over 33 with no wife or kids... you're a loser, pervert or worse.
If you're an American male
Also if you arent making at minimum 80k/y by 30 you're a loser
Caring what people think is beta. Women are awful anyway.
lol no, enjoy your baggage.
I wear my loser badge with pride. Fuck off.
Anything under 150k at that point is embarrassing
Reminder that all breedable age white women alive today are trash. Every generation of white women born has gotten more kiked.
Anybody over 30 with no kids is either an abomination or a pussy. Yep, it's man's world but it's a woman's court. So, what pull the trigger faggot.
If you're any of the cunts responsible for millions of fatherless kids and any of the bitches responsible for initiating millions of divorces kys. What I'm saying is trying to be a father in the Jewish run west is more destructive than not being a father at all.
i wanted to live the simple life and work with my hands. nobody told me i was going to be competing for jobs with illegal immigrants.
HAHAHAWHEEEEEEZ 150k? Oh no no no. You should be closing in a $6m a year by now if you started a successful business.
Enjoy your life of slavery you faggots
You can play video games and jerseys off to anime till the cows come home. But, honestly if you're white and you're not procreating you're worthless. Talk all you want about IQ all you want. Dirt poor immigrants get their dick wet and make babies. Cmon big dogs.
Keep seething roastie. Sex dolls are here.
I'm 32 with 4 kids so I guess I did ok.
Yes, and in most of those third world countries, you can keep your woman in line. In the US, a cunt can bang her own head against the wall, call the police, show them a red spot, and have you in jail. She can then use this as a pretense for a restraining order, and have your kids taken away from you.
Is Trump really the white man's Obama? Are we fucked. Is he really part of the plan to usher in the anti-christ?
Gigachad here. Not gonna lie, after a small loan of one mil, I started a Fortune 500 company and ate dinner with the Sultan of Bahrain for my 40th birthday, shit was bangin. Get on my level faggots.
t. roastie who's ready to "settle down"
I'll get it together.
Mommy won't let me get married or have kids.
(((OK hoe)))
in all fields
Imagine not making 20mil a year by the time you are 23
nice arbitrary metrics. why not make the cutoff 31 or 33? you must be projecting
I don’t think Trump has anything to do with it he’s just a moron they’re using he doesn’t know anything about it just a pawn in the game it’s over
Its ok, Anons.
Your kids will hate you for breeding them into an isolated dying society.
Also if your dick is below 18 cm. You will never find a wife with a dick smaller than 18 cm.
Ohnononononooooo , if you had learned to code you'd be making 6 gazillion.. anything less is for peasants
28 with wife but cant have kids
im 33 with kids but im still a loser
I am poor in comparison to this and do not deserve to live.
I would hope that most wives have one smaller than that. Infinity smaller.
impregnate her sister
Hey guys, a Victim of Vargs bullshit over there.
>Bernie Sanders is a loser, pervert or worse
Knew it.
I don’t like making money so put be in with you
I’m a loser. In all honesty, I never found a woman I’d be able to put up with. Other than sexually, I just find the great majority of women dim. I realize it’s my own psychological problem, but I can’t change it. I at least make certain not to bother anyone else.
I mean i cant have kids, should i ask for one of my brothers to be a donor or is that cucked? They have the same eye/ hair color as me
Life is hard. If your dick is smaller than 18cm, then you got gay genes. Something went wrong with your T. No women will ever ljke that.
Face it boys, life is shit.
You have ruined my joke. Apologize.
The Bible talks about “raising up seed” for one’s dead brother or something like that. tl;dr it’s not cucked
I am a loser, pervert, and worse I guess. However, I have 2 blonde haired/blue eyed daughters, and have been married and divorced. Marriage was cute and fun and all I guess. Did you play with dolls and initiate a game you called "house" during boyhood? I fished, hunted, and played sports. It's okay if you wish to define manhood to men that you couldn't fill the shoes of, I hear people with biological vaginas tell me what a real man is or is not all the time. It's adorable.
Its cucked man. Especially if it's not artificial insemination. Shes always going to think that's not my husband's son.
If anything adopt a kid or sperm bank it
Dude just call the stork do you know the bird on the pickle jar
BUT but I have schizophrenia
I don't want my kids to be retarded and I'm poor
The brother is the better idea.
Youll never know the whole family of the donor.
All jokes aside adopt a kid there are a lot of kids without parents without role models and they need that in their life
That sucks. Brother is probably the best option. Only cucked if he does it the natural way.
I think OP is talking about guys that could never get wives by 30, not guys that have already done it. And I have to agree with him. You should have your career and family life sorted out by 30 -33ish