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means they cut off the small business loas and unemployment and boost donations to our greatest ally. Get in line.
Oh btw, fuck North Korea. What a souless dictatorship.
>at 10. 10. 10
"Oy vey remember the 6 gorillion. Gib 6 billion shekels for every jew lost in the shoah."
It just came off as maybe even slightly threatening?
He’s referring to the noahide laws, cashless society, social credit score, mandatory microchipping, abolition of Christianity and introduction of the new one world religion - all rolled into one kosher circumcised package. Basically the complete wrecking of all the values the founding fathers enshrined in the American constitution and continued ethnic cleansing and replacement of the white population.
>Muh joos
Is it hate or do you genuinely think that will better your life?
First practice Noahide openly in Palestine, behead some Muslim kid, and do it alone without the United States backing you. Let the world see what you really are. See how long until the People behead you instead. What an ironic twist of fate. Or submit.
It means jews used our friendliness to sneak massive nukes into every city in the world and the last piece of the samson option just came online. Were not going to have another repeat incedent like the one with the Russian sub ever again.
Imagine the war these kikes will cause..
Im joking, Its all gooblygook to me. I suspect it’ll be a horror show if the Jews seize power, based on what I see of their behaviour. I honestly think it’ll be a nightmare even for them. The minute they get in power they’ll start infighting over which grand rabbi is gods personal favourite. I think there is a lot of mental illness at play. I mean genuine mental illness based on inbreeding or the psychological damage that harsh Judaism does to the human brain. It’s probably pretty torturous to come up in that environment.
Wars, plural.
Don't they understand that if they bomb major cities it will only help us.
He means that the goy is filth and animal and that is correct.
So that explains Germany
Speak for yourself Ivan.
what about the 9/11 bombings?
Congress will be doubling the aid to a full 6 billion.
Lol. Seriously, this was a bad slip. It went largely unnoticed, unsurprisingly.
Freudian slip of the year.
still up today. my like has been unliked, as most others twitter.com
He's talking about Joshua back coming of course!
How right you are. The Jewish genotype carries congenital mental illness, manifesting along the spectrum of neurotic narcissism to invulnerable psychopathy.
A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called "The Emergency Money for the People Act." H.R. 6496
If passed, the bill will pay Americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months. archive.is
Here is a link to a petition.. Please sign/share the petition. chng.it
We also need to let our politicians know about our support for this bill. Here is a link to contact your representative. usa.gov
Is that a mole or nipple of the right breast. Must see nude to confirm
Protip: it wasn't a slip. That's the jew toying with the few who have eyes to see, and showing just how many are blind.
Can Canadians snag an extra 2Gs too?
No thanks sweatie
It was a bombing though.
The planes exploded on impact.
It’s not a bombing if there is no bomb shlomo.
The planes were the bombs.
What do you think a bomb is if not something that explodes???