Honest confession:
I actually was left leaning before this thing and came here to troll sometimes...and desu you guy made some good points about society that clearly are not allowed to be said in society. This whole thing though convinced me of how retarded the modern left is. I mean i already knew it is retarded to think cutting off your dick makes you a woman or that race is skin deep...since science actually obviously proves that the leftist position is just insane dogma..
But this latest leftist insanity, the disgusting spinning out of context what was said, and the utter anti-science beliefs regarding disinfectants as treatments is fucking insane. I had some other memebers of my uni lab try to warn me about the left but holy fuck i should have listened earlier. Wtf is wrong with the left??? Wtf??? Pol please explain to a newfag wtf is going on with the modern leftist mind i am speechless
Honest confession:
Welcome to the sane side, leaf. Everything you though you knew is upside down and ass backwards.
that picture really sums up the amount of cope necessary to be a MIGApede
It's just embarassing. If i were a leftist with any sense i would be so embarassed. They dont even fucking look at the actual science and instead pretend it doesnt exist or something ignorant. Its so dumb..
Will you eat a bullet come november or just cry for 4 years like a little girl?
It's the Jews, and if you haven't learned that by now than you need to keep lurking
Many people know jews are at least shady. Only the tv pretends they are mot and only slivers of the most brainwashed leftists dont see it.
In a nutshell: Altruism-induced ego trips, biologic leninism and a certain tendency to go full Stalin on its enemies and "traitors".
My tip? Lathe Biosas.
Bumping leftists getting rekt
>muh red team blue team
you're an honorary nigger
It's the scienceWOW baristas of low intellect that get my goat.
Bro he's a leaf. How does red blue make any sense?
>the disgusting spinning out of context what was said
Pro tip, this is pretty much how news works all the time.
It's getting a bit too late here and I cannot figure out how a Barista would be impressed with science, let alone understand it.
They can barely make a decent coffee!
>But this latest leftist insanity, the disgusting spinning out of context what was said
You're just now catching onto that? As far back as Grab Em By The Pussy, they've been shamelessly twisting Trump's words
Get help and get laid
If you think Pol makes good points then you were either born retarded, ate paint chips as a kid or maybe took a gun shot to the head and survived.
Why do i get the feeling some of these con artists deserve a rope
Millennials that watch top tens on yt and act as though their opinion is of any significance.
Most leftists can’t cope with the fact egalitarianism is a farce that will wreck civilization permanently so they dig their heads in the sand and try to preserve their waning sanity.
Jews are just a scapegoat. Go deeper. Zionist’s. And then ask, who are the puppet masters of the zionists and families like the rothschilds, won’t dont give a fuck about Jews or Israel, just a larp.
And who pulls those strings.. the rabbit hole continues. It begins with the Jews, it does not end there
It's even worse than I can think.
Youtube is not a source of information.
Studying Biology was the biggest redpill of all. When race can be determined from a skeleton, when men are proven to have larger brainsizes & a higher average IQ, and when Psychosis is being peddled as being „progressive“ you get tired of the left really quickly. The final straw for me came when Geneticists finally threw in the towel on the Gay Gene & the Gay community lost their fucking minds trying to cope. We’d known for years that being a faggot was no more than having a fetish for man ass as a result of molestation & pressure from single mother households (look up the correlation between these two factors & rates of homosexuality, it’s insane); however, the left has been brainwashing people for decades that these degenerates are „gay from birth“ which many people still genuinely subscribe to. The left is full of pseudoscientific jackasses LARPing as the only „sane“ or „educated“ people remaining compared to the „irrational, hateful rightwing“! In Germany & the Anglosphere this has reached barbarically toxic levels, but the tides are finally turning after years of leftist dominance I feel
welcome to the party, pal. got here the same way myself, just a longer ago, that's all. but we're all neofags here one way or another, there's always one more redpill you aint heard of yet
So why are you here, parasite?
Take your meds leftist. Trump will be your pres for 4 more years.
You have much to learn, but you're already on the right path.
All I ask is that you remember this key tenet: the truth is found in absolute isolation, i.e. research and meditation in solitude with an open mind. In the same way that people act and speak far different when a camera is around, people will proclaim things when around people. You may even say things you -tell- yourself you know are true, but as the words leave your mouth, something nags at the edges of your consciousness. You dismiss it, you ignore it, you may even pretend right now I am wrong in my comment. But it is there.
That is the seed of truth, letting you know that nobody can truly lie to themselves. 80% of what can be found in conversations, work meetings, media, online rants... it's all posturing, virtue signalling, or worse, targeted propaganda.
The truth is in your gut, in your blood, in the sands of time stretching back to our earliest ancestors. The truth is very, very powerful - and that's exactly why the masses react the way they do when one stands on the proverbial soap box and states the truth - because it burns them. Liars and Usurpers cannot live in the light.
Speak the truth. Shame the Devil.
Bumping this bread to see more lefty shills cry
Bumpin lets see those tears faggots