Reminder Trump is making the USPS fail on purpose so people cant mail in their ballots for the election

Reminder Trump is making the USPS fail on purpose so people cant mail in their ballots for the election

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All I can say from my experience is that the mailman waits for me to answer the door unlike the UPS nigger who rings the doorbell and runs like a virgin.


good. maybe they'll stop delivering litter to my yard everyday like a bunch of retarded niggers

>it’s incredibly essential to society!
I can’t remember the last time I received a letter that wasn’t spam, or a package not delivered by DHL or FedEx.

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Opposite here ups is extremely based. I have no idea how many times. My items didnt come on time, or get lost through usps.

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I bought $60 worth of stamps for no other reason than to say fuck you to Trump. I love the post office and all of you scorched earth pieces of shit can fuck off.

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>Great idea
California requires you to hand it in on election night for best results. BTW

He'll help them if they stop giving corporate welfare to Amazon

Those guns are about as straight as you.

A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called "The Emergency Money for the People Act." H.R. 6496

If passed, the bill will pay Americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months.

Here is a link to a petition. Please sign/share the petition.

We also need to let our politicians know about our support for this bill. Here is a link to contact your representative.

I’m lucky enough to never have anything bad happen to my packages especially cause there isn’t a single nigger in my neighborhood.

they can stop delivering the irlspam while they're at it. the junkmail is off the charts these days.

Good, less of my taxpayer dollars going to niggers.

The USPS has been suffering huge losses for ages

...or are they still in freefall due to email, social media, and streaming apps. I swear you're a fucking retard. GET YOUR BITCH ASS OFF OF MY BOARD & FUCK OFF BACK TO IT!

That was before I sawed off the bent part and fucked your mom in the woods with it.

good investment, retard. thats one of the most feminine things ive read on this reddit-infested faggotboard in the past couple weeks.

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reminder usps is an issue because blacks work there and democrats have nothing else to dig out of the closet. when we get back to school shootings and "dreamers" no one will care about niggers again.

can I buy your house? here's some niggerburger coopons

You guys are lucky. Mailman looks angry all the time, FedEx guy runs like a virgin, and the ups guy tosses packages. DHL is the only decent delivery service I've ever dealt with in my area.

I honestly hate when they run. They don’t have the nerve to say a simple hi here’s your package. Are they always in a rush?

What do you think dumbass. They obviously have to deliver hundreds of packages a day. You’re not special with a whole delivery truck assigned to you.

It's your postman, and the local post office which determine your level of service. Same for all carriers. A bad driver makes the whole company look bad and a decent guy makes your think X carrier is the best.
We have a horrible bitch for a postmaster but the guy who delivers my international packages is legit and never fails me. The fat old nigger lady who shambles around looking like she shit her pants is worthless though.

>Mailman looks angry all the time
my dad used to work for the post office.
going postal was once a thing for a reason.
they treat you like shit and work you like an animal there until you've got seniority.
there is a lot of stress, demand, like being in the military there.

This is good. Was planning on actually voting on my feet this time rather than by mail.

Just us UPS, FedEx, etc you brain dead Communist retard

I've had to use the Where's My Package? form on their website twice in the last two weeks. Shit's fucked. They don't want you to go to the store but then they don't deliver the stuff you order online. FUCK THE USPS

I wish him luck. Only cripples and geezers should be allowed to vote by mail.

>everyone sends me cards
>they have a little note saying to buy something nice
>no money in them
>think its a joke
>people actually did put money in them
>thanks royal mail

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so uh if the usps fails then how we gonna get our mail?

Awesome... That will work great with voter ID and prevent the dems from stealing the election with dead voters, illegal voters with stolen social security numbers, niggers voting twice and harvesting ballots...

This is great... Without illegals and dead people the DNC doesn't really have a base.