Growing up I remember my father telling me when he lived in Africa (where he was born) he was a white and treated as...

Growing up I remember my father telling me when he lived in Africa (where he was born) he was a white and treated as one, he feared the blacks (he was mixed).
Then once going to England and Australia (when he was 10-13) he was called a nigger at school by other whites.
I remember when I was a young child (before I was 11, born 19990) other children called me dark, can literally remember a girl at school pointing to the dark kid in a book and saying that was me, fast forward to when I was 13. I would say nigger and stuff, other kids saying you are barely black, you can't say that and can't consider myself as one.
I can understand the Führer and what he was saying now. How can I make sure my kin knows this and follows the pure way and not have to deal with this? Us mutts don't deserve this confusion

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This image is fake.

built for British Broadcasting Channel

Have any other mutts had to deal with this kinda stuff?


That is an excellent fade.

Why base your entire life on that though

wait tone was he white or mixed (black)

I don't, but it shows that us mutts don't really belong anywhere.
He wasn't dark, but more tanned/brown than white.

Also an example would be, if I went around saying nigga I would likely get my head smacked in by some subhuman ape and called a white boy, but if I went around saying I'm proud to be white I would likely be laughed at and told "what the hell you ain't even white dude, how can you be racist like that"....

Rootless, at home nowhere, similar to nobody. Kinship with no people. Unwanted by all. This is the life bestowed upon you by your retarded grandparents who decided that race wasn't a key component to life. Each group has a natural affinity for their kind. Tribalism never ended, it's just been hidden from plain sight. If you don't wish mutthood on others, then you should have no more kin. Don't have children, don't pass on your horrible mutant genetics. Let your mistake of a bloodline die off with you.

all mutts deal with these demons

Move to America. It's the home of the mutts

>before I was 11, born 19990

HOLY SHIT how's the future mate? So there are still countries, White people and everyone keeps on hating niggers? That's rad

My father's mother was mixed and his father was white
So then my father made me with my mother ( my mother is white, he parents are German and Dutch)
>Let your mistake of a bloodline die off with you.
This is not something I want to do, my ancestors since the dawn of time reproduced, I don't want that to stop with me, that's really hard to deal with user


based black anglo make more black people in anglo countries they fought for that

So if your father was 3/4 white and your mother was 100 you're like 87-90% white right? Seems good enough desu.

Fuck off nigger
Thanks user, but is it really enough??

Fatherless homes are far bigger issue lets work on that and idk maybe teen presidency. Yes i would agree mixing race has a way of being confusing like for instance i am Irish, native american, and hispanic . my ancestors fought in the civil war on both sides and earned their citizenship. look at it this way user almost everyone in this county has a heritage its wither we choose to embrace it or deny it that defines us.

if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck

my bad this was meant for you

Also, considering you have almost 90% white admixture. Your phenotype should be almost indistinguishable from your average white. Why would people say your ethnic if you shouldn't appear to be based on your genetic admixture?

>its wither we choose to embrace it or deny it that defines us.
This is very true but if I chose to embrace or deny either side of my heritage I'm looked at like I'm either stupid, racist or a wannabe.

You are the only nigger
Dont reproduce

White guy with lots of black friends.
You'll always be treated differently because you're mix. I have lots of mix friends.
When mix guys get cleaned up and sociable they usually are better liked than white guys.

Nigger blood is hard to get rid of. Even some octoroons still have the funny hair and odd features.

>other children called me dark, can literally remember a girl at school pointing to the dark kid in a book and saying that was me

ngl bruce this whole thread looking pretty suspect right now.

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I guess because I still have some what of a tan, when I'm in the sun a lot I get very tanned, I don't burn like normal whites. Also I have a big nose too I guess, not spread but biggish, kind of like an Italian nose I guess.

>When mix guys get cleaned up and sociable they usually are better liked than white guys.
I sure as hell don't act like a nigger, and wasn't raised as one. My father was very strict and gave me good work ethics

Isn't the uk an Islamic state....

Dude how are you posting from the future?

I think this whole thread was some elaborate joke to laugh at people who took the bait. Well played bruce you had me there for a bit.

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Not bait fren, I'm a real mutt and it's a real story

post hand with timestamp.