentality.

Any Slovaks here have any advice?

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You sound like a massive loser, if you're a loser in Russia you will be one in Slovakia.

Fuck off snow nigger, we're full

>Why not Czechia
we are full

irrelevant mini country with larper nazis who know nothing about the real natsoc

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>I'm fucking tired of my country. I'm sick of Putin and his "multiethnic diversity". I'm tired of non-white ethnic minorities and immigrants stealing our jobs and fucking our women. I hate the fact that women here race mix with subhumans. I'm tired of zoomers wanting globohomo, neo-liberalism, LGBT rights and feminism. I'm tired of watching my country go to americanized degenerate shit.
Don't worry Ivan, at least you won the great patriotic war. Welcome to the club.

I've seen the same thread about Serbia.

This, Russians on here are doomer faggots. Their country is not diverse at all, even when I was in Moscow 4/5 of the low-wage workers were white. Most common ethnic minority would probably be Chinese tourists

fuck off were full

Mommy president is so hot

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Because its sosach guy Who make same threads with almost identical texts

This. Russians are attacked in public transportation and in the streets for speaking Russian. I think, Slovakia is better for you.

What about me, guys? Why not join my country?

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Go Serbia bro your Russian your like a prince in Serbia.

>muh based pidorushka

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At least there's neo-nazis.

Sosach is irrelevant, use harkach or mailach

Fuck off volodya we already kicked you out twice

Fuck off, Ivan Cuckshenko. Stay in your country.

I hate my country

Looks like you're not welcome, what now Ivan?

Vodka and hacking, like every other russki

I will try Belarus then. Fuck pidorusssia and ruski cucks.

>isn't an cuckoldry
>mandated masks
>every party supports UN membership (IDK the situation post C19, might have changed)
>every party opposes immigration (the way they argue how UN membership can still be maintained is by reforming EU, Slovakia reforming EU, what a joke)

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Cope harder harkach liberashka

Just come to the USA m8, we have burgers and lots of money. Russians that come here always end up being super cool, and we could use more people like you over here.

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>abortion supporter

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Just go to Serbia ruskybro, you have the same alphabet and thats majority white and always will be

Do you like gypsies and prostitution? Then you will enjoy Slovakia

Kys, tolerantniy pidoras

Europe is dead. We have many muslims but in Europe it's even worse and at least we don't have gay parades.

>Most of your minorities are Hungarians right,
Wrong, Hungarians are invisible and fully integrated.
Meanwhile 400 000...

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No, thanks. You faggots are responsible for all this degeneration in my country.

>Europe is dead
Look at our big cities first
>we don't have gay parades
But we have fucking zoomers who believe in the globohomo and faggotry being practiced in the west, who want to be a part of it and import it to Russia

I’m certain you’re the life of every party.
At some point Ivan, when everyone else is the asshole, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror.

Russia != Moskvabad, faggot