Oregon of New Mexico?

Which is better to escape the globohomo mega city life and live off the land as much as possible?

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Oregon has garden of eden levels of beauty. It also has satanic levels of degeneracy. It's what poetryfags call a contradiction or something

If there was any western state I’d move too it would be New Mexico or Nevada, maybe Northen Arizona but New Mexico for sure.
t. appalachia

Washington, Idaho, or Montana are the only clear choices.

I think eastern Oregon is similar to New Mexico in a lot of ways.

New Mexico is a terrible choice for living off the land the entire states a desert and life in Oregon is centered around Portland

>life in Oregon is centered around Portland
That is like saying life in the United States is centered around New York City.


George Soros is buddies with Oregon politicians. State is also overrun with liberal Californians who are fleeing their collapsing state.


New Mexico is a pretty depressing place. All of it, not just part of it.

The west coast of Oregon is the lush Willamette Valley. It rains a lot there so it is easy to grow food. Very green. But highest concentration of grass pollen in the world, so hell for allergies.

take it from a born and raised Oregonian, go to Idaho, this state was gone a long time ago, globohomo runs the state.

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If you want a cheap working class town to live in, I suggest Albany, Oregon. It's a five minute drive to Corvallis, which is an expensive, trendy college town.

Oregon outside of portland is peaceful, right wing. Unfortunately they succumbed to voter fraud and let a democrat in who literally copypastes what California does and replaces "California" with "Oregon"
Klamath Falls is where downies go and meth addicts live surrounded by illegal mexicans.
Pretty fitting place for a Yas Forumsack, desu
New Mexico is a shithole, why would you want to live in a desert?
Montana is by far the best place to escape the jew.

>But highest concentration of grass pollen in the world, so hell for allergies.

best way to tell if someone isn't a local.


I like eastern Oregon but Ontario has a funny smell. They must have lots of cow or something.

I sure hope you like BLM frees.

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New Hampshire is the answer

I don't know.

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if i had to guess you are a Californian based off of the options you listed. in which case there is no safe place for you to go because your mind will always be attached to your body. you've been infected with toxic culture and these traits will turn any sought bliss into misery. I suggest renouncing your Californian ways

It also has a choo-choo train.

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You can literally find that anywhere though.


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I'd give up Walmart if the rural fags give up their stupid culture.

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Did you even read the sponsor?

I don't even understand why Californians want to move to some of the worse states. Like go to Wisconsin or Massachusetts or something. Why would you want to live in a place like Oregon or Texas?


might be a little easier if it wasn't cut off

>New Mexico
Fuck off we’re full

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I've been looking at some really rural places. Its cheap but then you are a 2 hour drive from a Walmart or Home Depot.

>It also has satanic levels of degeneracy.

Isn't that just in Portland?

>Why would you want to live in a place like Oregon

weed dude, gays, and tattoos.

cal fags love Oregon its just like California but cheaper.