Will the USA become communist one day?

Will the USA become communist one day?

Attached: 20200328_140913.jpg (534x739, 195.35K)

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No, but the nations that rise out of its rotting carcass might.

america doesnt deserve to be communist.
it deserves to obliterate itself into dust with even crueler and dumber capitalism until feudalism comes back


it will be balkanized with a communist partition

Yes but it will be bad kind of communism (the real communism).
The one with shit public institutions, crumbling market and exploited and disarmed middle class.

The bad kind of communism has never been tried.

Yes, as soon as spics breed out whites

at this point... yeah i can see it. probably not in our lifetime. maybe the next. i wouldnt doubt seeing a transition to socialism within 20-30 years, and you know what happens after that

No. It's like asking will the USA become land of the magical unicorns and they simply aren't real and wishing them into being won't work and at best you screw a horn onto horses (will die terribly because of infections) which is an equivalnet of Soviet Union.

All communists will be killed this decade.

All societies progress to communist societies given enough time and stability, it is inevitable.

No, but keep being a faggot OP and we might invade France.

Kind of it will become Latin American, not the Soviet Union.

Before the wuflu I would have said yes. But after wuflu China is hated and by extension communism is hated again. War with China will finally wipe out communism. Every pinko in America will be mobbed down.

goddamn that fake ass picture pisses me off every time I see it

I really wish this was true, everyone is loving Trump bucks, Republicans will bring us Communism, because they will finally realize paying minority's gets them votes or offering them something abstract like liberty and freedom from government.

With what ? Your soldiers are cowards who can't deal with sandniggers

*NOT offering them something abstract like liberty and freedom from government.

We deal with em fine.
Better than your soldiers deal with dinky Asians in pajamas.
Oh wait we bailed you out of that one.
Better than your soldiers deal with Germans
Oh wait
Well at least you pussies can deal with algerians.
Oh wait

our drones and ships aren't.

>Will the USA become communist one day?
>one day
let me take you on a journy back to the 90s. america is the biggest communist country

Attached: ark.jpg (306x457, 43.7K)

They have enough black people. already.

the usa will take canada and mexico before having a second civil war around 2150, checkem

based, he understands ZOG.

>what is nuclear deterrence

>we bailed you out of that one.
How? France left in 1952. US soldiers came in 1962.

I think you'll find most of France is above sea level.

Attached: 1586794019102.jpg (1242x1321, 787.62K)

Shhhh Nigel don't try to educate the mutts! It takes one's lifetime

It was mine btw.
Based bongman


Communism doesnt work. You want socialism. Power to the people.

I think he's gone. probably shot by a migrant.


>whats a cruise missile.

someone replace her face with Kim Yo-Jong