"Sir, he's still an idiot."

"Inject more Lysol! And get some UV light in there too!"

Attached: 366b5d9yryu41[1].jpg (1078x1358, 946.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>the left can make this
>the right draws shitty MS paint cartoons

you shareblue discord tranny shills are getting paid overtime for this, right? I guess COVID lockdown is the best time to be a shill.

>no mention of "inject" in trumps speech

putting the words in mommy's mouth again?

Can you fucking believe the effort some butthurt moron put into that shit??

Ur a big guy OP

Attached: 1586244870349.jpg (590x324, 111.76K)

Trump never said to drink bleach or anything else. But, Trump was correct, though, regarding injections or some other style of inserting UV and/or disinfectant...

1) Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood:

2) Disinfection of COVID-19 in Respiratory Tract by Ethanol Vapor Inhalation:

3) Alcohol Vapor by Inhalation in the Treatment of Acute Pulmonary Edema:

4) Commercialization of endotracheal UV emission:

5) Any cancer chemotherapy, which are incredibly harsh chemicals, but dosed in a controlled manner.

Attached: Portrait of You (27).jpg (649x648, 52.07K)

what effort? they forgot his genitals. leftist probably thought it was "sexist" to add gendered parts



nice going there

Because people on the right typically have jobs, families, responsibilities, ...

Attached: Portrait of You (3).png (900x729, 128.82K)


whoever made this could afford to make it, trailer park trash

The left cannot meme seems to be genetic if they think putting this much effort into something people will forget is worth it.

The left is genetically inferior. Don't ever forget it. The first lie that a leftists tells himself, is that he is worth something.

this is pretty weak narrative.

well done! your English is really improving.

prove you're not a leftist shill. Post NIGGER.

Attached: burgess_2008_effects_of_perceived_discrimination_on_mental_health_and_mental_health_services_utilization_among_gay_lesbian_bisexual_and_transgender_persons_stats.png (771x1007, 353K)

>thinking that’s impressive
>thinking the point of memes is to be artistic
Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.

HAve you hearda? ajo2?sdj2 sdj2oijas ?sd jojdv japojaw nxaz.xfa;l29a djlas;j2; asd. kdfsnk nas. asdpj29ujad


Attached: C_Y7F5OXkAAukD0.jpg (610x447, 56.2K)

Ever wonder what this is like?

Attached: 4F110103-D4E6-47CD-9331-A424A8CBE9F3.jpg (1024x768, 193.92K)

Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.

Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today! GOREPOST NOW!

Attached: GOREPOST NOW.jpg (5264x2360, 2M)

>trailer park trash

Amazing how leftist scum are always mind readers... and how they always assume a White enemy.

Attached: Portrait of You (11).png (645x727, 148.29K)

Im pretty sure he was subtlly implying that vaccination is like injecting yourself with disinfectant but I dunno maybe I just think too much

>shareblue doubling down with this

Attached: 1587701717366.webm (720x406, 2.63M)

post anything of this quality right wingers made

correct, you cannot.

meanwhile smarter people than you on the left make high quality content like this everyday


You are destroying lysol brand. Not trump desu

Bleach drink now

Unsubtle and untrue
Lefty can’t meme

Drumpfkins I...

Attached: B3D78C32-6E73-422E-9F7B-06C9667124EF.jpg (164x308, 4.74K)

i don't even begin to give a shit, but you've got to admit he fucked up big time...
you could see the pained expressions on his own people standing behind him as he talked.
of course they're going to hit him hard on it, especially given how senile Biden is.

yet the ms paint cartoons resonate better and will be saved/reposted more than this

Maximum damage control. Trump said something idiotic and people are making fun of him for it, and rightly so.

Get up off your knees and wipe Trump's cum off your chin. You don't have to suck his dick 24/7.

Attached: 1587870900985 (1).webm (1080x648, 463.63K)

>Trump said something idiotic

show me.

About what? We have tech that uses photon therapy and also disinfectants part is true. Other than that, he was literally asking questions to somebody and what people are doing is being stupidly obtuse and conflating his words and creating faux outrage. No one actually gives a shit about this because he never said "INJECT BLEACH" fucking retards.


Attached: Injectable Light Therapy.jpg (1024x512, 92.55K)

amazing how you degenerate kike shills always have to mention dicks and cum no matter what the subject matter. gas yourself shlomo.

The left is really not helping themselves these days

Attached: 1587867331681m.jpg (755x1024, 171.76K)

Holy shit that's sexy

>1 post by this id
Every. Single. Thread.
You guys are very easy to spot, try harder.

open your eyes retard

up yours Libtarded

Attached: 1587347390330.gif (322x242, 1.33M)

You missed this one:

UV-A light catheter insert for the esophagus that destroys viruses and bacteria “by inserting UV light into the body”. The technology was developed by Cedars-Sinai MAST program in New York. Carl Icahn heavily donates to Cedars Sinai and gets inside information on the COVID-19 situation to aid his investments. Trump will make the CDC/NIH Fund this project and force the FDA to jam this FDA trials in record time. Get on the gains train with me boys, long AYTU.



Ticker Symbol AYTU

>"he didn't literally say the phrase 'inject bleach'! " >"He's allowed to use ambiguous speech in national speeches, he's just the leader of the free world!"
>"Also, he was just pranking the media!"
>"H-hahaha! Y-you sure fell for it! 5-d chess!"
this salt is some gourmet shit

>You missed this one:
that's this:
4) Commercialization of endotracheal UV emission:

Thank you, though. I've added your link to #4 for future threads created by those shill kikes.