Pedophiles are amongst us. Dead penalty for all pedos

French government had (or maybe still has) team of assassins who traveled around the World and killed pedos.
I believe name of that French Organization was ROSETA.
I've heard an interview about them many years ago but now I can not find anything about them on the net.
Maybe some anons have info on them.
As a signature they were cutting their dicks off and stuffing it into pedos mouth.
Local police knew who and why killed that particular person and there was no investigations on those cases.
Death to pedos!

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It honestly really blows my mind just how many people are actually pedos / willing to defend literal pedophilia for political reasons

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Not your personal army fucking faggot.

I'm sure you checked the sources, did a bit of your own research into it, just to be sure this isn't trash.

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There was a movie on net flix i use to watch a lot about a group like that.

They took this kid who buttfucked other kids and tortured him in a bath tube with razor wire plyers and a car battery.

Good shit

>Fucks sexually mature women

Shill go home. shit don't work here. you waste your time... unless you want to know the truth?

we have the truth here. can you handle.l it?

I also enjoy watching the torture of children

Idiot, the other couple in the picture with Trump and Melania is Jeff Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Fucking morons. I swear MAGA people are either subhumanly stupid or subhumanly evil and just knowingly gaslighting for the crimes of pedophilia

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If you seen the movie its hardcore, its based in london or ireland, scottland or something.

The guy wasnt a kid he was like 16 beating up 12 year old boys and fuking them, even showed it. Quite nasty.

He got what he deserved.

I dont think its on net flix anymore though lol

>you waste time
>you go home
Ching chong ching chong

This is just Epstein trying to legitimize himself by getting photos with Trump. Its a thing when you get insanely rich, people want to get their photo with you.

you think I'm a gook? so you are racist against gooks too? what kind of shitty shill are you?

Lol shut the fuck up. Back peddling cock sucking stupid faggots

Honestly, when you post comments like this it might as well be your dick in those children too, right alongside Trump's.

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didn't Trump BAN Epstein for that? you only have lies? doesn't that tell you something?

Fuck off, let people do w/e they want. FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE. Pedos should get medical treatments, jail is pointless

No? Trump only "banned" Epstein once he got exposed. Cuz of bad publicity due to his association, I suppose.

right.. once he found out. half truths and lies from you.... tell the truth man.

Pedo here, please come find me before I hurt someone.

Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.

Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today! GOREPOST NOW!

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The face of a hero.
I kill pedos for sport.

I believe you, sir.

Yes really and they killed Epstein to protect the rest of the pedo network right take your meds


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>once he found out
I'd say my what delusions you suffer from, but the scary part is that I know you don't even believe your own bullshit and are genuinely just covering up for a known pedophile right now

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but where are the proofs?

You just want an excuse to hurt people. You don't give a shit about protecting children.

creepy as fuck

I once found a 16yr old attractive. Am I a pedo?

Don't forget about Hotel California and Zenyara! That's a nice Bohemian kiddy diddler hangout you've got there.

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