Can i get a recap on exactly what it was that trump said that was so ridiculous that he had to end his daily press...

can i get a recap on exactly what it was that trump said that was so ridiculous that he had to end his daily press conferences?

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He told people to inject bleach

>anti injection movement
Are this fucks for real?
Spotted the bugman

i'm so bored to tears with listening to idiots crap on about the latest bit of trump outrage that has them pretend-furious, he misspoke big fucking deal

daily reminder

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Imagine being this out of the loop. Lurk more faggot

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wtf I love antivaxxers now

>he misspoke big fucking deal
No he didn't. Wondering if they could somehow use disinfectant to kill a virus inside of someone is a notable curiosity.
Instead Trump has turned liberals into anti-vaxxers.

He literally told Yamiche to stick a bleaching agent up her cooch, that was a bit much imo

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He did not, your a fucking sheep.

Go back to pebbit, or FREE HK .... there, thread saved from idiots

He basically asked the doctors of his own committee that if UV lights and disinfecting can kill chink virus outside body, is there any injection way of using these things to combat the virus inside body?
Left as always blowing it up

This and he wasn’t fucking addressing people, he was talking to his consult doctors mind you.

so libs have gone from vaccine supporters to anti-vaccine now?

>"stop endangering my paranoid fantasies!"

trump is a shit talker, only the most disingenuous fucking idiot would believe this is what he unironically meant

this is like some conservatives in the USA thinking Obama was a secret muslim because in an interview he said "my muslim faith" in the context of addressing a paranoid hypothetical that he was one

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He should know by now he needs to ask questions for stuff he needs to understand while off camera, the media does nothing but smear.

frumptards are coping and seething for days now. hope they get better soon and drump doesent embarass them again by rambling about stuff above his iq

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>that he had to end his daily press conferences?
they haven't ended. also, why not view the press conference online and make up your own mind?
if you're going to believe whatever Yas Forums tells you then believe this: he was speculating that MD's could do some tests in regards to disinfectant moments after seeing a presentation about the use of disinfectants. everyone saw it, but the media clips on news websites don't show you the slideshow that everyone was watching. look for the context.

Because he heard disinfectants can kill microbes really fast he thought it would be a plausible treatment to inject it in people. Same with UV light.
It's kind of the equivalent of, "they say if you cook meat to a high degree it kills all the pathogens, so why don't we cook people?"
I mean sure it will probably kill the virus, but also the person.
I suppose death is an immunity of sorts.

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Here's the video, decide for yourself

>Be temp king of yankiedoodle land
>Watching slideshow about shit you need to understand
>Ask a question.
>First rule of normal life is that there are no stupid questions
>Media takes its chance to attack drumplepump and start telling everyone to inject bleach into eyeballs
>suddenly this is all over bong news and everyone is talking about it
Honestly I am VERY upset about this, I fucking hate hearing about trump in my shithole when there are problems right here that need to be talked about. Can you americans change language please so news media is not so easy to cross contaminate?

show us the quote

Fucking lies. He told people to inject Febreze anally

He suggested that doctors should investigate if UV light or disinfectant could be used internally to kill coronavirus.

god i hate this stupid fist symbol so much why do they keep putting it on everything

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>That headline
Americans are so retarded that people need to form a movement in order to stop them from drinking and injecting bleach.

Gtfo redditfag

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It's more that the media is absolute cancer, and it's not limited to America.

Likely the best thing Trump has done as Prez.

>People call up and ask about something
>This is then twisted by faggot journo into "people are injecting bleach!"

>some throwaway clickbait article written by a nobody
Stop falling for this shit. That goes for the commie fag fuckers that have infested this board too.

not a bad source, it doesn't show what was said about the slide by the presenter, but at least you can see the slide that Trump was referring to in his musings.

is this 4D chess or anti-vax movement subverting ?

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He told people it would be a good idea to inject bleach into their lungs

Probably QTards who do this. Trust the plan..

It's not to just ask questions about poisons though, it's for people who suspect that they or somebody else got poisoned. It's for actual incidents.

It makes a lot of sense when you realize fanatics criticize opponents for their own character flaws. The left constantly preaches that trump's base looks at him like an infallible god when in reality the left wants to believe the president is a position that has infallible authority and can be trusted as the final word in an argument. "Obama said so" is what they crave. They point out fallibility as though it were a fatal flaw because they believe everyone shares the worship mentality.