With a call “that science says masks spread the virus”, the UK continues to resist public mask wearing. It is now the last European country to do so and the only major country globally where official government politician warn of public mask wearing.
There must be a reason for this British stubbornness. What is it? Do they want to break the global death record?
They do this because their CCTV shit wouldnt work if everyone had a mask on.
Logan Rogers
Yeah, but what’s more important, spying on people OR the freaking economy?
Isaiah Roberts
I’m at work right now. Everyone is masked besides me. No one has said shit. Fuck this commie faggot fear mongering mask shit. Thank God I live in America.
William King
UK isn't the last, our RIVM (Dutch CDC) also continues to recommend against the use of face masks.
Quietly they admit it's basically because of shortages, but still they continue to insist the added value would be negligent.
Sebastian Ross
because there is a shortage and the other masks don't do shit
Thomas Campbell
going to walmart right after old-people hours and seeing them all terrified and disgusted at my presence is kinda scary ngl
Brayden Hughes
Aren’t you as seriously affected as the UK?
Easton Fisher
The spying, the globalist jewish bankers dont give a shit about your local economy. They already made their trillions of dollars.
Christian Gomez
For great examples, please see literally any communist regime ever. Here's a hint: it's spying. Spying and prying is always the more important one.
> because there is a shortage A shortage of what? FFP2 masks? Not really, at least not in Germany.
A shortage of medical mouth-nose masks? Also, doesn’t look like it here.
How come you have a shortage when we have plenty?
Nathan Phillips
The purpose of the masks is to create a mass memory, much like the staying at home etc.
People will remember having to wear the masks and it being annoying.
When the public are told "THIS IS CHINAS FAULT" they will have someone to blame and everthing will be "sorted" in their heads.
When they are told "WE SHOULDNT PAY BACK CHINA DEBT DUE TO ECONOMIC COST TO WEST" the public will accept this.
Austin Adams
I haven't seen anyone wearing a mask where I live.
Christopher Taylor
We are fucked, not USA levels of fucked but Deffo fucked. Pension deficit will have vanished by the end of it all though
Mason Brooks
>When they are told "WE SHOULDNT PAY BACK CHINA DEBT DUE TO ECONOMIC COST TO WEST" the public will accept this.
In what schizoid universe would the people oppose not paying China? I'm not gonna even touch the rest of your post, but mate, seriously. In what universe would people in the west rally to the barricades and block the streets because we must pay our loans back to China? Maybe ease up on the retard juice huh lad?
The UK has many faults but we're still one of the best countries in western europe
Nathaniel Adams
they'll find ways around it, like the impact of cost of production shifting operations from China to somewhere else which will lead to thousands of job losses in difficult times. It will be a slowburner, another reason for wanting to delay easing of restrictions to softly get people away from the anger they feel now
>It is now the last European country Belarus has done pretty much nothing about the virus. Their leader is playing ice hockey
Jason Nguyen
Social distancing is so street cameras can use facial recognition.
Josiah Kelly
Literally the worst, by a great margin. Orwellian hellhole.
Jeremiah James
Have fun being a guinea pig for a chink bioweapon lmao.
Austin Stewart
because they're ineffective unless you know what you're doing with them (which the vast majority of plebs would not) so it's pointless wasting them on ordinary people when they could be reserved for people in the health service there is some suggestion that putting a rag in front of your mouth might stop you spreading the virus by trapping droplets and they've sort of but not really promoted that
Daniel King
obviously swtizerland is better but have you seen germany? it's like the china of europe
Wyatt Ramirez
Because we won't wear masks if we're told to.
Michael Jenkins
No, I don't like travelling. What's the deal with germany?
Evan Morris
But face masks are useless, WHO said so. But seriously we can't let the orange man have the nuclear codes.
Henry Ortiz
Oh please, if the government told the public to bark like a fucking dog they would at this point. Just throw the line "because it'll save the NHS and protect doctors and nurses :)" onto the end of anything you want the public to do and nobody's got the backbone to say no.
Elijah Torres
Because idiots in PHE can't understand that putting a rag made from an old t-shirt in front of you're face will not reduce the supplies of medical grade masks in hospitals. Although the 2nd bullet point is a little stupid to add, the top 4 in death tolls mandate masks.
Lincoln Fisher
britain is basically the king of bureaucracy but in germany they just arrest right wingers for no reason, probably because of post WW2 guilt everyone just accepts but we're both fucked obviously
James Gomez
That'll be why everyone here who voted to stay in the EU have moved to EU countries.
Matthew Gonzalez
they are just meming because england literally has no masks
Chase Clark
The UK is likely being used for experimentation, it's easy to do it with their brain dead sheep population
Parker Lopez
> >Have fun being a guinea pig for a chink bioweapon lmao. Have fun being a stooge for a Globalist psy-op
Wyatt Peterson
We live In a very cucked nation
Kevin Young
I have never seen so many people out and about since we we're all told to stay at home.
Colton Ramirez
Only if you're college educated.
Aaron Richardson
Even normies are cracking I guess.
Andrew Wilson
we dont want to live like gooks life as a gook isnt worth living
Owen Thompson
>Globalist psy-op You literally fell for CCP propaganda, what a retard.