Personally, i'd rather be gay. what about you?

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You know most niggers are closet cases, right?



But OP you're already a faggot

At least it's possible to hide being gay

I don't get any tail as a straight man anyway so turning gay wouldn't change much.

I would kill myself

Gay. Because being gay is a choice and I would immediately choose to be straight.

Black, but I better be at least 6'4 and have a huge dick


I am neither and this game is stupid


Found the gay nigger.

black, obviously. I could head to the gym, listen to some rap, bulk and fuck hot Shaniquas and Keshas.

You can choose to not be gay, you can't choose to not be a nigger. The answer is obvious.

If you're forced into such a choice, the only reasonable third answer is to kys.

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e-gas OP

Ok now this is based

Take this shit to Yas Forums where it belongs faggot.

based user

>access to numerous aid programs
>deferential treatment by most upper-middle and middle class Americans
>my pick of the white women
>dicks in my ass
>increased risk of HIV
>expected to befriend ugly girls


>Unless you have been buttfucked as a kid

This is the only acceptable answer

>chooses black
Abracadabra, you're a gay nigger that's 5'4" that can't find his 5" dick under his sweaty diabetic American fat rolls. Congratulations.

ye 5 mins of curious looking around the gay section of an ad website was eye opening.
barely any blacks around here but half of the fags were black. some actual your standard thug stereotype thrown in too

>I could head to the gym, listen to some rap, bulk and fuck hot Shaniquas and Keshas.
no homo but i'd rather have a dick in my mouth than listen to rap and fuck black chicks.

All niggers are gay so if I’m a fag either way then I’d rather be white.

>wake up every day for the rest of your life with skin the color of literal shit, no matter what you do that will never change

I'd rather be black and homo

Gay. Being gay isn't bad. It's kinda like having the attractions of the female form while in the male body. Getting fucked can feel amazing.

OP, you are a niggerfaggot already, what are you talking about?

>Be a faggot
>Go to hell
>Rob a store, kill someone and dont repent
>Go to hell

In that scenario id rather eat a bullet since im going to hell anyway

Black, cope incels.

Agreed, you can change being a faggot, you cannot change niggerdom.

nobrainer, gay


I'll make sure to give cute white girls the BBC

Based and true

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Nigga, blacks ain’t green.

what's wrong? some black girls can be pretty hot. i have seen some nigerian foreign students at my uni and a few of them are pretty.

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Would be an improvement if anything


Black, being gay is a worse fate than being a nigger.

we already know your a mutt but ive seen maybe 2ish cute white girls with black dudes ever, the rest were fat overiweight pigs and out of those 2 one for a fact i known had serious daddy issues/massive whore in highschool.
i live in a an extremely diverse area too. so good luck living in that myth meanwhile you only ever see cute black girls with white guys, weird huh?

Homo , at least I'd still have a triple digit IQ .

Would rather kill myself and suffer in hell for an eternity than be either of those things.

Gay, cuz that can be fixed with psychiatry and moral fiber.

Why not both and spread AIDS to everyone?

Neither. But if I had to choose then black. Although I might end up being gay anyway since a disproportionate amount of blacks are fags but I'll roll the dice.

Only correct answer


Would I rather be retarded or have sexually abusive parents? Tough choice.


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sage all shareblue/leftypol/shill slide threads

Gay because at least you can still fuck traps. Being black you may as well be a baboon fucking baboons

At least if you were gay you would have an easier time dating

>be sexually mentally ill
> or be racially mentally ill

>wanting to get HIV from dating

Blacks can be gay too... OP is cum-guzzling idiot.