Just reminding you

you’re an incel because you choose to be

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Is it really involuntary then?

>because you choose to be
But then its not involuntary.

Hey fuck off I'd have a gf too if I was a cripplechad.

I'm an incel because I hate 99,9999999997% of women.

He's probably a cuck and she probably has a fetish for disabled men

If you’re gay, you fail at life.

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that chick has so many fuckin mental issues

Their whole relationship is definitely bullshit. I can just see how much she hates this crippled midget every time she looks at him. She probably collects his famous/disability bux while fucking real men on the side.

The reason why some of you who never get a girl is because you're awkward and self conscious about everything.

Just live more dangerously and risky. Girls will follow.

Khazarmilkers dot com loves this

literal retard fucker that loves being in control

i feel sorry for that guy because he's smart enough to understand the situation but doesn't give a fuck because she plows his broken dick

He must have money.


She wants fame, not love. If he hadn't already had social media fame, she wouldn't have been interested.

Good job user, you know

Oh hey...I know that song!

uh hello, based department?

Stop acting like jealous girls and feel good for our crippled brother making it.

extremely based

Sounds like you're into fun and goofy

>>be chad
>>be cripple
>>be evil

if you're normal you're shit out of luck mate, women hate normal

Bet you anything she fucks Somalis while he watches

>of course I'm a volcel, women nowadays just aren't worth it.
>I could get a gf if I wanted to, but I just don't bother because it is not worth it.
>fix women first and I'll bother with them
>volcel chad for life!

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>dysgenics of liberalism in a single picture
This is why you need to man up and become a Vocel. Do not give your seed to this hideous subhuman non-divine creatures that call themselves humanity. Let the chimera monstrosities inhabit this dead world while you build your energies and seed your conscious to another plane entirely.

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Thank you based mongol tranny patrol


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Fucking B A S E D

I mean, that is pretty much how it works.

She's obviously getting fucked on the side. Disgusting watching her pretend she's in love with that poor bastard for money and youtube upcummies.

Doesn't work for average looking guys

Eh if I were him I'd prefer being a cuck and getting some action with that hot chick over being an incel

This desu

Yeah he's a paraplegic who has zero options. Great take.

How do I get a cute gf, Yas Forums? Have they all been corrupted by Tinder?

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Even if you're an incel, how could this trigger you? He's not even a full man. His supposed "fiance" acts as a full-time carer.
You can only feel like a real man if you protect your wife. This is a complete perversion of that. Also, this nigga most definitely can't even satisfy her sexually. I'd fucking off myself if I were him.

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