>severely bullied as young kid groups of kids
>33 years old now
>still get fearful and have my guard up ready to defend myself whenever I walk past a group of kids on the street
Bullying doesn't do shit bro its normal bro!
>severely bullied as young kid groups of kids
>33 years old now
>still get fearful and have my guard up ready to defend myself whenever I walk past a group of kids on the street
Bullying doesn't do shit bro its normal bro!
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Learn to fight you fucking pussy
Bullying is just a form of banter in australia. if you dont have a thick enough skin to get that you dont deserve to live here. Toughen up cunt
I'm not afraid of adult men.
I just have an ingrained irrational fear of groups of kids, because as a kid, I was severally bullied by other kids.
Proof bullying sticks with you for life.
>Proof bullying sticks with you for life.
And causes irrational retarded fears like this.
Im not afraid of 100kg 6ft+ men, but I'm afraid of groups of 30kg 4ft kids.
Because of bullying, this irrational fear I have now for life.
>"Im scared of children"
Next time you see one, just give it a boot in the chest. Your irrational fear is no longer a fear. courtesy me.
There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. It keeps you alive
>"being scared of children is good for you"
Just train BJJ you cunt, you won't be afraid of physical conflict anymore.
I am not afraid of adults.
The overwhelmingly majority of the people bullies bully, end up losers with little to no achievements whatsoever. Name one billionaire that was relentlessly bullied in their childhood. I can't think of one.
Most men have grown out of randomly abusing strangers on the street, but get 2 or more kids and they're going to make a show for their mates of "bullying" grown ups. I remember I walked past a group of 3 kids, must have been like 12 years old and I suddenly heard them sprinting up behind me like they were going to try and jump me but they chickened out of it as soon as I turned round, their leader was clearly the little nigger kid (the other 2 were white). This was in quite a rural area too, not the city. It's not a wholly irrational fear of yours, I mean they're probably not going to successfully beat you up but they're likely to start shit because they know nobody's going to do anything back because they're kids.
BJJ is good, wrestling too, but I would train a striking art like boxing as well. I do boxing and MMA. Bullies attack in packs, I heard of someone who used BJJ against multiple opponents once, some say he's still getting stomped out to this day.
Your words, not mine. Accept fear and move on
Part of the fear I have is that if any group of kids try to do that stupid shit on me, that I'd snap and give one of them brain damage, then I get in trouble as some evil man.
Literal PTSD reaction etc.
You sound fucking extremely autistic anyway. i think you should do it, then you dont have to worry about going back to clean your mothers pussy after she earns enough money to feed and house you.
I am autismo.
I'm use to there being nobody around during the day when I go for my NEET runs during the day. Now everyone is NEET and there's tons of normies around during the day.
I want all these people to go back to work and school so I can enjoy my NEET life.
>unpopular, defenseless retards tend not to become famous billionaires
you don't say?
People with winning qualities don't get bullied.
I feel the exact same way. You'll get in massive trouble if you hurt one of the little bastards and get caught. Or if you show any aggression they'll scatter, throw things at you, taunt you, or try to follow you home to see you where you live and you'll have to lose them somehow. You definitely don't want feral neighbourhood kids making your house a target. Kids are fucking shits.
Carling is decent.
you were meant to have many brothers, kids used to know fucking with someone was fucking with their family tribe... channel that survival instinct it will be useful in the days to come
Truth isn't popular. You can get bullied even if you know how to fight.
I couldn't leave house in years because it would always be a fight. Would not matter if I lost or won, it was not worth it.
I wonder if it's kikes or low iq retards who love bullying so much. Heck, circumcision is bullying so I guess both.
I never told my parents because I just assumed that was normal behavior and that many humans were all literal wild animals.
This is me but with niggers
>People with winning qualities don't get bullied.
That's wrong. Your parents move to a place full of subhumans (like lower classes) and a heavy concentration of narcissists (genetic trait), and your winning qualities become markers of being on the white side in our civil war and they'll hate your guts, jawline, big penis, trust, morality, knowledge and clothes if they aren't cheap.
At least you didn't get a weird jewish cult on you 24/7.
So when they try to attack you immediately drop to your knees and assume bjj position in order to deflect imminent attack?
>Proof bullying sticks with you for life.
Exactly right, and Yas Forums is too christia... err retarded to admit it.
i always laugh at people who toe the lie that bullying stops after school
Is this some bizarre form of cope?
They’re called take downs retard. The point of bjj is to TAKE the fight to the ground, not start on it.
>"Im scared of children"
If they're Chavs he should be. they're vicious scum.