The great anti-Trump meme war is in full effect. The board is being flooded by slide threads and anti-Trump propaganda...

The great anti-Trump meme war is in full effect. The board is being flooded by slide threads and anti-Trump propaganda. Ignore the slide threads. Let them 404. Ignore anti-Trump threads. They are just bait. Let them 404. Bots will bump them but you can just ignore them or filter them.
Keywords to filter
Dumb/idiot/stupid president/Trump
White/huwhite boi/boy

Do not let them win!

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Based and redpilled, have a bump

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The best anti trump memes come from trump himself.

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Fuck Drumpf he’s for faggot Qoomers and boomers....





>The great anti-Trump meme war
a bit hyperbolic but yeah

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Why does a bong care of all people?
You got a license for this here Trump post?

Unleash the gore posting and Fully automatic redpills

Maybe most of nu/pol/ are retard boomers and actual non retards see trump as a ZOG puppet? Ever think of that?

Fuck off migatard

He probably should have done something for white people if he wanted help.

Because Trump represents the fl;y in the global cabals ointment. Right now in the UK we are being lied to and led down the path of Bill Gates vaccination biochip regime. 50 thousand plus died from the flu in 2017/2018 and we only just passed 20 thousand for COVID-19. So why are we in lockdown? Sweden is getting it right. What do they know that we don't?

Honestly this whole thing just goes to show how out of touch /ptg/ boomers on this board are. Nobody with an iq over 110 falls for red vs blue goy games anymore and the boomers just can’t stand it. No, your vote hasn’t mattered since 1913 when we signed away our country to the banking cartel. How the FUCK do boomers still not understand this?


Good thing those boomers voted for the candidate that wasn't a republican politician

show flag jew

Agreed. When the Deep State got it's ass kicked out of power in 2016, they did a deep analysis to find out how and why Trump was able to beat Hillary despite her huge advantages in money and Corporate Media shilling for her.

One of things they concluded was that Yas Forums was an important reason for this. They completely underestimated the influence that a place like Yas Forums has on the prevailing cultural zeitgeist.
Ever since then, they've been flooding the site with paid shills to try and counteract the influence of this site.

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My brother is what I consider a normie. Yet even he is fuming about how everyone is trying to twist Trump's words. Trump walking out without answering questions from the press today was pretty based if you ask me. Let them seethe.

your Dear Leader is almost as senile as Biden and is a blithering idiot besides
I love watching you pitiful trumptards seethe as you pour youselves into damage control, desperate to wring back the narrative
Face it, you worship a mouthbreathing asshat.

>they did a deep analysis to find out how and why Trump was able to beat Hillary despite her huge advantages in money and Corporate Media shilling for her.
Obviously they didn't go deep enough if they're still backing the corporate senile grandparent

Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.

GOREPOST NOW! Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today!

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try and stop us

Too many newfags on pol not realizing that trying to make something go away is the best way to assure it becoming the new norm on Yas Forums
remember the great furry and brony tsunamis of the before times?
The way pol became a trump board in the first place was because it was effective at annoying people. Since trumptards are the new establishment the time has come to disrupt it.
Yas Forums is not supposed to be comfortable for you or anyone else

Oh please you have no idea what the hell the "establishment" even is

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>try and stop us
Your own stupidity accomplishes enough.


no, you retards just thought that the trump support here is completely real, apparently not realizing that 90% of people here impersonate views they dont actually have IRL for trolling purposes
The more you rage about it, the stronger it becomes
feed it
feed it more
your tears are delicious and moist

You're making a lot of assumptions over being called out for being a newfag

This board was not created for a Jew like Trump. Old school pol does not stand for him or his Jew family. Fuck you nogs


Let them shill
Chinks are red pilling every undecided voter with this one
Keep going you yellow bastards
Every family in America knows somebody on chemo or has been treated with innovative techniques.
Drove an aunt to get her leaky veins zapped with lasers last year
Chinks are still having trouble mixing baby formula

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cry more newfriend

You're crying not me pal but you do you

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A lot of these are CCP chinks. It is easy to just spam xi winnie the pooh memes and cause absolute chaos on the Chinese internet. Yet no one bothers.

show flag

I've noticed the chink shills always bring up the Australian "treatment" of abos in Australia related threads that are shitting on chinks

You can tell they're shills because no one in Australia gives a single shit about abos

Quit lying to yourself faggot

boom boom

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Trump is not /ourguy/ he's spent the last four years showing that. He's just one side of the kosher sandwich. Fuck him and fuck Biden.

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