>hongkongfp.com/2020/04/24/gothenburg-axes-twin-city-agreement-with-shanghai-as-sweden-closes-all-confucius-institutes/ The most cucked nation on earth did it, but the US won't do it, and you guys know why the US won't do it? Because the US probably has a bunch of double agent glowponies infiltrated in these orgs telling their bosses what an excelent job they're doing, just because they got memed into believing Chinks would win the world and they would learn Mandarim to dab on other plebs while they suki suki the chinks.
pm treadua why u dress up like a faggot awoo and get the fuck away from the presidential seal and but the boss back on
Christopher Fisher
Much as I detest blogposting, the info seems to check out so far.
Brayden Reed
Which race in WoW is most Red Pilled? I know it isn't the Dwarfs or fucking Gnomes, they're fucking jews.
Christian Anderson
or it was china reacting to a trade deal that made them back into the shithole they are or it was the USA attacking china to ensure that china turns back into a shithole and all the manufacturing has to come back any source that makes that claim any more reliable?
Caleb Flores
All the "confucius institutes" in the US are on college campuses and have thus been shut down for a while now.
>post this in bleach thread >ask them why the media ran the narrative that Trump said inject bleach despite him saying the opposite >no one can respond, they only deflect Activates my almonds.
>who are you with? >n-npr >nope it's not your turn, next question those oval office sessions are just as much fun as press briefings and less likely to backfire. time to go back to chopper questions only
The Pennsylvania militias are laying siege in Harrisburg.
Gabriel Kelly
>8pm it's 11pm retard
Connor Cooper
Turn off the cell phones 1
Leo Sullivan
>Did something happen today? /leftypol/ continued their efforts to kill the INJECT meme as quickly as possible and Trump finally told the media kikes to pound sand after dealing with their temper tantrums for weeks.
>why would the scout corps(e) try to help these people or stop eren? it kind of inverts the self-preservation instincts required to be in the scout corps. Moralfags gonna moralfag, I guess. At least Annie has no delusions about being a hero or doing something noble, she just keeps moving forward for her own selfish reasons. I can absolutely respect that.
Docs injected Kim with Bleach after Trump said it helps corona and now Kim's ded
Daniel Wood
do you guys think if i found the bumper buttons i could put them back in? doesn't look like anything snapped off so much as popped off i already looked for almost an hour though how is this possible? in any case since i only need it to traverse menus i pulled out a tool and can just press the little doohicky inside to make it work AHAHAHA brutal
>he doesn't know Czechs are cool guys. They're one of the most gun friendly countries in Europe and their CZ guns are great. I have a couple myself. Also their women are cute.
Gavin Morales
When Trump loses in November who is he going to blame first? You know Trump will not take responsibility
>uRDUMGlV >uR >DUM >GlV End looks like an A and Y to me.
Kayden Flores
Akane a shit. Shampoo best girl.
Adrian Campbell
Fake news saying he died or is brain-dead. His train is parked at Wonsan tourist resort, probably isolating from Corona. His plane is still in pyongyang. China allegedly sent some doctors to look after him. but they're been lying about NK stories for decades.
trannies make a stink if you don't call them by their preferred pronouns but nobody calls anybody out when they refuse to refer to Czechia by its preferred name instead of the Czech Republic
He asks a rhetorical question about injecting disinfectant as if that should seriously be considered. Then he says that cleaning a stationary object would have a big effect. Do you think he means sterilizing the inside of a person? Also pic related.
Checked, it would be cool if there was something that could clean the inside of the body like that. Something that seeks & destroys anything that isn't supposed to be in the body normally.
Nathaniel Ortiz
>trannies make a stink if you don't call them by their preferred pronouns their oozing flesh wound does just automatically
fucking moralfags. SnK could really use a 4 teh lulz chaos character. but the problem is that they were moralfags that makes this all so implausible. the entire story they are fighting to protect humanity within the walls and expand it's territory and explore. now they discover the outside world and it hates them and wants them all dead. all of a sudden they throw away everything they were fighting for and decide fight for their enemies. eren is the only character whose morals didn't change in some strange, unexplained way other than a tropey nip "i have to protect" hand-wave.