Say something nice about your next VP Yas Forums
Say something nice about your next VP Yas Forums
An 87 iq diversity hire. Awesome. Bioleninism in full effect in the west.
What is that?
tfw your dad was only an high yellow octeroon mom was a poo and pocahontas fucked up the indian vote
So if biden dies do would all qualify for the inevitable weave subsidies?
I wanna fuck her nasty fat cat
God I hope Biden picks her. She is so unpleasant to look at and listen to she will alienate people in droves.
Why would anybody white with 1/2 a brain elect a Nigger woman ? It's like making an 8 year old an Astronaut...not gonna work out well.
Coronachan will finish her off by the end of the year the latest.
momma Stacy is based and oh so sexy
perfect slampig
I lean conservative and even I will freely admit she would be a major upgrade over Trump/Pence.
No chickens allowed.
the face
It's like Gropin' Joe wants to lose.
Go back
how does it feel to be gay?
Is mike pence standing behind that nigger? Can you ask her to move?
>another gay
>when you want to commit sudoku, but also get diversity woke points
I like her flapjacks
Look at that gap
She looks like she could hulk smash through a brick wall.
She makes pancakes tasty
She looks like every fat black woman at a Golden Corral. How did she make it this far?
I took a picture with her on my way to work back in september, she was nice
She looks exactly like an ugly Orc from Skyrim. You could absolutely recreate her in the character creation menu.
She so fat, she has to make three trips just to haul ass.
What are her qualifications?
Too fat and too ugly. She could never make it on the national stage.