When did Yas Forums stop going to church?

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Yas Forums never went to church, Yas Forums has always been an atheist nazi board, fuck off back to /ptg/ you reddit nigger

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Never, we just have trolls.

It never did, Christianity is one of the reasons of the white race decline.

My priest was a pedophile. I was an alter boy. And I was.... well, I was.... never touched or harmed by him at all. I don’t go to church anymore only because I can’t stand the boredom of it. Sitting there for an hour. My head fucking hurts thinking about it. By the way, if the priest did molest me, he wouldn’t have been the only person whose had my dick in his mouth, not by a long shot

The modern church is just a gigantic LARP. The church explicitly acknowledges that it has no connection to the divine anymore and that it is nothing more than a reflection of modern dogma. The bible is cherry picked to backup whatever pro-feminism/diversity/materialism that modern society dictates. There is no "church" anymore, it's just an extension of clown world.

God is everywhere and in all things. His majesty cannot be confined in a vessel built with wood and stone.

Homosexuals were always in the church, where do you think all that homopedo molestation came from?

I don't represent Yas Forums I represent myself. How hard is it for you to word your OP more properly addressed to anons of Yas Forums? Yas Forums is not one person, idea, or one anything.
I stopped going when it became more about forced socializing with people that were hypocrites and less about the Word and hymns many many years ago. Everything became more about "streamlining for universal acceptance' since those times and it's gotten even worse. The only church that matters now is the spiritual body of Iesus Christos believers all around the world. I have service every Sunday on my own by studying the Word, singing hymns and praying. I get my "iron sharpening iron" effect by conversing and discussing with other Christian anons on here.

never, I was raised atheist
even after my spiritual awakening and drifting further right, see

>How hard is it for you to word your OP more properly addressed to anons of Yas Forums? Yas Forums is not one person, idea, or one anything.
nigger, when people use 'Yas Forums' like in the OP, it means anons of Yas Forums. fucking newfag

i didn't stop

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time to get redpilled and convert to Sikhism. You get to carry a dagger and you're wife cant cheat on you. sounds good to me

Church is an institution subverted by fags looking to legitimize their lifestyles. Look at all the dike preistesses and #RefugeesWelcome shit they spew.

The Catholic church is also subverted. It's all about giving money to brown countries or welcoming their spanish-speaking immigrants as the pope denounces the sin of being born huwhite.

Modern churches don't stand for anything, so they mean nothing. It's a shame too, since there's a lot of beautiful architecture going to waste.

No, it doesn't you actual niggernufaggot. And by nigger I mean you are behaving in a purposefully ignorant way. It's a logical fallacy started by shills to blanket generalize the anons of Yas Forums, and that is perpetuated by nufaggots like you not lurking enough to know better and seeing the shill behavior as part of the actual boardculture.

you're a fucking retard buddy. lurk more before posting

Yes, that is exactly what the comic is depicting. It used to be something people could actually criticize, though, and now it’s something cucks feel they should happily accept, and they hav to pretend there are no consequences for that acceptance, but note the child still appears frightened. Secular criticism of church pedophilia is mostly just used in bad faith as a cudgel to attack all Christianity, out the other side of their mouths secularists encourage acceptance of fags even though it has predictable consequences (faggotry) and almost all victims of gay sex abuse in the church are pubescent boys, not children, which I personally interpret as confirmation that these are faggots victimizing adolescents rather than pedos just ducking anything they can. I mean it’s more than 90% that are older than thirteen or twelve, can’t remember the exact statistic, in documented church abuse cases.

>opposes faggotry
>opposes women rights
>opposes abortions and anticonceptions, and advocates for lage families
>ch-christianity b-bad

I literally never went to a church service in my entire life. Only times I show up are for weddings and funerals.
You know why people go, they go because they carry a guilty mind 24/7 and seek relief in the form of magical forgiveness. It's just what it is
People really go just to beg some random in a booth for forgiveness over fucking the neighbor

Gabe sama is that you

You're the one that never lurked enough. Or more likely, you're a shitty shill on the admin team who never lurked enough and you're trying to normalize your own shit through a false consensus attempt. The very fact that you are so defensive to this shows how new you are because you treat the criticisms as an attack on your own ego.
I also notice that you didn't have any kind of interest in the rest of my post despite your OP acting like you genuinely are interested in knowing such things about anons here.
You stupid rats think you're so superior, but I drop kick you in your noses nearly every single day

After my dad died.

stay mad newfag

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Thats what they claim but actions speak louder then words.

american schools don't have mandatory masses during education?

Stupid modshill, I've been here since 2003 when there was only two boards. Why do you think I run circles around you retarded rats? I know the true history of this place and you don't and the real anons still left here can recognize that. But of course, you can't accept correction from a Gentile. Fucking hell, you rats are so mentally fucked up it's just amazing.

Nope not when i was in school


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Maybe in your country. But here in Burgerland, churches are filled with absolute cretins.

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When the state and the Vatican unanimously decided to close my church due to Coronavirus.

imagine getting so butthurt because you didn't know how to title a thread.

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you truly are fucking uncultured, in elementary school every year there is a break with 2 weeks of lessons being in church in here

we even have a christian extremist lawyer network that installed lgbt free zones, ain't that great?

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Imagine thinking this deflection attempt would work when you're kvetching so hard that you forget that you're the OP and what thread you started with what subject as the OP and posting that image to try and force a point through ridicule.
Oh wait-- you don't have to imagine it.
That's your current reality that you will no doubt be in denial of.

My parents aren't brainwashed retards, so I never went.

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>Yas Forums never went to church
i beg to differ surrender faggot

>Yas Forums has always been an atheist nazi board, fuck off back to /ptg/ you reddit nigger
Yas Forums is one person

Based Martin Luther

exoteric virgin vs esoteric chad

topkek, your butthurtness made my night. thank you for that

>Yet another post where kikerat OP tries hard to vet himself to anons by using boardculture buzzwords
>Knows he has no solid ground to defend his points so is now trying to manipulate newfags into doing his work for him through a poor attempt at manipulation

Vatican II? More like Vatican JEW!

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Just started going