Trump has failed, let bill gates take over

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I wonder how much he paid for that article

I don’t think it was much, journalists whores are on the rise and prices tend to drop the more whores you have.

He had to have sex orgies right? With that much money you just have a sex orgy phase right?

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Shill Gates .exe

think they are at the "copying each others homework stage" so probably nothing. it's like here where the shills do some heavy work then the retards take over on the next shift.

link or fuck off

If he took over as the Dem nominee, would he win?

Why are people so fond of him?
>bro he's so rich and he invented the computer bro, he's even smarter them Steve jobs.

Does any one have a screenshot of that software developer talking about how he worked with Microsoft in the early days?

also does anyone have a souce about the child porn found on his pc? 50,000 images.

>creates Windows, the biggest vector for viruses ever created
>let me handle your outbreak, bros

Thanks but no thanks.

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>dude just wait 2 years and then let us inject you with a form of the virus anyway!

lol does anyone believe this? I bet the actual virus will fuck you up less

Microsoft Bleach

He’s trying so hard to become a “health official”. He was on CNN today talking about tests and how the USA doesn’t have enough so there’s some new home test coming out or something. People who follow mainstream narratives love him.

No one its buying this shit. Leftist states are capitulating and the ill fated vaccine operation in Africa is so well documented and easily sourced you can get the point to anyone in five minutes.

die a gay death OP

There was a vaccine in the early 20s that killed more people than helped. Think it was tuberculosis

Here's some links for why he's so "great"

I'm just saying this: Don't trust the fucking man.

I know some things, but lets just say this Vaccine is not good.

Let a guy who mass marketed computers and got a computer in every classroom and a cell in every hand take over the coronavirus. WTF?

I'm if I knew how to upload multiple files, I'd provide information I have.

or just kill him and his whore wife

Can you be more clear as to what you mean?Getting a little tracker is a small price to pay to be safe from these deadly desaes that keep coming up.

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Gates flew on Epstein's jet

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Why has windows regressed?

No, bring back Hitler

>Bill Gates has failed!
>Let Elon Musk take over!

>Elon Musk has failed!
>Let Richard Brandon take over!

lol, Americans...

didn't the who blew it and bill gates supports the who without much questions

He's gone on the record saying things like "me and other health experts" and "our foundation and other governments", it's clear what's on his mind.

>Bill Afrophile Gates

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