Christcuckery is foreign and retarded. "Pagans" are LARPers...

Christcuckery is foreign and retarded. "Pagans" are LARPers, and all genuine European traditions have been irredeemably destroyed.

Is Hinduism our only choice? It was founded by Indoeuropeans for Indoeuropeans.

>inb4 poo
Who the fuck cares if Indians shit in the streets. They have conserved a hierarchical caste system and a real Indoeuropean religion for thousands of years.

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The gaslighting isn't working dude. There's too many threads and none of you have anything meaningful to offer when people prove your bullshit wrong. There isn't a single person here who actually believes all this anti-Chrsitian shit just suddenly appeared organically. You're just giving ammunition to Christians that they're correct, and have a reason to consider the Jews their enemy.


You know what I gave up on this stupid game a while ago. There's nothing to be gained by converting people with different ideals to your religion. I realized doing so is just indirectly subverting my own religion so I stopped shilling Christianity. Think about this for a while and consider what you're doing and maybe you'll realize the same.

Yeah my point exactly, you're making people ask questions about why religion is suddenly so important with all this attempted misdirection.

The hell would happen if I just spammed Twitter with bullshit defending the Holocaust? Eventually it'd make people ask questions.

I laugh because you are a schizo retard. You are posting in a board that unironically wants to gas all Jews and you seriously believe that the posts shitting on your kike in a stick are shills. Lmfao

The jews backstabbed and betrayed the gothic empire, disarmed them systematically and than opened the door to Moorish invaders.

Hinduism is just brown people paganism.

But it's a real religion. European "pagans" are LARPers trying to revive a dead tradition.

>Cries and bemoans about Christianity being foreign and jewish
>Immediately turns to a fucking shitskin "spirituality" and sucks on it's fucking cock like it's national socialism reborn.

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Why be religious at all when they're all clearly wrong

>rejects a religion founded by Indoeuropean conquerors whose symbols were literally borrowed by the fucking Adolf Hitler
>worships a Palestinian rabbi

Lets think logically about this. That means it wasn't the foreign part they actually cared about.

Shitskin cope from a fucking spic. You were never white to begin with and have absolutely no fucking say in the world of white men and women.

That's not a Indian

>atheism gave us dick cutting
Ironic and subtle. Nice.

>s-shut up...

Of course not. It's Savitri Devi.

That's what I fucking thought, spic.

Do trannies castrate themselves in the name of Jesus Christ?

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Hinduism is soft matriarchy, Islam and other pagan religions like it are hard matriarchies, feminism and atheism and secularism are open matriarchies. Christianity is the only truly manly religion.

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Whatever you say, mongrel.

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>Is Hinduism our only choice?
Just came back from reading Julius Evola’s wikipedia page huh? Isn’t it past your bedtime spic?

take your meds

>julius evola
Lmfao. Seething Christcuck.


The solution is to study Hinduism and separate the Aryan material from nonwhite adulteration.

If we can succeed in the scholarly endeavor to reconstruct a complete Aryan spiritual framework, it then becomes possible, even probable, to revive the European faiths.

This is precisely why the demon-possessed Christians work so hard to convert India to Abrahamism - to destroy the last living remnant of Aryan spirituality, and to try to doom our souls to the Saturn cults.
Even if they succeeded, our very Blood would still hold the key to reviving our true spirit.

That is why the race-traitor Christians import subhuman shitskins and marry White girls to niggers. If they destroy our Blood through miscegenation, the Saturn cult will rule mamma Earth forever. An eternal reign of monkeys and jewry.

>"hard matriarchy"

>"manly religion"

Is this satire?

Lmao it’s like 5:00am in Spain and your spending your time making shit threads on pol. Get a life faggot.

read the Oera Linda

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Who gives a fuck if it's 5 AM. We are quarantined. You probably don't realize this, since your government is probably making you wagecuck in the middle of a pandemic. They need those tax shekels for Israel, goy.