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Tou made this thread too many times mutt. Sage

I like how she had her uniform custom fitted to be even more slutty, she deserves a long BBC to punish her

Both unironically built for bbc.

Alright listen up. This shit is not that complicated:

With everyone isolating themselves and staying inside, hospital are not getting any of the patients they normally would. That means random people having to go to the emergency room, people doing surgeries, people going in for optional operations, etc. Basically everyone is trying to avoid going to the hospital as much as possible.

As such hospitals are basically empty right now except for coronavirus patients. In some hospitals in major metropolitan areas they're swamped with people. However there's plenty of hospitals all across the continent in smaller sized cities or towns that just have a handful of corona virus patients for their entire building.

That's why you're seeing lots of hospitals sending doctors and nurses home or having nurses fucking around and making Tik Tok videos.


Attached: mongo.png (2043x1187, 2.43M)

Attached: godIwishthiswasme.png (875x690, 746.12K)

me on the left

Longest paid vacation nurses ever had in their lives, except the ones that get furloughed. And then they protest instead of dancing.

So why don’t these hero’s go to the locations that are swamped and help with the influx of people?

Dr. Erickson might be able to inject some disinfectant on that subject.

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I noticed that too. wtf.

Am I strange. I want to eat their rancid farts

fucking women

Exactly, the real ill people that actually need care are staying home because of fear of this hoax. In a small county in GA they were saying the hospital was over burdened when they had less than 20 cases total in a single county at the beginning. It's all bullshit, its a hoax. One guy in Ohio maybe a film your hospital video and drice to three different ones near and in Dayton. They were empty, the parking lots, reception was empty, with the workers wearing no masks. He even drove by the stadium where they set up tents, which were all empty. This is all a hoax, people are waking up but not fast enough.

I used to run mall kiosks that sold phone accessories, cases, what not. We had them all over the state. We would use them as recruitment centers for stip clubs and certain chain steak restaurants. We would always have a girl working the kiosk with a recruiter. The typical avenue was hired at the steak house cause she's not a whore> meets strippers that work at the steak house> does one night a week at the strip joint to afford to hand out with stippers she met at the steak house>quits the steak house to work at the stip club> finds a sucker a becomes a nurse

I know so many fucking whore nurses

so the pipeline is really tweenager>roastie fuck toy>nurse>wife

Our mall kiosks got paid like any recruiter, per head, the larger payments for direct strippers, though those were rare....and we sold the chinee plastic shit for coke money.

Nurses aren't doing anything right now. In the U.S. the only folks who are pulling extra shifts are Respiratory Therapists and CNAs. All you're seeing is the true nature of nurses coming to public attention - they're largely lazy, self-important and self-centered, so they'll go out of the way to call themselves heroes while us RTs are actually trying to stop people drowning in their lungs.

Why is it so hard for poltards to understand the virus cannot be everywhere at the same time ? Especially thanks to confinement.

But policies asking hospitals to cancel non-vital surgeries are nation wide, even in places with no corona cases. So yeah, there's some hospitals with nothing to do but tiktok videos. They think they are being supportive to the others hospitals with 10 times the death rate they usually have.

can we abolish women?

>nurses have to work 24 hours and are not allowed to have a break
>most hospitals are chilling because social distancing works
how about some of you retards finally protest and have fun outside so you can die and make some work for them

Nurses are just trying to bag a rich doctor.

If we work together fren, that lofty dream can be a reality

i dont know
cant really trust americans

These nurses are literally just traitors
They are using a chinese spy app

Attached: china meme.jpg (739x806, 129.43K)

There's a difference between taking a break and acting like a degenerate for attention

> others hospitals with 10 times the death rate they usually have


Do you think her underwear is very sweaty and pissy at the end of a shift? And farty, from all the beef breezes and arse yawns she makes

Attached: V52ATasSCmKBschkZu8XymcWB.png (760x749, 485.16K)

even if that american is a big dick trap? :^)

Why does she have a negress ass?

how big are we talking?

The media says it's everywhere. The authorities keep saying its deadly, asymptomatic yada yada. In the state of Georgia they've confirmed 23000 cases since the beginning, but the count has never been lowered, they've never declared recoveries and aren't even recording them. The numbers are misleading, all those people can't be sick at one time. Living in a heavily populated area, i don't know anyone with it, don't know anyone who personally knows anyone who is sick. I've been to the crowded was stores for months, which are even more crowded because they've reduced the hours, and haven't gotten sick, I've seen the same workers at the stores and restaurants who still haven't gotten sick. At this point everybody would have been coofing weeks ago. The stores are still stocked too. It's all fucking fear porn, the media and authorities are lying. Even here are countless shills keeping everyone scared about this bull shit. Still can't believe Yas Forumsacks are buying it. Heartbreaking.

>I used to run mall kiosks that sold phone accessories, cases, what not. We had them all over the state. We would use them as recruitment centers for stip clubs and certain chain steak restaurants
I used to run mall kiosks that sold phone accessories, cases, what not. We had them all over the state. We would use them as recruitment centers for stip clubs and certain chain steak restaurants

So what you are telling me is you are a dirty kike that has contributed to the social decay of America? Kill yourself.