Trump angrily storms out of his press conference

This is the logical outcome of Trump trying to turn his corona virus breifings into some form of psuedo rally.

When was the last time you heard about any other world leader holding the pandemic breifings and turning it into this retarded soap opera drama about the media and so on? You don't hear about it, other corona breifings are generally bland and uneventful, as they should be. Trump can't bear doing that because he wants it all to be about him all the time and nothing to do with informing the nation.

It wouldn't surprise me if Trump cancels the breifings entirely now that he's butthurt, proving that he doesn't actually care about 'informing the public during the crisis' and really it's all about himself.

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A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called "The Emergency Money for the People Act." H.R. 6496

If passed, the bill will pay Americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months.

Here is a link to a petition. Please sign/share the petition.

We also need to let our politicians know about our support for this bill. Here is a link to contact your representative..

Ad hominem

When was the last time the media told an entire country that their president is telling them to drink bleach and that it will cure a illness on his behalf?
I would be fucking furious.

They reported on what he said. And then later Trump said he was being 'sarcastic'.

The funny part is /ptg/ is now split between saying it was a genius thing to say, and then saying 'ha ha yeah, funny joke Trump!'. The two cannot mesh.

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He didn't say that you should drink bleach in that entire quote.

injection would actually be worse. Is this an argument you want to support instead?

He did not tell people to drink bleach, retard.
Please watch to clip before wasting your time making a useless thread.

No where in that quote is he telling people to inject anything, let alone bleach.

He also didn't say that you should inject yourself with bleach.
Read it again.

This. Fucking dumb shills think drinking bleach is the same as injecting it.
Trump didn't say to drink bleach, cause he, like everyone else, knows it's a dumb thing to do. Instead, per his advice, you should inject it straight into the bloodstream, which is safe and kills the coronavirus (and many other viruses).

if you've been watching they've been winding down for awhile. so it's a reaction but it's not all that surprising either that they'd be tailing off her as the numbers wind down and the path for the next few months is mostly set for states. not much left to talk about now other than swabs and economics.

some days are better than others but it's the press that tried to make it an anti-rally more than anything. same dumb, slanted, dishonest (((questions))) over and over by the same 3-5 idiots. these are the kind of people that would never, ever get come back to a corporate release of anything because they are too stupid to try to at least pretend to be fair and balanced while asking a question. bunch of antagonizing assholes.

He also didn't say to inject yourself with bleach.

>they said he said that they should drink bleach
no, they didn't, that just a double strawman, user. Find one legacy media outlet that literally reported that Trump told people to drink bleach, and not reported what he said; suggesting to doctors that a cure might be injecting disinfectant.

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You're right. He said any disinfectant would work.

He didn't suggest to doctors, he was talking in some shitty conference.
I don't really care if you hate Trump since I'm not american but why the fuck are you unironically twisting his words so it makes it seem as something other than some shitty comment he made during a conference?
I seriously don't get why you people are making a big deal out of this to the point that you're spammign this board with this shit.

>When was the last time you heard about any other [noun] holding the pandemic breifings and turning it into this retarded soap opera drama about the [noun] and so on?

this is unironically what the extreme left "journalists" are attempting to do on a daily basis.

that does it, i am officially a liberal

Lysol Trumptards get rekt

I don't hate him, I don't twist his words either. That's all in your mind.

He literally says "something like that" not "you should literally inject disinfectant into your bloodstream" you disingenuous faggot.
That's where he fucked up is letting them get under his skin enough to feel the need to defend himself.

BTW they literally disinfected someone's blood to cure them of HIV back in the day. A few people died in the same treatment, but they did do that.
Iirc they did it with by pumping the blood out and running it through a disinfectant filter of some sort though. This was ages ago, some of that could be wrong.

>this is unironically what the extreme left "journalists" are attempting to do on a daily basis.
They are, and so is Trump.
They're both doing it for the same reasons, ratings. Trump knows it goes over well with his supporters to start arguing with the media and the media knows it's good ratings to get into an argument with Trump.

Yes, you're twisting his words.
why the fuck did you say that he is recommending to doctors as if he was speaking to doctors the moment he said that?

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Big mistake. This is the weakest he's ever looked. I really hope he can rebound.

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When was the last time the media was so disrespectful and seditious that they thought they could act unprofessional and disrespectful in front of their president and turning these press conferences into your hate parade? Are you surprised they are consequences?

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Migafags on suicide watch.

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the media is gonna be so pissed when they realize Trumpers are not actually drinking bleach

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aw did they hurt Trump's feelings?

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>proving that he doesn't actually care about 'informing the public during the crisis' and really it's all about himself
what, is it impossible to send out a tweet or a press release without some kike or their shitskin puppet lurking in the hopes of bombarding him with logic-contorting gotchas?

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>Yes, you're twisting his words.
how? He talked about injecting disinfectant into the body as a possible cure, and that's what I said.
>why the fuck did you say that he is recommending to doctors as if he was speaking to doctors the moment he said that?
I phrased that wrong, but of course you're gonna keep drilling away at that, have at it.

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Go back to pleddit

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Lul, so? Fucking crybaby faggot.

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pussy ass faggot
watch the simps try and defend this fucking bitch ass orange nigger

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because pol takes the bait for days

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No seriously kill yourself

Oh I see, so trump can't make mistakes like phrasing something wrong but you can?
Fuck off already.

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oh no it’s retarded!

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Refute any of it.

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Hahaha get a load of this hysterical butthurt faggot. 4 more years little bitch, cry about it

Also anyone posting in these shill threads remember to sage

Still a raging dumbass for suggesting we try so sanitize people like we did the tables

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He asked IF it could be done to the experts at the side. He obviously an idiot and was probably not paying attention. There are so many criticism but the left overblowing dumb pointless shit is what makes them look bad and lowers trust from viewers. Seriously it's like they want to loose again

He said he wasn’t serious mate catch up

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Still 0 arguments made against me.

Credit where credit is due. This is certainly distracting from the fact that Biden fingered a woman against her will.

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Trump said he was being sarcastic as well afterwards.
So which is it?