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Other urls found in this thread:

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Seething migacucks


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The left can't meme

This is such a forced meme. I realize /leftypol/ thinks they're edgy, but who even gives a shit any more? It was stale yesterday, and now at this point, it's just pathetic. Why can't you ever create creative memes?
Just like you've forgotten about im-peach flavor #45, you'll forget about im-bleach #45 by Thursdsy.


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We’re also testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids. And I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes; isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing — just spraying it on and letting it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.

This is not the end of our work as we continue to characterize this virus and integrate our findings into practical applications to mitigate exposure and transmission. I would like to thank the President and thank the Vice President for their ongoing support and leadership to the department and for their work in addressing this pandemic. I would also like to thank the scientists, not only in S&T and the NBACC, but to the larger scientific and R&D community.

Thank you very much.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Bill.

Q Mr. Bryan —

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

lol what kind of fag puts his name on a shoop

This goy. 100% original. Look at my blue checkmark!
>Stay home!
>Gibs money via my GoFundMe pls (not me me though, I swear)

Fuck off of Yas Forums Adam.

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Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.

Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today! GOREPOST NOW!

Attached: GOREPOST NOW.jpg (5264x2360, 1.16M)

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Trump never said to drink bleach or anything else. But, Trump was correct, though, regarding injections or some other style of inserting UV and/or disinfectant...

1) Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood:

2) Disinfection of COVID-19 in Respiratory Tract by Ethanol Vapor Inhalation:

3) Alcohol Vapor by Inhalation in the Treatment of Acute Pulmonary Edema:

4) Commercialization of endotracheal UV emission:

5) Any cancer chemotherapy, which are incredibly harsh chemicals, but dosed in a controlled manner.

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Why cant you seething magatards just take the L for once

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Honestly you people laugh at bleach hoarders, but you really don't have enough bleach yourselves. The average person uses 1 bottle per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 bottles a week. Over 100 a month. Bleach bottles will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

kys shill

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Judging from how this thread is going for you, maybe you ought to take the L and go back to plebbit.

1 bottle of bleach FOR MY VEINS

I don’t like the way the world is going, especially my own country, and I want an alternative. I get the hope people have placed in a Trump, they want something, anything, but the status quo.

That said, this fucking boomer is talking about using broad spectrum disinfectants and UV light internally. The guy is a fucking moron and I notice people no longer tout his miracle hydrochloroquine cure any,ore.

9000D chess. Checkmate.

shiver me timbers

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What’s the story behind the gore

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that's the flavor i post with

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it's not sayje you retarded faggot it's sog-ay

> (You)
>Judging from how this thread is going for you, maybe you ought to take the L and go back to plebbit.
Y'all had a chance to own the bleach meme and instead you let the left have it while seething over muh vaccines
