What does pol think of david duke?

what does pol think of david duke?

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Works as an advocate for Europeans. So, the Jews hate him.

That is Doctor David Duke.

reptilian sent to socially divide us

Comes across as bit of a weirdo.

post proof

I think he got plastic surgery or he is straight up an ayy with that face!!

Based and redpilled.

Obsessed with Jews and uses the word ‘european’ to replace ‘white’.

Not even based, just cringy like no white guilt

Yo look at this niggas face HAHAHHA

I met David Duke when I was working at a restaraunt in TN, nice guy he ordered a barbecue sandwhich, mac and cheese and some banana pudding...he tipped really well and I sucked his dick in the bathroom. Nice guy.

He's Jewish fake opposition. He lost an election race to Buddy Roemer, a convicted felon.


Looks white to me.

You don't need to be the Jude to hate onesself some Eurocuck.

controlled opposition. whenever (((they))) want to assassinate somebody's character (((they))) roll him out as a "supporter" of (((their))) target.

He makes me want to David PUKE

What does Yas Forums think of these data mining threads?

Closet homo

This. I hope he's for biden this year

The FBI had a lot of infiltrators and moles in the Black Panther movement during the 60s/70s. Makes sense to expect the FBI to be deeply imbedded in the KKK...

ugly freak jew with rhinoplasty and katlyn jenners voice

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If he had white interest at heart he would fuck off, he knows he's completely unpalatable for life and yet he's still around making sure to scare off any normie.

I'd say he's out there to only benefit him but im not sure how being the msm spooky mascot is beneficial. I think he's just socially retarded frankly


have you ever listened to the show? the guy isn't exactly a blow hard. Hes a soft spoken nebbish type. He was just dumb to join the KKK when he was younger.

if youre scared of david duke you're a queer and you don't deserve to live.

>Italians are the same as Swedes
>English are the same as Hungarians
>Portuguese are the same as Estonians
Tell me, is an albino nigger 'white'?

yeah tough guy keep saying that im sure the victory is at hand

He's a very handsome woman

lol. He's not hardcore at all. I listened to his show every day for a few years. If anything he's not extreme enough.

He's probably controlled op and a paid shill.

doesnt matter retard do you think the losers watching cnn will watch his show to see who he truly is?

he's done politically. the only use he had these last 5 years was being the official spooky racist for the MSM. he's even worse than richard spencer

Yeah man, be really bad if he gave racists a bad name. Don't want to ruin our public image.

Made a good documentary on the jewish slave trade

the MSM can slander anyone. It doesnt matter who you are. They can slander Kevin MacDonald, Greg Johnson, David Duke - it doesnt matter.

Part of being mentally tough is just refusing to comply with the brainwashing and reading books or listening to people that are slandered in the media.

why don't you take a look at him (physically) and how he divides humanity based off of the color of their skin, when we should be organizing against the real enemy

I'll repeat: you're a fucking queer and a submissive fag.

jews are generally the same color as whites. You've obviously never listened to him.

He was on a Peruvian e-talk show