BONGLAND hate thread

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>BONGLAND hate thread
arent you ex commies? who just got a dictator? who happens to love israel?

Oi govna you got a loicense to hate?
Oh, you're hatin the white bri'ish?
Jolly good then, cheerio.

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Rule Britainnia, Bulgar.

Shouldn't this be a Serbia hate thread or something?

I dislike UK.

cheers my Bulgarian brother, but back on the lorry you go.

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Shut up and wash my car

I remember when these were posted everyday, the good old days.

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This is a 10/10 in bongland

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are those some ecelebs or something ?
regular anglo teenage girls look nice but they get fat and lazy real fast
brit food is cancer, lard and sugar with flavouring added
plus diversity everywhere

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Shut up and clean my floor you dirty polak

the guy on the left looks like he fucked by fags.
Imagine being a guy and wearing ripped skinny pants

I wish I was in Sunday Mass right now. I love a good sermon, a few psalms and a bit of hymning.

Oh look, it's another episode of 'They Hate Us 'Coz They Ain't Us'

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orthodox church is only church
ChoE is cucked even beyond catholic church

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Is that the Spring edition of the jew uniform?

Obvious kikery R tard


what the fuck

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Bulgarian women

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Gib geld

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>A Glasgow smile (also known as a Chelsea smile, or a Glasgow, Chelsea, Birkenhead, A buck 50 or Cheshire grin) is a wound caused by making a cut from the corners of a victim's mouth up to the ears, leaving a scar in the shape of a smile

Why so serious?

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Jealousy of being white and bringing the world out of 3rd world poverty is such a burden.

Such a burden no other race would be able to risen to the task. If you're speaking in english you might hate us but you have to speak our language to converse with the rest of the world.

What handful of poverty bitches speak your basic grunting?

Which of these two cuties do you mean?

ahahah tipical bongland hoe 10/10 too much teeths IGN

omfg wtf is that

That is one of our wonderful women, I might say a ten out of ten.

Go back to Yas Forums

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If only you knew how bad things really are.

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I remember a lecture I had where it stated that "small populations are better at navigating complex fitness landscapes"

The mean of the population is lower in Britain on many important metrics (intelligence) but the variance is much higher, hence such a tiny island can output world leading research, inventions, culture

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Ah yes, an anti-white dissembling post. Keeping to the script. You are stunning and brave OP!!!! I love you!!!

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Never go full normie

They speak English cause of us, not you mate. But then again we speak English cause of you. Or rather, because of us, since we were founded by anglos. Who knows.