White birthrates would correct literally overnight if landlords stopped being a thing...

White birthrates would correct literally overnight if landlords stopped being a thing. If you could ONLY own houses you were actually living in, and everything else was put up for purchase, the white baby boom would be historic. Home ownership and white births are 100% tied. Why do you think (((they))) keep pumping up housing prices? Everyone else gets section 8 while whites have to pay (((rent))).

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This might be actually true. Gypsies here gets free houses while slavic people dont get shit. Im not even joking.

Stop being a faggot and buy a house then.

It's intentional. Lemme guess: You rent or live with parents because owning a house is just a hilarious joke at this point?

Stop getting handed everything by daddy and get a job first, k champ?

White people could afford a bunch more kids if they moved into a working class Hispanic neighborhood. Places where white people rent are the wealthiest places in every major city in America

Why do commies try to pretend their ideologies are inline with Yas Forumss desires?

Why do they always misrepresent ancaps (they dont even use class) and unable to meme?

Then isn't that the states fault, not landlords?

>You rent or live with parents because owning a house is just a hilarious joke at this point?


>Then isn't that the states fault, not landlords?

it is

Yeah, that would probably help, but that would entail rebelling against the capitalist class, so Yas Forums will never support it. Unionizing, so men could get good wages sufficient to raise a family, that could also help, but that would entail rebelling against the capitalist class, so Yas Forums will never support it. Ooh, making billionaires pay their fucking taxes, so we could fund things like free pre-natal care and subsidized childcare, that would probably also help,, but that would entail rebelling against the capitalist class, so Yas Forums will never support it.

Men on this board are all just a bunch of simps; Suckas Idolizing Mediocre Plutocrats. I'm gonna make a reaction image of a white guy surrounded by niggers, blacks, and arabs, and add the caption "At least I still have the free market." I mean just as soon as I figure out how to use photoshop.

Attached: 233-2334873_anime-girl-sips-tea-hd-png-download.png (860x892, 587.6K)

Nordic countries prove this is not true

>Home ownership and white births are 100% tied.

They do that to get away from the spics and niggers. I'm not necessarily defending them and their shitty money management, but as my Mexican neighbors are throwing another loud party for the second weekend in a row, I can certain understand why they pay the premium.

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>Yas Forums would never support it
you're thinking of the /ptg/ migatards, not Yas Forums

Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.

GOREPOST NOW! Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today!

Attached: GOREPOST NOW.jpg (5264x2360, 1.04M)

>Ooh, making billionaires pay their fucking taxes, so we could fund things like free pre-natal care and subsidized childcare
>Increase theft from billionaires to give more government assistance to mexicans

I don't see how this fixes anything

why are you defending the same people who lobby for white replacement? the reason we have mexicans here in the first place is because our financial elite funded it: they stole from US

>He fell for the real estate Jew
Why the discrimination for mobile homes? Why would anyone go in debt for a (((house)))?

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Mobile homes still get raped by rent in taxes, just in different ways.

Yeah property taxes. Live in the country away from niggers and be one with nature.

Can't make your payments rentcuck? The Chad Lord is gonna take it out of your ass.

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This is retarded nonsense. People that are

Too dumb to not finance a retarded degree
Too dumb to not lease or buy a car they can’t afford
Too retarded to not say “I deserve this” every week and put it in their credit card

Deserve to walk the treadmill in a market economy.

Resenting landlords won’t make you less broke...

Listen to dave Ramsey

Houses aren’t expensive you’re looking i the wrong area

Aw, it's the "we can't let the government provide anything to our citizens because non-whites will get it, too!" argument. The old standby. Have you already forgotten pic related?

They're already giving the blacks and Mexicans everything they could possibly need, you're the only ones who don't get anything. Hell, even I get at least some things, and I'm not even brown, I still managed to be eligible for some college grants and some supplementary income that you don't qualify for as a man.

All that white men do by voting for unregulated capitalism is hurt themselves. It harms everybody, but you always take the brunt of it.

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Nice just world fallacy you have there.

If you don’t own the land... then you bought a large car you live in

So heres the problem with the no landlords thing:

If we have no landlords that means all homes are public domain and it falls on the government to house you. And that means housing becomes a state granted right. And that means if there is ever a nigger or immigrant crises in your area. The cops can come in, plant a nigger on your couch and you can't do anything about it because "Housing is a right". We're going to have to get rid of the niggers before we can get rid of the landlords

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Also I get tax advantages for my house...

No one is going to raise my rent

I don’t have to get permission to do shit

I literally just explained a market economy

What’s your excuse?

In the country, you don't really need as much 'permissions'. Cityfags just have strict rules in the city and suburbia.

You can own them. Its called BUYING you fucking faggot

White birthrates are going to correct eventually no matter what. Natural selection is weeding leftists and people who don't want to reproduce out of the gene pool.


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>muh landlords
Niggers in Africa seem to be reproducing just fine, and are a lot poorer than some urban faggot that has to pay (((rent))).

Attached: population growth graph.png (1280x868, 151.58K)

Permissions from a landlord

>the capitalist class
Just use the communist meme flag dipshit, if you’re going to talk like that you might as well. Despite what “theory” tells you, the problem is not now and has never been the existence of hierarchy or private ownership. There will always be rich people or leaders or a ruling class of some sort, in some form or another. They make the rules and they tell people how to think and what to do. It is unavoidable and no matter how much you shake things up, the genius IQ having sociopaths will always rise to the top. If their interests are aligned with yours, it works perfectly well. If, as is our current situation, they despise the people they rule over, things go to shit really quickly. If people knew who was pushing immigration and why, there would be public executions tomorrow morning. That’s really the problem with communism. In practice, you keep the hierarchy and remove the agency of the people at the bottom. Why don’t you go suck off that fat faggot Matt Christman. I’m sure he has all sorts of homosex quotes from Marx’s letters to read to you

Not if you own the land. I know it's a foreign concept, but get this, you can be your own landlord.