When did the roles reverse in marriage?

Most married couples i see these days, the woman is dominant, very forward and aggressive. The man kind of takes a back seat and is like a yes man to his wife. I see this all the time with my neighbours, they are always shocked that my wife is subservient to me and has to ask my permission to go outside. These couples are genuinely shocked that i am for lack of a better word, in charge of my wife. One woman even told her it's abuse. Other women i've talked to say they respect it though and even joked that "a woman's place is in the kitchen mate haha"

I have never once beat my wife or attacked her physically, the relationship has always just run this way where i kind of wear the pants, as they say.

Yet our marriage seems to be the only one like this. My mother even mocks the men in these marriages and calls them "wet lettuces". These guys are dominated by their women.

One couple i know, the man has a driving license and drives the car but he's only allowed to drive to designated places his wife tells him and she always has to be with him. If he drives anywhere by himself while she's still sleeping or whatever he is admonished and banned from seeing his friends.

What the hell is going on with marriage?

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We told you not to put pussy on a pedestal, you didn't listen.

Nice LARP virgin

Welcome to Yas Forums.
It's the jews. It has always been the jews.

desu she was in the right this time

Married 10 years mate. Don't project your insecurities onto me. Go make a thread about getting cucked, pegged, and humiliated by a woman on Yas Forums

Can confirm. Women act like men these days

vaccines have turned men into sexless weaklings and they are incapable of sexually or spiritually satiating women
also, they're lazy and retarded

Attached: Vaccines_Before_AFter.unvaxxed.jpg (852x1410, 492.11K)

Cope incel

>Catty. Hysterical. Paranoid. Narcissistic.
Women are indeed more virulent and aggressive.
But this is NOT the same as "masculine".
This is a rabid form of femininity.

Attached: Sexless_Milennials_2019.png (942x693, 223.21K)

That chair is too low and offers poor lumbar support
Silly cuck, he's going to have crippling shoulder pain AND lower back pain

>4sqm to himself.
He's on the road to cuckoldm

I honestly don't know what the story is with modern marriages. I wear the pants in the realtionship. And although I never make a decision without consulting my wife, she accepts that I am more informing her than asking her opinion.

Oh, and the answer is single mothers
A modern phenomenon resulting from radical feminism, the welfare state, and biased divorce courts
Now ask who is behind (((them)))


>raised by single mothers and female school teachers
All their lives, they've been told to obey wahmen. They've never witness a man in charge, not even on TV where all the men are idiotic and subservient to stronk whaman.
This is what happens when jews are in control. They "emancipated" women for that reason, neutering men. That's why there hasn't been a holocaust since WW2 despite jews repeatedly causing finacial crisis.

>has to ask my permission to go outside.
>These couples are genuinely shocked
While its normal to treat your wife back in pakistan like that its uncommon in the UK, hence your neighbors acting confused


Attached: 1587178202925.gif (320x352, 837.36K)

>wife's coworkers are shocked she does all of the cooking and we never eat out (she's the only thin woman at her work besides one)

It's never not funny

its weird to not only know the place but also know one of that fag in the pic.

Rape is an instrument of male empowerement. Once rape was banned this was inevitable. Rape should be mandatory rite of passage for boys. Rapin is fun for women as much as it is fun for real men. If you don't ha e the stomach to hold a woman down, put a knife to her throat, rip aparr her clothes and fuck her while she cries and begs for mercy we have no need for you and neither do women. They just tolerate cucks like you who think consensual sex is suprior to rape.

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I dont know if this phenomenon is increasing in these times but i can say that this also exists in boomer generations as well, our neighbours were like that ( they are now about 70 years old, so even pre-boomer generation). The man just tolaerated it.

I also saw this with an uncle of mine (he is about 55 years old) and his wife has the pants on.

I guess this existed and exists since forever when women with dominant temperament marry with passive/subordinate men.

>one woman said it was abuse
I fucking hate, hate, hate cunts like this
>your guy doesn’t do everything you ask like a doormat?
>he kicked you out for cheating on him?
>umm that’s abusive sweety
Fuck. Most of the reason women are cunts is because their shitty friends have to corrupt them in order to justify their own shit personalities.

Yeah okay, go back to the goat field Mohamed

>When did the roles reverse in marriage?
5000 years ago

Poor diets and lack of exercise before and during puberty led to low T males.

>realize roasties cant play their submissive role in marriage
>married a 11/10 chad with a great career

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

it's about the state taking control of husbandry and making men obsolete for tranny NWO
they're trying to get as many women to break up nuclear families as possible with "SPEAK OUT ABOUT ABUSERS YOUR HUSBAND IS ABUSING YOU NORMALITY IS ABUSE HE IS MALE STALE AND TOXIC MASCULINITY"

the state is currently a blunt weapon used by the terrorists that control it

example terrorist social engineer article:


>the man should decorate the house
wtf roles have reversed here? do you wish we went back to the olden days of men decorating houses?

Women feel the need to control men when other women are sluts.

In the old Roseanne tv show the father Dan Conner says to his son "it hasn't been a good thing to be a man since the 60s".

Yeah but the state itself isn't a problem, it's the jews and their NWO puppets that created this environment. I believe they're afraid of stable nuclear families. They have to divide us to stay in power. Empowering women is the best way because women are extremely selfish and don't think of the common good. That's why only men should be head of the family.
I'm seeing everwhere signs with phone line about domestci violence, articles and TV reportings. It's like they actualy want domestic violence to happen, like some brainwashing.

Never understood it myself. Most men are just pussy whipped weaklings, I suppose. If a woman tells you what to do, tell her to fuck off.

>I'm seeing everwhere signs with phone line about domestci violence, articles and TV reportings. It's like they actualy want domestic violence to happen, like some brainwashing.
yes - they are terrorist social engineers
remember what sam hyde said about journalists "and thats a quote"

I've had several coworkers who were almost impossible to get out for an after work drink or activity. They are like "oh no, muh wife, muh kid, I need to see them, I never see them". Nigga please, you see them every fucking day, you telling me you can't go back home two hours later just once in a while? And when they say "oh okay I'll go with you guys, but not this time, next time you have to tell me in advance, like one week earlier so that I can arrange things with my wife". Do you seriously need your wife's approval with a one week advance notice to hang out with someone? Do you write an official request too?
Fucking hell. One of those guys (married to the same woman since he was young, 3 kids), eventually divorced, got back with his wife, then they broke up again. He ended up killing himself. The kind of guy who called me a friend, but we saw each other out of work maybe twice in 3 years, because it was always "muh wife, muh chillun"

Fuck this

>has to ask my permission to go outside

Is she your wife or your child?
You muslim?

Because women can afford to be selective, while men cannot. If she doesn't like you anymore, she can leave you and find another guy easily. They know this and it's amplified by dating apps. They know hundreds of guys are interested in them and it increased their self worth. For an average guy it's different