Bundesregierung bestätigt chinesische Einflussversuche auf Ministerialbeamte
>Federal government confirms Chinese attempts to influence ministerial officials

...China an die Beamten gewandt hatte, um mit deren Hilfe offenbar eigene Propaganda zum Ursprung der Corona-Pandemie zu verbreiten.
>...China had contacted officials to help spread their own propaganda about the origin of the corona pandemic.

Die Kontaktversuche aus China erfolgten demnach „mit dem Zweck, öffentliche positive Äußerungen über das Coronavirus-Management der Volksrepublik China zu bewirken“.
>The contact attempts from China were therefore "with the purpose of generating positive public statements about the coronavirus management of the People's Republic of China".



Other urls found in this thread:

>chinks gonna chink
its almost if they are slanty eyed jews

Yeah and?

Wow noone is going to do anything about it

More western fake news. Shock face. China is already number one it's just going to take the west a great depression to figure it out. (:

Okay bugman

五毛党 spotted

Why don't you translate for us phonefags?

He did you retarded nigger ape

important parts are already translated

hy china

No one is surprised or particularly cares that PRC is bribing foreigners for good PR. It does not prove they are responsible, just that they care a lot about saving face. What proves they are responsible comes soon.

Attached: china maps 2.png (601x419, 174.56K)

Theyll never figure it out. Unless they actually travel there and see how in the dust the US is developmentally.


I dont see a problem with this, China can do whatever they wish with their money.

fuck off chinks

Attached: the chinese must go.jpg (1014x1014, 755.13K)

China has taken the biggest L imaginable for the past three years. This last Corona saga is a deathblow to their hegemonic designs. Historically, China always gets *thiiiissss* close to being a world international player and then fucks it up. Like clockwork.

>hy china
What else would you expect them to do? It's what every state with a degree of soft power tries to do.

>how in the dust the US is developmentally.
shiny plastic trains and airports does not even begin to compete with fundamental USA advantages. we can, and may well, blow you out of the water in a few years with infrastructure investment. It's not a matter of can't, it's a matter of won't. The only way to compete with the top dog USA is to innovate so massively that it shocks the world, like USA has done for 150 years.

Nice! I hope it won't be burried.

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This user knows.

The US is a dumb nigger country. You're talking like it's still 1990 or something.

Nah, that is the kind of dirt that tends to stick in people's minds. ;)

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>all this denial
You can wave your flag as much as you want but it doesn't change the truth.

They get caught doing it here all the time.
We've had federal ministers "resign" because they worked too hard for chinks and not at all for their country-men

i crave a war we cannot win.

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What a dumb reason to resign, you are a nigger tear country.

Hope so too,
we already know that CCP (Communist China Party) tries to influence other countries with propaganda but now we also have prove of it.
With this, America should maybe look into their Journos... i mean, we are no longer talking about baseless allegation.

>change the truth.
correct. the truth is that China has yet to demonstrate anything beyond a great facility for copying the work of others. they do that very well but if you can't move up the supply chain you can't be top dog.

Servus, senpai! :DDD
Serious question - how it will affect the narrative? It might be part of your prediction about future changes. Will you give your eyes again?

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Same here, fren. Valhalla awaits! :)

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The US actively invites espionage limited hangouts to pump up nominal enemies, because they're that fucking backwards -- Soviet Union, now Red China. There is shit you cannot even begin to conceive of in the high technolgy sector, and no, not even *banker backdooring hard/software in tandem with this can accomplish a goddamn thing. pic related is bluster.

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No depression could be worse than my teens. Don't worry, the worst days are behind us.

Fuck China. These bug people cannot be trusted.

>literally every country tries to grease the wheels of other countries

Yawn - fuck off Hans

Sadly, our secret service (BIS) is screeching years about chink menace and nobody pays attention.

>With this, America should maybe look into their Journos
Not only journos, but politicians too. I think many democrats have butter on the head :D

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>Shock face
lol hi Xi

Good question ... I am always suspicious with (((Welt))) articles. They are an outlet for outrage about the bullshit going on, yet they are fully integrated into the globalist network. If a primary narrative (e.g. welcome fugees) becomes too doublethink-ey for the cuckservatives to accept it then Welt steps in and tries to "take pressure off the kettle". Yet, they'd never do it in a way that could damage the primary narrative. Still, this is a dangerous game to play ... the pressure might be lessened but the outrage stays. So I would say current strategy is to "softly blame" the chinks for a lack of proper information during early stages while avoiding the "hard blame" of a biotech Chernobyl.

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Hey Amerimutt shill #657 watcha doin? Welt is NATO water carrying mutt propaganda trying to influence German public opinion.

The are trying to fanbricate a scandal out of what is literally just basic DIPLOMACY. Working in your own interst is the whole point of diplomacy. The intention to produce positive reports about China is just an assertion anyways. The question asked if German government officials were CONTACTED and the government officials where contacted by Chinese officials.

German officials are contacted by US officials and US government owned "non government" organizations all the time. There is nothing extraordinary about it.

When you tell someone "here are the facts and proof for it, consider that Amerimutt propaganda is lying", there is literally nothing wrong about tha, but its enough to fit into this "caught redhanded trying to influence" propaganda

>I am silly! See mutt propagnada good!

>noone is going to do anything about it
Because there is literally nothing problematic that that happend

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I see, china's communist friends already in this thread attacking the suource.

Stay blind leftards, and follow your ideology without questioning!

This wont end well.

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China is number 1 this is NATO propaganda

>source: literally CIA
Dich hätte dein Vater besser vor den Ofen gerotzt.

Imma be more racist against the chinks living in my country.

Are you saying china is good boyz and dindu nuffin?

what are we gonna do about it, send niggers after them? lol we can try

Interesting. Fight fire with fire... But I think you are wrong. I take this Artikel as what it is - just an information about commie sticky fingers and lying mouths. I think this might be glow play to try cut connections, to scare politicians involved. Shake the mug, as the jews say... Goal? Expose moles, Verrätern and silently reduce chink influence. It will be good to watch, if this will be presented in Lügenpresse for longer and more than 1 Artikel.

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>the seeething of all the communist retards in this thread

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शो बोब्स और वेजाना शिल

This guy is a literal Arvato shill. Welt ist also pro globohomo, pisslam, muh refugees and muh Merkel.

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You are a racist piece of shit go die subhuman

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>please get in the mainstream media
normies need to WAKE UP

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Intredasting proposition, fren! You know, Welt is clearly an Atlantikbrücke outlet ... but the US glowies have in part switched sides to the globalists (or didn't even realize or care who they serve now). This might change now however ... guess the "internal war" of the US is slowly spilling over into every branch now.

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all you afd glow niggers are worse then atifa


>commie rat trying to derail it
How predictable.

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What if it was China all along? They planted the jew puppets.. makes one wonder

They respoded to a foreign attack by deploying the military asap and prevented a catastrophe? Yes.

Hey, don't be angery. Here, I'll invite you for some Apfelstrudel ... whatcha say? :)

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शो बोब्स और वेजाना शिल

>oy vey stop calling bullshit on my propaganda spins!

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>tfw in your head CCP translates automatically to Soviet Socialist Republic

I am a fucking ancient

Neck yourself, VPNigger