She died two days after the vaccine was administered...

>She died two days after the vaccine was administered, authorities have said and added that an investigation into the cause of the death has been initiated.

>A statement by the researchers said Elisa had complications few hours after taking the vaccine and died while on admission.
How many people have to die so we can cure one strain of a virus that has already mutated into hundreds of strains

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Other urls found in this thread:

„functioning“ vaccines will have risks and hidden damages, such as infertility. If you think pumping suspicious chemicals into your bloodstream won‘t cause harm or side effect, then you are a retard and deserve to die from said vaccines.

also post link, fagget

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If some shithead force me to take vaccine id beat the shit out of him. I prefer living out of the new system than being branded

She gave her live in the the aims to help others.
I know we typically don’t appreciate do gooders here but dang that’s sad

Do we clap or nah?

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nice link faggot


NO you fucking IDIOT she gave her life for the 4000 dollars she desperately needed so she could buy more booze and netflix.

Her life was worth 4000 dollars and she fucking sold it to a jew. She deserves a big party of shame so that all her friends and family can feel the guilt of not educating her dumb ass.

This. The Chinese government was already using their people as vaccine guinea pigs, anyway.

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Oi! Where's yer Dieing loicense?

Elisa Granato, one of the two who received the jab, told the BBC: "I'm a scientist, so I wanted to try to support the scientific process wherever I can."

The vaccine was developed in under three months by a team at Oxford University. Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at the Jenner Institute, led the pre-clinical research.

"Personally I have a high degree of confidence in this vaccine," she said.

"Of course, we have to test it and get data from humans. We have to demonstrate it actually works and stops people getting infected with coronavirus before using the vaccine in the wider population."

Prof Gilbert previously said she was "80% confident" the vaccine would work, but now prefers not to put a figure on it, saying simply she is "very optimistic" about its chances.

> Four other volunteer are said to be battling complications due to adverse reactions of the vaccine.

Nurses were too busy making tik tok videos


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Based bongoloids removing themself.

What kind of martyr idiot would volunteer for this?

Fucking idiot. She was a scientist.
Learn to read.

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what's this meme?

She was an hero.

WHy would anyone volunteer for this? Does her family get any money if she dies?

Vaxxers btfo

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it doesn't look that credible though

She didn't give her life. They took it. You idiot.

>"Personally I have a high degree of confidence in this vaccine," she said, just prior to death

That site is bullshit. Headlines taken from other sites and peppered with propaganda. But you knew that already, shill.

>Oi! Where's yer Dieing loicense?
Bobby knock on the door demanding to see your license to take a fag vaccine and die. Soon, all your iphag videos belong to the state.

Women in STEM
"Personally I have a high degree of confidence in this vaccine"
Vaccine kills test mammals. Just like the SARS vaccine tests.

Seems the vaccine can't kill trannies.


>bringing a vaccine to an ADE virus
what did they expect?

Take a jew invented vax and that's what happens.

the link is an ad revenue generating website made by some one person, it's not a news organization.

>we have to test it and get data from humans. We have to demonstrate it actually works and stops people getting infected with coronavirus

We also have to make sure it does not kill any one...

lol faggot, you got so fucking moded. it's a fake article and the scientist who they tried saying died is doing fine. she even tweeted about it. it's funny as fuck to see people like you rage about something that ends up being false. you got so excited, all for nothing.

>OP proved fake & gay

We should all adopt a kitten, now that we know she is not dead. Unless you can smell her decomposing corpse, I suggest you adopt a kitten.
You have a better chance of pussy adopting a kitten than getting any off of this dead corpse.

Citation needed

god damn, you are one of the stupidest people i've ever come across on this or any other site. did you now see the 2 different names? the woman who said that was not the woman who got the vaccine. what the hell, are you like 2 years old?


She must've gotten the disinfectant injection.

here's your citation faggot:

She’s clearly a wop.

Fake and gay fuck you nigger saged

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this study was offered to me since I used do those university/market research questions experiments for money

>we are going to inject you with experimental shit
>1k and travel expenses as compensation

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"Yes, all according to plan bwahahaha"- Bill Gates

(((Sarah Gilbert))) sacrificing gentiles.

Nice and believeable link

>post fake news on virus infected blog site with zero human web traffic
>disprove planted fake news to convince plebs vaccines are safe and they shouldn't believe any stories about them being dangerous
They've adapted!

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unfunny zoomer trash

I would rather just get sick, risk the 0.0010% I die (just like any other flu), and get on with my life. I'm not even antivax but this bug isn't even worth the effort.

Pisses me off how we're tripping over each other to get a vaccine out the door. By the time it's done, we'll either have natural immunity or it'll have mutated and become endemic.

What a joke.

if not here then someone else.

the "reward" for taking an untested vaccine is 4 grand in the UK. It's better to just sell your toe (worth up to 10k) to a vain person who needs a spare.

Take Trump's $5.00 miracle cure.

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