When did you realize coronavirus was fake news?

What we are dealing with right now, is a ruling class in this country. Who in many ways act like alcoholics and drug addicts. They cannot get enough. No matter how many children live in poverty, no matter how high the unemployment numbers are. They want more and more and more. And i say, enough is enough.

Here is the simple truth, that in America, we have millions and millions of working class people who are working hard, but are not making enough money to put bread on the table or to take care of their kids. And that has got to stop.

In my view it is time that the United States of America, joins the rest of the industrialized world to guarantee healthcare a a right not a privilege.

The American people are angry. And what they are angry about is that they understand that they did not cause this recession. That this recession was caused by the greed, the recklessness, and the illegal behavior of the people on Wall Street. They could write a check out for a million or a hundred million dollars and it would not matter to them at all. Now what I want you to think about is, is this what we want America to be?

We know now that government by organized money is no better than a government by an organized mob. We have not before seen their forces joined together against one candidate so much as we see today. They are unanimous in their hatred, and we should welcome their hatred.

The fact of the matter is that what we are talking about doing, most of the countries in Europe already did years before, We are behind nearly each country in Europe. And yet some say it should be left to private efforts.

All over this country we got a lot of bright decent good people, and a lot of them are saying. You cant beat the cabal, you can't beat the billionaires. I'm giving up.

That is precisely what they want you to believe, and I beg of you. Do not fall into that world of despair.

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Other urls found in this thread:


sacre bleu, which one has better breath i wonder?

Wtf is Lauren rose doing?

A question we all have asked ourselves.


Thanks for reminding me to spellcheck my manifesto before posting it

the second elected some officials decided to utter the word 'lockdown', something was obviously sketchy.

Glownigger fuck off, nobody cares.


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to be fair the one one the left (jia) has some of the best blacked.com scene footage of all time desu senpai

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after seeing all the slide threads

Of course a leaf betacuck would know this.

You humans are so pathetic.

to be fair you need to have at least a triple digit iq to understand and appreciate the subtle nuances to interracial fetish porn desu

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>triple d̶i̶g̶i̶t̶ ̶i̶q̶

*triple dicks in your ass

Don't worry I knew instantly you made a typo and I corrected it for you.

>this spacing
wew lad

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Please dont talk to me about your gaping gay shit fetish.

>trying to gay shame
lmao you dumb nigger faggot

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I am not. You fucking betacuck.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Denying the coronavirus, and disobeying current regulations should be treated as attempted biological terrorism. All you fucks should rot in prison where corona is rampant. Maybe you’ll sing a different tune as your lungs fill up with fluid and you die an insignificant death in a place truly fitting you.

Make your mother proud for once in her life about you and kys faggot

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You pathetic cuck. You cling so dearly to your insignificant life.

Why are you so desperate to survive? For what? To wake up again and masturbate to porn and shitpost on Yas Forums to try to get a (you). You're so pathetic.

You're trying to desperately so prolong your life, yet you haven't lived a day in your life. Again I ask you for what? What purpose?

Disgusting human.

Speaking of cucked losers. Trudeau is the bastard child of Fidel Castro. Oh and his wife fucked him. Two trannies in your photo? A twice cucked PM. Good show crunchy leaf

Spotted the fascist

>Two trannies in your photo? A twice cucked PM
How about 4? This man knows know limits desu

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based as fuck

A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called "The Emergency Money for the People Act." H.R. 6496

If passed, the bill will pay Americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months. archive.is/W9iwK

Here is a link to a petition. Please sign/share the petition. chng.it/9fnz5LgHrj

We also need to let our politicians know about our support for this bill. Here is a link to contact your representative.. usa.gov/elected-officials

Speaking of prisons, look at how many test positive and show no symptoms:


Any questions faggot? Get the fuck off the stage.

Oh dear, you seem a bit miffed. I am not clinging to life, nor am I looking to “extend it”, just not looking to artificially shorten my lifespan. Like by doing something inherently stupid as those of you begging the country to open up when it is a suitable time. If you want to die needlessly like a retard then go die, I’ll wait my turn down the line, whenever that is.

Indomitably based.

Scaredy cat.

You sound like a fag. You're so scared of the world.

It's disgusting.

It is unethical to force people to work for you. Period.

so is there a source or names or what's going on here

Does anyone have examples of white people doing shit like this or is it truly only nogs and cartel beaners?

Both are trannies you retard.

>When did you realize coronavirus was fake news?

Wen I realized that me and my family already had it back in February, and it felt like nothing more than a mild flu.

It only took a while for the studies to confirm my suspicions... that the virus had been over here months before lockdown. And was much less deadly than people were going on about.

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There are definitely vids of white niggers ive seen i am just too lazy to find it atm desu

Attached: brazil_niggers.webm (854x438, 1.32M)

Impeccably based.

fuck off with the coomerposting

>being an abstooner
kek pleb desu

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