As an Iphone user I l look down upon Android users. I can't help it...

As an Iphone user I l look down upon Android users. I can't help it, but the feeling is that of how a Feudal master feels about his peasants or how a Patrician feels about plebeians. Especially when they have a Hawaii or Xingshit or whatever they call the chink phones nowdays, and they say 'look at all the cool shit my phone can do', im like great, now get away from my presence peasant, I've got rich people shit to do. Android users can seethe at us as much as they want, but they can't have this feeling when they have an Shitdroid kek. You ca only understand this feeling when you have a (newer) Iphone

Attached: apple-iphone-pro-10.jpg (710x691, 94.98K)

Nice blog.

>M*cedonian flag

B8/8 m8

How does it feel to know a bunch of niggers buy iPhone?

Turn on autocorrect you fucking mong

> reddit consoomer

You have to GO BACK

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>Looking down at anything
ok albanobulgarian

It’s just a phone.

I got the new macbook pro and while I'm not 100% pleased with it, it's definitely an awesome computer which I'm convinced will serve me greater than any pc alternatives could have for around or near the same price point

Change my mind

Weird flex, but okay

>>> /bant/
nobody cares, not politics
stop bumping this shit thread faggot

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can the iPhone SE count or is it too cheap of an iphone. I kind of like that it isa compact small iPhone. Have not seen one of this in a while.

Samsung Galaxy always has been superior to the iPhone. IPhone is for the people who lack knowledge on the internet. Most iPhone users don't know how to copy and paste on a phone, it's sad really, the iPhone handicapped you

I also like to wipe my ass with nothing else but the latest iPhone. Nothing beats the feeling of that silky smooth frame and screen running along your anus. The weight and balance of the iPhone is unmatched when scraping shit from your sphincter.
The average person shits 4 times a day. If the average person is using 5 iPhones per shit, that's 20 iPhones per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 560 iPhones a week. Over 100 a month.


>As an iPhone user, I feel like we was KANGZ and shit.

Kill yourself brate

based bitch lasagna

Pajeet i ...

noice b8 m8 I gib u ten-ten

iPhone SE2 is a great phone and the best of its budget tier.

really politics related
but when i post cunny questioning why jews try to sexualize any and all pictures of cunny mods go apeshit 30day ban with no clarification on a ban reason

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Is this how a mindless consumer thinks?

We don't think about you at all.

Because you’re a bitch


>rich people
0/10 larp bait

how can you fucking idiots not realise that this is a slide thread?

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lmao what

>Gypsy memecountry
>uses pajeet phone and feels better for his self
makes sense

strong argument sholmo

What do you mainly use it for? If it's programming, Linux with superior PC specs will be a better setup.