Why does he always get so nervous when the guest brings up him hypothetically being in the CIA?

Why does he always get so nervous when the guest brings up him hypothetically being in the CIA?

Attached: Joe-Rogan.jpg (2010x1340, 222.46K)

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he seems to have accepted the censorship standards. i guess we will see when Tim Poole airs.

You know the answer faggot, we all do

For what its worth, about a year ago his friend Joey Diaz outed him as ex-CIA live on the JRE podcast. Joe almost shat himself, the look on his face said everything you need to know about his glowy affiliations.


Fake and gay

gonna need some sources argie

There's no such thing as "ex-CIA"

The only good glownigger is a dead glownigger

that's exaggerated, but a while ago he also had his friend Duncan Trussell on and they had a weird bit about him being an asset too
I wanna chalk it up to him being just open to anything, he can't not have been approached by someone

lazy niggers

Nevermind, found it

Another of his close friends, Duncan Trussell, calling him out for being compromised.

Shill centrist faggot

There was a thread here a while ago about Joe and other celebs being tied up in some glowie drug experimentation thing. More to do with HRT, but you know he's an advocate for all types of mind alteration


Sorry, no can do, an user had shared it in a thread like a year ago, watched it once, but didn't save it.

>gonna need some sources argie

You are right to ask for a source,sorry mate, don't have one.... it was Joey Diaz though, that was for sure.

>There's no such thing as "ex-CIA"

Very true, of curse. But Diaz's comment had been something along the lines of 'well, haw are you doing Joe, you doing ok? heard that you were back with the CIA?'. Something like that.

>that's exaggerated

No it's not, it happened. Diaz asked him point blank something like 'So you're back with the CIA?', or something along thise lines. Joe's fucking face practically falls off when he hears this.

holy shit.
hahahhahahahahahhah he outed him.
>Eddie thought you went back with the CIA
Joe looks like he's about to shit himself

Has to do Brian Callen's father

>this is the NWO
kek wtf

Attached: bglglpdqeqbw4ms7me10.jpg (1024x350, 40.06K)

Good work, thx...


thanks for wasting my time motherfucker
thanks kind stranger

Hahah. Jogan flapped it as soon joey mentioned dinner with clever people. Joegan confirmed a nwo/cia asset.

Sorry for all the typos, getting pretty sleepy....

Don't the CIA have a height requirement?
maybe he was in the children's version

Yeah super nervous. That's some compelling evidence right there

Watch the Duncan Trussell one and how instantly defensive he gets and tries to change subjects, you fags.

Joey Diaz accidently exposed Joe Rogan "getting back with the CIA" a little over a year ago.

Watch how weirded out Joe gets, he never acts like that.


its well know glowies have assets in the entertainment industry.

sause? proofs? receipts?

>getting pretty sleepy....
You certainly are. I found a link myself after a bit of searching. It's further up the thread.

Alex Jones is CIA, it's pretty obvious considering his connection to Joe.


What the fuck is wrong with all their eyes?

Yes! This is it. Diaz does not seem to be joking when he asks the question.

Bravo alludes to him being CIA all the time

He is CIA, he controls all the dumb ass normies that start to realize the truth

you are retarded. this is not surprising seeing as you're a conspiracitard. Joe is based.

Take your meds

Yeah Alex tier disinfo shill all day


typical media personalities

Who cares he’s entertaining to watch. Go to fucking sleep.

evidence? faggot



Remember to smoke as much pot as you can and a little DMT doesn't hurt..

All good brah.

everyone I dont like is CIA
everyone I dont like is an NPC
politics is mental illness.
you tards are the same as sjw's

you're seriously fucking retards

a doped population is a compliant population. Wasn't that part of required middle school reading? 1984- the prescription fake drug that big pharma actually ended up making?

Read the fucking thread user.

>Why does he always get so nervous
