Black parenting

>black parenting
Why are they so retarded bros? Are they victims of society?

Attached: chrome_xoZHMB67Uk.png (513x393, 202.94K)

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>Why are they so retarded
Look into the Minnesota adoption study.

Attached: IQ.jpg (9367x7283, 3.93M)

At least the father was concerned.
The mother was just being an oblivious retard in the other room. Probably eating doritos and watching tv or some shit.

huh? are you stupid?

god damn woman would you GET YO ASS IN HERE?

so frustrating

"Yo come in here"

I thought the dad was good? I dont see anything wrong really in the clip except the dad doesn't call 911 right away it seems fake,.

I'm not watching niggers do nigger things, what happened?

I deleted my Twitter account and their new level of kikery won't let me see vid without one, anyone kind enough to explain?

>black fathers

Attached: Black kid pranks dad.gif (320x180, 1.04M)

>Dial 911
Mate this is America, you don't just call an ambulance do you want to be broke and in medical denbt the rest of your life.

That seemed pretty wholesome to me.

Attached: 1585257165372.png (952x949, 19.61K)

Indeed, heart-warming.
It's a shame we have to gas them all, but it can't be helped.

>He peelin' this nigga up here peelin'
She probably couldn't understand what the fuck he was saying

Haven't laughed this hard in a min

what does "skeen" mean?

Worthless mother

Literally niggers being niggers. It's worse because niggers think this is "normal" behavior.

Can anyone understand what niggers are saying?

It's almost if you can see how they enter an endless cycle of problem solving. They never get out. As if the brain impulses are somewhere lost on the way.
Same thing with shouting same words over and over again. Endless cycle.
Is it parenting? Substance abuse? Education? Or outright IQ?

I try not to believe it's IQ. But then I watch clips like this and I can't find any other answer.


"Oogabooga nigguh fuk u duin bruh nigguh skeen peelin oogabooga muh dik shiiiieeeet"

Attached: 1556091383043.png (230x209, 29.56K)

My grandfather used to be a Train Driver in South Africa. This was during the period from about 1960-1989. He was a good Train Driver, probably the best there was in South Africa at the time, never late for work, always did his job. It was his favorite job actually, not because of the beautiful scenery and relaxing environment of the front drivers cabin with the amazing view, he did not do this job because of the reasonable and stable pay packet, he did not do this job because he liked to choo-choo all day long and transport humans from Jo-burg to Durban, he did it because he wanted to see how many Niggers he could hit with his train before he retired. In 29 years of loyal human transporting service, my grandfather managed to hit and terminate 27 Niggers with his big giant and invincible-to-niggers train. They all died, he made sure never to brake. He told me that once he hit a big fucking she-kaffir baboon, probably weighed around 400 pounds, and when he stopped the train to inspect the damage to the front of the train he says that he could not find one piece of nigger flesh larger than a handful. This fat fucking nigger exploded into thousands of tiny little yellow pieces of flesh and fat, the train hit her so hard. Hardly left any damage to the train except for the messy cleanup of removing nigger entrails from complex white mans choo choo machine.

RIP based grandad. This story made me smile inside.

Attached: 1587390866935.webm (640x800, 922.15K)

It's a mixture of society, education, culture and intelligence.

dont know what you are talking about. it lets me watch without an account

My grandfather used to be a Train Driver in South Africa. This was during the period from about 1960-1989. He was a good Train Driver, probably the best there was in South Africa at the time, never late for work, always did his job. It was his favorite job actually, not because of the beautiful scenery and relaxing environment of the front drivers cabin with the amazing view, he did not do this job because of the reasonable and stable pay packet, he did not do this job because he liked to choo-choo all day long and transport humans from Jo-burg to Durban, he did it because he wanted to see how many Niggers he could hit with his train before he retired. In 29 years of loyal human transporting service, my grandfather managed to hit and terminate 27 Niggers with his big giant and invincible-to-niggers train. They all died, he made sure never to brake. He told me that once he hit a big fucking she-kaffir baboon, probably weighed around 400 pounds, and when he stopped the train to inspect the damage to the front of the train he says that he could not find one piece of nigger flesh larger than a handful. This fat fucking nigger exploded into thousands of tiny little yellow pieces of flesh and fat, the train hit her so hard. Hardly left any damage to the train except for the messy cleanup of removing nigger entrails from complex white mans choo choo machine.

How many fucking times did he call for the mom?

I'm not watching nigger media. Just posting to say death to all niggers. I hope the covid takes them all out.

Blacks used to be at least somewhat respectable and decent. What the fuck happened?

Are there subtitles? I don’t understand a word that was said. And I think one of them has a gun.

>Black parenting

Attached: Fucking niggers.png (933x860, 576.4K)



They didn't. That's a lie you've been sold. You think segregation was because we just didn't like respectable blacks? They were niggers then just like they are now.

The end of segregation allowed the more talented ones to not have to build up their own people, fracturing them further combined with the same cultural changes pushed in The US. Such great (((progress)))

Slavery ended.