Brit/pol/ - Hibernation Edition

>Coronavirus: UK hospital deaths pass 20,000

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if you wanna be my lover
you gotta get with my friends
nothing lasts forever
but friendship never ends

I hate watching my scummy tax dodging drug dealing neighbours clap like they themselves are the real heroes for staying home. (they don't stay home)

Zig a zig ah

Old Bill on the door this evening looking for some party that had been reported.
I think it must have been way down the other end of the street because I didn't hear a thing.

he looks comfy. ever see those bears in an attenborough thing where they scratched their back on trees and looked like they were dancing? hehe funny

Night lads. Stay safe.

Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.

GOREPOST NOW! Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today!

Attached: GOREPOST NOW.jpg (5264x2360, 1.04M)

kys please

take your meds mate

wanna rent an sls and we can pull mad stunts bro

ngl would smash venti

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Heard footsteps outside and some sort of rustling type noise, went outside to check and heard something running, maybe it was a deer, dunno. Can't even fucking sleep now, on edge.

it was me mate watch ill do it again

Get the gun Daisy

coulda been a badger

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dose dam wabbits

animals looking like they're doing human things is great.

I've wanked so many times in this lockdown I can't wank anymore help

The only badgers i've ever seen have been roadkill and that really annoys me.
Think of Tim

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I've only seen one.

Like niggers and stuff ?

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I'm a pure bleachnan myself.

well they are nocturnal laddie, but you can go 'badger watching' apparently lol. trail cams are a good way to do it though

Last year I was working in Gloucester, I was working inside and the other boys were on the roof overlooking fields. They saw some deer in the fields. I've never seen a deer
A few years before that I was working a different job in Aberystwyth on the coast. We had a long break midday so I had an hours kip in the van. The boys saw dolphins. I have never seen a dolphin either.
Such is life kek.
lol niggers

nah I’m alright, if I go terminal then sure though

you're terrified

I doubt I'll be going badger watching but the idea has made me want to get a some binoculars and go to a lake by me that's got some cool birds to look at.

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good idea mate. there's lots of red kites round here and they are great to look at. heron are my favourite but rarely see them anywhere

not of you, but your driving yeah

what'd you mean

Morning lads