Is this the future of female - male relationships?
Is this the future of female - male relationships?
a return to tradition
okay that was actually funny
How can I donate to her?!?
funny until she gets beat and raped by said sugar daddy, or actually kinda funny for me both ways.
this is the gayest way to return to the values of the past but fuck it at this point beggars can't be choosers
god i would do anything for her
yes. all women will come begging for provider once shit hits the fan
chop off your dick
you'll never get her with that attitude. you gotta treat all women like they are replaceable
>treat all women like they are replaceable
Because they are.
Fuck SARS-Cov-19 more like SIMPS-2020
user these women usually don't even meet their daddies irl
i know a fellow in a relationship like this. He was a very successful nuclear engineer at the local plant with severe assburgers. He probably paid her at least 100k/year and she wouldn't even livestream him
its like the current whore/simp relationship but dialed to 11
The sugar daddy thing is really great for rich old men, it fucks things up for everyone else though.
Well, women should be in home and cooking, taking care of children while a man must bring food/money to his family.
That's a rare exception rather than the norm as few men earn that kind of money and even fewer are going to pay them without getting nothing in return.
Most women looking for sugar daddies will end being regular whores.
It was for a long time a rich old man/18-24 woman relationship but damn near EVERY non rich woman has a premium Snap or OnlyFans these days. They literally show you everything for $5 - $20 per month. A couple hundred can give you BBFS with at least 50% of the lower income thots.
Feminism should be teaching girls hive queen social theory. It's nature after all.
Just sit there and get serviced by drones.
The drones are the only ones permitted to work and earn and their work in the form of currency should flow back to the “queens” via onlyfans etc
This solves a whole bunch of problems
>no useless twats in decision making positions ruining companies
>no more vagina based hiring
>no more sohy simps going out. Ever
>more girls that will go out to get a dick available for chads and normies that won’t pay
fuck you OP
This is just a modern way to be a whore. They will still go after chad for best sex.
I do not find women amusing
I do not find images of women amusing
I do not find communicating with women amusing
There needs to be a gender war bloodier than any race war, bloodier than any fictional gore manga, bloodier than anything the world has ever seen
That's not what they are doing with sugar daddies lol
You're actually living in bizarro world if you think anywhere near the majority of girls do that kind of thing
Would sign up to be her sd. Actually she can be my findom
Kek. Are women actually funny
This. "Sugar daddy" is a cringe modern term, but the underlying idea is based.
Is every sexy white teen girl in the world on that app or something?
Kek that was actually funny
>Is this the future of female - male relationships?
Women will be male property.
And that's a good thing.
>I do not find women amusing
>I do not find images of women amusing
>I do not find communicating with women amusing
>There needs to be a gender war bloodier than any race war, bloodier than any fictional gore manga, bloodier than anything the world has ever seen
The only based and redpilled post in this whole thread