/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3458

► Detected: 2,921,513 (+2,109) ► Died: 203,299 (+135) ► Day: 108 (-20:17:57)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,584 strains have been sequenced —


Chinese activists detained after leaking information on GitHub

China wants to delete this:

8 patients in Hong Kong test positive after "recovery"

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

20,000 dead in the UK, beating projections by 8 months

"Recovered" in Japan sick again

"Theoretically possible" to get virus from mosquitoes

NHS officials say Muslims are hardest hit in the UK

Virus binds to CD147, fourth route found

Antibody tests detect wrong antibodies, binders not neutralizers

Biggest slums in Brazil see first coronavirus deaths

H1N1 estimates took confirmed deaths and multiplied by 15

China burning bodies without testing or registration

▶ 57 new cases and 10 new deaths in Hungary
▶ 17 new cases in Kyrgyzstan
▶ 24 new cases in El Salvador
▶ 213 new cases in India
▶ 36 new cases and 4 new deaths in Honduras
▶ 245 new cases and 9 new deaths in the United States
▶ 15 new cases and 3 new deaths in Australia
▶ 43 new cases and 2 new deaths in Guatemala
▶ 59 new cases and 2 new deaths in Bolivia


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 204,992
lol, still only 204,992.
How many days has it been stuck at 204,992? Four days? Five days?

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>China versus USA in dealing with Coronavirus. Which country protects its doctors and nurses better? Which one values lives more? Which one employs scientific best practices? Which one is a better country?

My aunt is a nurse in the US and many healthcare professionals dont even have access to paper fuckin masks, this country is a disgrace

My mom is doctor&surgeon in China, healthcare is not profit driven in China, so my parents were not very rich compared with American doctors. My mom gave up her vacation on duty in the whole Jan/Feb, ' To serve the people' She said. I'm damn proud of my mom

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China has sent — thru exports and donations — over 1.4 BILLION surgical masks, 75 million N95 masks, 500,000 test kits and 4000+ ventilators to the US. Yet, America doesn’t show any gratitude.

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And American told me we should be happy they didn't nuke us Chinese.

WTF is wrong with them?

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That’s a disgusting sentiment. My country had plenty of time to react and failed. The blame lies on the US govt who did nothing and the ignorant people who still support them.

Also, how do so many Americans fail to see that regardless of origin, the containment of the virus was a complete failure in the US? Cracks in the govt response in gleaming light. It’s honestly pathetic that these people still blame China instead of taking accountability for themselves and for who they voted in.

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Hold on we're still going to do it

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Where the fuck is the nothing burger general ?

America needs to apologize for starting this worldwide pandemic. HRC was 100% correct when she said that donald would get us all killed.

Remember that motto from when we were child: Lead, follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY. USA needs to realize this and do something other than blaming and ruining everything. China is leading the way for the rest of the world. The usa needs to stop terrorizing and bullying everyone and follow President Xi's glorious leadership into the 21s century and beyond.

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America is so fucked right now even Islam terrorists think going there is suicidal.

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Because it's much easier and feels much better to blame China rather than admitting that the American government has failed to respond adequately.

Most Americans are brought up to believe in American exceptionalism. It's a big part of their identity. It's hard to admit that America is not always exceptional.

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>meme flags

hello r/sino nigger

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The worst is already behind us r-right??

Also, it's not for USA, it's for the rest of the world.

USA just comes off looking ungrateful while the rest of the world like Italy or Serbia all appreciate it.

China is showing the world leadership and the high road while USA loses all credibility and steals others PPE while being ungrateful to china. The whole world will hate USA after while china gains. I think it's a great deal.

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This tyranny must be stopped.
This is communism.

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A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called "The Emergency Money for the People Act." H.R. 6496

If passed, the bill will pay Americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months. archive.is/W9iwK

Here is a link to a petition. Please sign/share the petition. chng.it/9fnz5LgHrj

We also need to let our politicians know about our support for this bill. Here is a link to contact your representative. usa.gov/elected-officials

People, how many times do I need to say this, US is never going to say thanks to anything from China - the US politicians for whatever the reason do not like China and will do and say all negative things against China. If China wants to keep giving things away for free, that's fine, but US politicians, news, and ultimately people will not thank any part of it.

Also, just today, Missouri attorney general sued China.

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#1 United States 960,896 (54,265) #2 Spain 223,759 (22,902) #3 Italy 195,351 (26,384) #4 France 161,488 (22,614) #5 Germany 156,513 (5,877) #6 United Kingdom 148,377 (20,319) #7 Turkey 107,773 (2,706) #8 Iran 89,328 (5,650) #9 China 82,827 (4,632) #10 Russia 74,588 (681) #11 Brazil 59,324 (4,057) #12 Canada 45,354 (2,465) #13 Belgium 45,325 (6,917) #14 Netherlands 37,190 (4,409) #15 Switzerland 28,894 (1,599) #16 India 26,496 (825) #17 Peru 25,331 (700) #18 Portugal 23,392 (880) #19 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #20 Ireland 18,561 (1,063) #21 Sweden 18,177 (2,192) #22 Saudi Arabia 16,299 (136) #23 Israel 15,298 (199) #24 Austria 15,148 (536) #25 Mexico 13,842 (1,305) #26 Japan 13,231 (360) #27 Chile 12,858 (181) #28 Pakistan 12,723 (269) #29 Singapore 12,693 (12) #30 Poland 11,273 (524) #31 South Korea 10,728 (242) #32 Romania 10,635 (601) #33 United Arab Emirates 9,813 (71) #34 Belarus 9,590 (67) #35 Qatar 9,358 (10)…

#1 Mexico +970 (+84) #2 United States +245 (+9) #3 Panama +200 (+5) #4 Brazil +128 (+12) #5 Bolivia +59 (+2) #6 Hungary +57 (+10) #7 Guatemala +43 (+2) #8 Honduras +36 (+4) #9 Uruguay +33 (+2) #10 Australia +15 (+3) #11 South Korea +10 (+2) #12 India +213 #13 El Salvador +24 #14 Kyrgyzstan +17 #15 Jamaica +17 #16 China +11 #17 New Zealand +9 #18 Sri Lanka +8 #19 Norway +6 #20 Paraguay +5 #21 Myanmar +2 #22 Mongolia +1…

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are you all holding it together as well as i am? actually the only thing different is beer runs have the chance of giving me airbornE chink bioweapon AIDS.

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Chang, you're not doing a very good job.

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5 social credit has been deposited into your good boy account.

Kill yourself, chink.


God I wish you would pee on me

Here is the flat

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>can write all that nonsense in 30 seconds
nice copypasta, did it come from the fluhan wet market?

get nuked, noodle nigger.

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I'm always amused by the Chink shills living in the West. It shows you that they'll never assimilate.

Oh look. Amerikkan in vietnam to rape little children. You bitchboy are the shit rape babies of america and china. Oink oink, you are pig Fuck you

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>possibility we have a THOT witch burning

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paypal me some luxury soup and we can talk

Be careful this thread have been infected with heavy infestation of the batfucker chink WuMao

KEK this didn't age well. give the urn count bitch HAHAHAA

How bad will it get?


So why can't this virus just fizzle out and mysteriously disappear again like the spanish flu did.

Der Chink shows his true hideous colors.

Chinks are so hilarious when they try to pretend to be western.

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says the fool that downplayed Ethiopia's disease. Him and fauci have blood on their hands but people dont do their research

This thread is currently 10x more retarded than usual

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My dad works at the Campbell's factory

I need you to understand hate crimes against slant eyes is on the rise in the US.



it doesnt work like that bro, if anything they being extra conservative when that happens.

Fuck you. Don’t eat bats faggot.

Like tons of people dead?

yeah, an australian showed up.

Based virus cancelled my ex gf's wedding

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You should post these weighted by population in addition to raw numbers. The highest fatality rate in the world is San Marino (still...it always has been). Followed by Andorra, Spain, Italy, UK, etc.. I don't think America has cracked Top 10 yet and probably won't at this rate.



Covid is initiating you into the mysteries...the externalization of the hierarchy..

This "pandemic" is really something. Biofinancialweapon seeking out debtors/borrowers and also the building block to ID2020,crypto/social credit currency, etc. It's building a new economic system where the CURRENCY is even locked down and tracked 24/7 Welfare/perma-unemployment leads to UBI leads to crypto-digital currency completely traceable where the elites can turn off a person's account at will. Then the social credit system is the regulatory shaming device that keeps the borrowers and freeloaders in line digitally. youtu.be/QjKjZd-IPD8 youtu.be/29MyQEPfZK8 youtu.be/3JS8CW6dq1I

you have a deal my good sir
guzzling water just for you now
the spanish flu disappear after years of change in the way societies interact and work

the ride hasn't even begun. the whole world is getting infected. once everything is blessed by coronachan it will begin. the end if far in sight KEK

Lmao how many of those were flimsy already used or intentionally broken? Fuck off chink shill.

This is either high quality bait, or literally a fucking tourist who doesn't know what IDs are.

It was a shift change.
Glowniggers clock out
10 cent clocks in

They're in full coping mode when their safety zone got violated and they feel threatened.


worse than you can imagine deaths are horrifically underrepresented.

>hey you’re gonna like this argument
>compares asteroid to virus
>take that libtard!!!! Trump saved us!!!

We haven't even reached the inflection point yet

You’re absolute right, china is better than the us. That’s why you should go back immediately and tear up your passport you tiny dicked Ching Chong Chink.

Is /cvg/ under attack?
This thread seems suspiciously full suspiciously fast.

What's the code to that Gravure you leaf? This burger NEEDS IT.

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▶ 12 new cases in Lithuania
▶ 43 new cases in Bulgaria

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Taiwan NUMBA wan.

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All by the same id?
wtf I love China now

Thats unhealthy

I mean tons of people is just like 300 people lmao

We have far more people dead already.

Read the prose called "The Plague" lmao

People went cray

Gonna die a virgin

: (


coronachan is saving your life

There are two kinds of worst here.
One is the mortality/infected rate.
Two is the social backlash/unrest caused by idiots/governments.

But people are saying we are going to be wearing masks and distancing forever? Why didn't that happen then?

Why am I using reddit spacing

gonna kms

link it fag

Again calling for the deification of Corona-Chan, we can placate her with tributes of cum.
In the past our ancestors deified terrifying natural phenomena, why did we abandon this practice?
Are we really better for offering prayers to a dead jew than masturbating on the feet of a statue of our beloved Corona-Chan?

why is canada's death rate so high if so few ppl are seriously ill?

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Under attack from the bat eater sick man chink, its not enough that they have spread the chinkvirus now they want you open your ass wide so they can shove their tiny yellow chink dick and have you say thanks while at it.

If one of the 1st experimental/rushed vaccines work, then...maybe tens of millions dead confirmed by early next year.

If not, then that same number every year until it does work or countries work on eradicating it in their own countries with real lockdowns.

Omfg fuck Lightning.
Imagine having a worse video game protagonist.

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>Why didn't that happen then?
because it flared out over time
masks will go away once we figure out a vaccine for it
plus it was a flu not a corona virus so it's more hit by temperature change
stupid mutt

At least you caught yourself, poobro.

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You guys are scaring me! Are you being serious?

>NHS officials say Muslims are hardest hit in the UK
Based coronachan
INB4 this is rayciss

Bad diet, shitty climate, too many faggots

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I only do it for feet pics and nudes but I give you a pass.


its 150 pages lol. From wikipedia "The Plague (French: La Peste) is a novel by Albert Camus, published in 1947, that tells the story of a plague sweeping the French Algerian city of Oran. It asks a number of questions relating to the nature of destiny and the human condition. The characters in the book, ranging from doctors to vacationers to fugitives, all help to show the effects the plague has on a populace."

Gotta catch myself before Corona catches me


This is a hypothesis from what we already know.
What we don't know may be worse in reality.

3 possibilities
>shitty policy for testing making it so only the very ill can get tested

>The Canuck government is telling the truth for now

>It's hitting nursery homes first

She has a beautiful face, and that's all I really care about her. Aside from that, her games are cancer and aside from her sister's tits, and the OST, there's nothing good about them.

must not be /cvg/

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>China wants to delete this:
what am I looking at?

>expecting argie nigger bot to do anything intelligent
This is a fake general to contain fags. I want everyone to die too but this chink virus isn't going to do it. Worst case is hospitals get saturated and niggers who get in accidents get poor treatment (and a bunch of unhealthy boomers die, but that's the good part).

▶ 3 new cases in Uzbekistan

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Nani the fuck? ptg made it sound like a nothing burger!


What gives you your optimism?

dunning-kruger effect