Mike Pence intrigues me. Does he have a personality or a sense of humor? I consider myself a pretty empathic person...

Mike Pence intrigues me. Does he have a personality or a sense of humor? I consider myself a pretty empathic person, and when I look at Pence in the news, photos, debates.... I just don't get any sort of read on him. There's something dark going on with him, and I can't quite figure it out.

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he is a time traveler lul

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gimme the waifu

Hes the deep states in case of emergency president back before they realized Trump is on their team

I am with you, user. Guy is kind of a mystery. He is the VP and I feel like I know nothing about him except surface-level details.

In the future we all end up looking like Mike Pence for some reason. Pence is a future boi time skipper.

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>Dead eyes. Like a doll's eyes.

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all i know is that he brings up jesus every time he brings up his wife. which i think is pretty gay.

I went to high school with one of his daughters. She was surprisingly down to earth and I don’t think she shares/shared the same loonie politics as her dad

im convinced that one of God's arch-angels is guiding him. He always has the look that he knows what's going to happen, and it's going to end up alright in the end. He looks both comforted and a sense of schadenfreude

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He hold religious beliefs I don't like and he won't apologize or cower or act how I think he should. Something "dark" going on there, no doubt about it.

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He's got a permanent poker face. You could deal him any hand in the world, and he'll just look at you the same way. Like he has no internal monologue he's processing, just this stillness, this ominous void the goes on forever.

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He is an outlyer. Not sure if its intentional or not. He keeps his cards close to his chest.

Opposite of Trump was picked to appease “Never Trumpers”.

When they saw Trumps approval went higher, they didn’t need Pence to intervene so he’s just been doing background bull shit and propping up Trump.

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He's a time traveler from the future.

Imagine if he was your Dad

Pence oversees a blackmail ring, but doesn't participate in the diddling of kiddos

I particularly liked the speech he gave at the Holocaust memorial. It was heartfelt and genuine. I like him.


Pretty based if you ask me. Triggers the left without doing anything

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Pence and Putin. A religious idiologe and a world leader. Thr heavens have opened.

At least wait until your brother is officially dead before Queen-perving on our Vice President

you are just remarkably faggy

OMG This, so much this!

Pence is similar to Putin in that he is self controlled and measured. I wonder if he has the confidence and support of the ppl.

>tips fedora

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He probably dreams about electrocuting gays and lynching niggers and he is happy, but then he wakes up and then hes sad, thinking about what could be. Then counting down the hours till he can next go to sleep and be happy again

Did anyone screenshot this?

>File: 81A5C7D0-383D-4ADA-9FEC-4(...).jpg (81 KB, 1100x550)
That's a great photo.

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That's because he's Barron from the future sent back in time to protect his dad.