Chapo Trap House, Vaush, stupidpol, dirtbagleft, etc.
Have you heard about these things? They're basically leftwing Yas Forums but without any of the cool stuff (antisemitism, racism, sexism, etc.) Thoughts on them?
I only just came across them recently when reading countercurrents articles about the speculative red/brown alliance thing.
They seem to get much more viewers than altright corners of the internet. But then, they probably get censored/deplatformed/algorithmed way less. Makes you wonder how popular the altright could have been without the Jews shutting them down.
>They're basically leftwing Yas Forums but without any of the cool stuff (antisemitism, racism, sexism, etc.) nick mullen is the chairman of the DSA
Lincoln Green
I know of Vaush because he got rekt by Althype and still can't recover, almost a year later.
And I've seen one the chapo s()ymen getting drunk on an election night and calling for people to kill everyone around them and an heroing - still not deplatformed.
Dominic Sanders
If they're so popular, why have I never heard of them before?
Jack Parker
Why do Angloids specifically always get drawn to contrarian Leftist politics? Is it their subversive Jew genes?
Cooper Cox
Basically sounds like the gay bath house of the political internet.
Nathaniel Hughes
Keep calm and listen to based Mongolian throat singing.
The only good Socialist is a dead Socialist. Anything derived from the Frankfurt School must be eradicated completely. That means you and all your Leftist friends will not be sent to any Gulag, Arbeitslager, re-education camp etc., but will instead be dragged out of your beds in the middle of the night, lined up in the streets and immediately executed by a firing squad.
Repeat until World peace has been secured and there are no more trace of the Jewish filth left.
Endless bread and circuses being removed will make beefsteaks of them all [like 'watermelon', look it up]
Hunter Cooper
For division -jew slavers vs blacks -trannies in sports vs women -trannes vs pedos -refugees and capitalism(exposing real reason, base it on statistics) -everyone vs chinks because of virus and lack of ethics in general -globalism = global colonialism/corporatism by the few -celebrate nigger doing crime, this pushes away some
Bentley Miller
Know thy enemy. The fact that we're not trashing these places when they've been attacking us for years is a travesty. No raids rule my arse.
Colton Robinson
Check out leftypol
Lucas Flores
They are incredible boring and uncreative
Luke Cook
>They seem to get much more viewers than altright corners of the internet They have much more views on videos, because their videos stay up permanently and get promoted by algorithms, but they don't get nearly as many live viewers and much less engagement. Far right content just keeps getting deleted all the time so the view numbers under the videos aren't really that representative.
Juan Brown
They are allowed to be unironically nationalist. Makes me sad that we can't without being b8 and deplatformed.
Cameron Ortiz
Link to the chapo meltdown?
Jason Garcia
Joseph White
>Chapo Trap House, Vaush, stupidpol, dirtbagleft, etc. >Thoughts on them?
It's a bunch of closet gay pedophiles trying to frame right-wing sites/boards/subreddit/whatever. I had a youtube video of this tranny faggot talking about how he would raid boards and shit and how it started off super fun but then people started to catch on to how they were taking these boards and people down, and started to adapt. In order to counter this they started to strategically place Cheese Pizza on the boards, report them, just to get them taken down. This disgusted the guy and when he voiced his disagreement about it, they did as they always do and devoured their own. He vented in a video but deleted it I guess. Fucking faggot, I would have said don't watch it anyway, but I like to back up my shit.
Lefty stuff is boosted, it's been proven on reddit they boost the numbers of leftist shit to give the illusion that its the popular opinion
All those leftist subs are filled with children and college incels, who have never had a job and just want UBI and free housing etc, because they're depressed and lazy.
Brody Reyes
who aspires to be a member of this band of most obvious faggots?
Luis Mitchell
Most of it is pretty trash and basically on par with a brain dead hippy or some blind fanatical bigot (much like some of the people that unironically think literally everything was kikes).
Brandon Cox
>Have you heard about these things?
not really, i think ive seen the word vaush a few times but that's about it. i dont know who any of these people are
Jackson Richardson
got two things wrong apparently: it was during midterms and it was just one s()yman
>They're basically leftwing Yas Forums but without any of the cool stuff (antisemitism, racism, sexism, etc.) >Thoughts on them? Looked into Chapo, these guys are idiots. Their point was altright revolution was futile since an armed citizen was no good against a cruise missile. As if the government would waste million dollar cruise missiles in that way, also for some reason they assumed govt would be on the chapo side. Braindead selfproclaimed "socialist" leeches spending daddies money on audio interfaces and microbrews
Adrian Perry
Sounds like you would know
Kevin Butler
Incredibly based.
Elijah Ortiz
>Their point was altright revolution was futile since an armed citizen was no good against a cruise missile. Sounds right but I don't think anyone on the alt right actually plans an armed revolution
Jace Williams
Who the fuck knows? Probably none, they did not want to rat each-other out and get in trouble for CP. So basically a cheese pizza discord ring under the guise of a raiding group. Reddit is literally controlled by China, they invested 350 million dollars into it. The CEO of reddit has admitted he secretly edited right wing comments to make people look stupid.
If he will do that to comments out in the open, what would he do behind the scenes? How would he change the algorithm?
They also made it so if you upvote on quarantined subreddits you get put on a list and shadowbanned in a way. Just for upvoting.
They edited the algorithm to bury right shit. If you look on the front page right now, there will be NOT A SINGLE pro trump post, yet 10+ anti trump posts. This is not how reddit used to be. It has obviously been edited. The fact a normie like you is just now noticing it gives me hope people will start to notice the propaganda machine.