It's Over Boys

What do we do now?

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Only dumb teenagers ever cared about that shit.

Time to utterly drown them in shit posts and red pills.
Including that dirt bag Antoine.

I cant stand these fucks, they claim ownership over shit they were never part of.

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they never had claim of it in the first place

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terrible memes are being posted as replies to that tweet. No traction will be gained imo
>pic related

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pol btfo

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Fuck off with your Twatter fags faggot

I don't know man this pepe market is always a risk to infest in

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Post some rare pepes

Oh no.

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Whatchu gonna do about it?

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more of this butterface please


I don't care about asshole frog or sad polish man, internet drama is gay. You want to fistfight me, find me in real life and I'll make you go "yikes" you fucking commie.

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he's not sneering

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why lefties always clutter up memes with words no one cares about?

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>terrible memes

It's even worse than I thought, it's literally just Yas Forums memes but with "nazism" replaced with "communism". The left CANNOT meme to save their lives, they cannot create anything new and anything they do create is forced and boring. Then they have the audacity to demand I pay their college loans. Fuck these subhumans.

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Show tits and vagene of gtfo you whore.

I can almost smell it

Will Spiderman threads ever come back? I miss seeing them on every board

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wtf man

im still laughing. thanks user. my cat is hurt and i was feeling worried but the laugh helped. thank you.

I bet those are real she looks too poor for plastic surgery

Didn't they say he died b4? How did that turn out again?

First time i see a leftist pepe. Its really bad, really really bad.

Twitter screencap threads should be a bannable offense

Pepe is gay and philosoraptor tier

tbf like 99% of people just follow blindly, and right now theyre following left-wing shit
they dont have much creativity so, you really shouldnt expect much

This is like being proud of making rage comics in 2013
also >reclaimed

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I thought you just made it, but it apparently exists on google.
And it comes from the people that think pic is a bad memester.

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What!? Anyone got the CEO of Memes number? I demand an explanation!

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So a random twitter user posted it so that makes it true? Saged and reported.

Way to make pepe look like a downie nigger


Think again

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Simple, yet elegant


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Lmao implying national socialism isn’t more for the working man than communism could ever wish to be in practice.

How did this fat kike become so popular?

Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.

Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today! GOREPOST NOW!

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>t. obnoxiously new faggot
pepe is from a furry comic about diapershitters at college you fucking retard
next time you think you know what you're talking about, consider killing yourself before you speak

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everyday there is a thread like this, they're all equally shit

being this new

I don't really know much about him but let me take a guess
>socialism/marxism/gommunism can work guys
>trust me cause I can talk really fast

Pepe's a little cringe atm. He's still recovering from the 2017 skeptic crowd. But I've heard whispers.... mermers... of a dark power returning.

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Enjoy your ban faggot

Goreposting gets you banned by the jannies now.

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needs more text
at last 50.000 words

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You have no non white friends. Your abhorrence for the actual working class is ridiculous and they feel the same way about you.

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chi chi for me me

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checked, nice pepe

Saged and Reported for off topic / low quality.
Fuck off twitterfaggot

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