Why Did “Socialists” Abandon The Actual Working Class In The West?

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hahaha what a fag

The poor are easier to manipulate.

Not "socialists" user. Rich hypercapitalists LARPing as socialists in order to subvert the movement and keep their money

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Years of USA propaganda created a sense of autophobia in leftist movements. Many think that compromises with the right will yield benefits, when that is simply not true. Good news is that, at least from my anecdotal experience, good, reputable working class movements and communist movements are growing fast.

We haven't. But if you're talking about the actual industrial proletariat, they're few and far between now in Britain. The revolutionary forces in Britain now are the lumpenproletariat and the semi-proletariat. '84-85 was the last hurrah of the industrial proletariat, 2011 riots was the first show of lumpenprole force.

Affluent liberals who think extra taxes to help the poor aren't part of a worker's party.

the only thing that unites everybody is the sincere disdain for plebs

Because welfare capitalism won. Socialism is only a popular option where oppression is commonplace and socialist organizers can convince the common worker to support their ideology. Western states have poverty but the impoverished people are generally well taken care of.
Welfare capitalism is what many brainlets confuse with socialism.

I just hear faggotry.

Lick my asshole you fucking faggot ass piece of shit

As globalization took hold it made more sense to align with the global corporate bourgeoisie than the domestic middle class who they were intentionally destroying with their policy.

That's a bit of an oversimplification. The nu-social democractic people that you're talking about (who falsely believe themselves to be socialists) were pioneered from a splinter group of Jews who used to be behind actual Marxism [also referred to as cultural marxism or critical theory, this is the Frankfurt School stuff that is always talked about on here].

There are still "true" marxist "socialists" they are just much smaller than is perceived because of this massive group of nu-succ dems. Now, these people have no actual answer or defense against the nu-succ dems, they just handwave IDpol and call it a spook, which means they end up cucking to it IRL constantly. Actual marxism is largely dead now, the nu-succ dems have won and they are parading around in the skin of their victim.

A decent summary:
Baader Meinhoff and the End of the Left: (sorry for the spic subtitles they shoahed the original):

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Because socialists aren't socialists, they're powerhungry peasants who wish to be the ones cracking the whip instead of being the whipped.

Because westerners are faggots at their core.

Yes and No. Occupy Wall Street had very little Grass Roots support out in the Country. Basically it was AstroTurf created by the Obama White House as a foil against the Tea Party after the Republicans took Capitol Hill in 2010.

Occupy evaporated once Obama won re-election in 2012, as was intended.

No, you hear theory. All you are is a strasserist labour aristocrat.

starbucks socialism is not real socialism.
you are just a spoiled brat wasting daddy's money complaining about things you don't understand for no other reason than boredom.
unirronically get a fucking job

>fascists say they represent the "real" working class (a fraction of socially conservative men in trades, not the actual definition which is much broader)
>talk among themselves online about how the same people are low IQ poorscum who should be sterilized for eugenics

It’s not bro is comrade

Just because you see the entire world thorough this lens does not make it a reality. You people (socialists) have no answer for IDpol so you just blame capitalism when it steam rolls you. The problem is kikery, if there were no kikes importing millions of shitskins here every day then "muh racism" wouldn't be a valid tactic to stop you, can't you see that?

You know, I think you’re the first ever American I have come across who understands the difference between social democracy and socialism. Good job, user.

based self-hating amerimutt.

Please shut up with your stupid Ben Shapiro tier "insults". Fuck off and go join your little Trump/Proud Boy millionaire astroturfed protests unless you've got something valid to say.

One thing is for certain: Lenin, Stalin, etc. would most definitely execute all these faggots.

Read fascism viewed from the right and reconsider your stance

Implying we have fathers. Or money.

Look at what the real working class consisted of in countries that actually had socialist/communist revolutions, hint: not a bunch of neoliberal queer faggots

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No, because its not theory, its occult nonsense written by a would-be aristocrat. I know enough about fascism. I'm more interested in keeping an eye on what fascists today are up to rather than some Italian rando nearly 100 years ago.

Why are most right wingers mutts who jack off to tranny porn?

You're absolutely insane if you think Obama was behind Occupy. Obama was an avowed capitalist and wealth inequality skyrocketed under him. He was a friend of Wall St. Wall St loved him and funded him. Republicans are really retarded when they don't recognize these simple, indisputable realities and instead try to say "Obama wuz a communist!". Like I wish dude. That's an extremely stupid POV to take though.
IDpol is just a tool used by the ruling classes to trick you into voting against your own economic interests. I'm sorry, this isn't a "conspiracy theory" either. It's something that goes back all through history, that all rulers have realized. And they're still realizing it today, obviously. I'm really sorry if you got conned by Republicans or right-wingers pretending they're gonna fix immigration problems for you, but it was alway a lie. The right-wing prioritizes business above all else. Clearly from the COVID debacle you can see they prioritize business above all human life. Immigration is good for business, so you should probably have recognized that they never did have any intention of ever fixing it. In short, you got played. Conned. To get conned is human so you shouldn't feel too badly, but you really should repent of that con immediately and stop being a lowly, smelly right-winger. Join the Chad Lefties dude and start being a voice for a truly more positive future

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You could just say you don’t know how to read lol no shame in it lots of Africans can’t either

Chad lefties... who want to open the borders even more because any form of nationalism and restriction on immigration is reactionary and xenophobia?

>IDpol is just a trick
No, it's a fundamental reality that you can either accept or try to ignore while your enemies import people and use it against you. Multiculturalism does not work, and by allowing to progress (and attacking those of us who are against it) you are digging your own grave. No sane White person is ever even going to consider leftism when it comes with the mandatory replacement of your own people as a side-effect. The fact that Republicans are controlled opposition does not mean that immigration is good, you're a fucking succ-dem retard.

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they called themselves socialist because che guevara t-shirt in amazon was cool. Like any faggot that had hacked something and said "he" was anonymous.
Here is the complete one

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Socialists hate the working class now. They only care about faggots and eunuchs.

I have read some of his work, I don't really consider it important because nothing ever came of it. The reason fascists try and tie themselves to occult beliefs is try and make their views metaphysical, that is to say, unchangeable.

Gee is it possible that the very divisive and irrational ideology being promoted by corporations and their media be some sort of a scam designed to protect their interests?

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I really don't understand this line of argumentation, (real) leftists attack anyone who speaks out against immigration and then they act like we're all rubes for caring about it. Yeah, they did replace class war with race war, and Marxists allowed it to happen. You cannot solve the class problem with Juan moving in next door and having six kids while Jamal is stealing your bike every week.

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S M H you two are brainlets who have gotten conned horribly

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>you got conned!
I'm not a Republican lad, so i'm not sure what pictures of Zion Don are supposed to do here?

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Thanks. Saved. IDK if you're the guy who made those graphs but he really understood the situation. I talked to him one time on here in another thread a long time ago. I guess that guy really knew what was going on. It's a shame more anons don't grasp

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>Basically it was AstroTurf created by the Obama White House as a foil against the Tea Party
You literally have this order of events backwards
Occupy predates Obama's Presidency, it started well before the 2008 election
Also, Obama is a neoliberal corporatist shill who literally sent federal police to crack down on the movement
The Tea Party formed because of the perception of dangerous left wing radicals in power, which was something the media invented to prevent a serious challenge to their financial power

Because they never actually cared about the workers. They just wanted a hoard of expendable footsoldiers to overthrow the ruling class, but were completely at odds with each other so they'll devolve into infighting and be easy to keep busy bickering amongst themselves. It just turns out that the various types of niggers and rainbow hairs suit this purpose far better then factory workers, farmers, and tradies.

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Views are fluid, it’s babbys first mistake to never let yourself evolve. I’m not a fascist, closer to an anarchist who wants to do crime against the rich but also likes being white. Not many political parties for that so I enjoy reading outdated theory. I do like the whole starving out undesirables Thing though.

Eh people like you always say you're not Republicans, but at the end of the day you go and vote for them, and support the right-wing, when IRL the right-wing is what created all of your problems, and fed all of the problems that you're so (understandably) upset about

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Culture is not, and will never be your friend user

>still going on about corporations
This is normie Republican shit, go post these on Trump Facebook groups, not Yas Forums. We (well most of us, despite the election flood of retards) are not Republican and we are not hyper-capitalists in favor of international lassiez faire kikery.

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becaause they get indoctrinated at college so the think theyre better than blue collar workers

>implying those wastes of oxygen are worth a damn
Also these.

Problem is that this is the exact same line that every Republican or conservative gives. You guys all roll your eyes and say "no! That's not what I believe! I'm not really a Republican!" but then at the end of the day you are. You go out and vote Republican because you think they're "the racist party" or something, or maybe you IRL actually DO support their economic policies, but just don't have an easy time admitting it

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Socialism and Communism cannot exist while "whiteness" exists. They're fundamentally in opposition. Whiteness is a metaphysical caste invented to justify settler colonialism and franchise colonialism, and further their goals. The exist of whiteness is contradictory to colonised people of the world, and the exist of "non" white people is contradictory to whiteness.

The fact is that most fascists aren't reading or following Evola now, they're following Andrew Anglin, David Myatt (who's works are so extreme they're not publicly available), Richard Moult, James Mason and Matthew Heimbach ect. So that's who I'm more concerned about.

>eh idc what you say I'll just continue assuming you vote Republican because it fits my worldview that the entire right is a homogeneous block while there are 100 different flavors of "left of center".
That's a pretty retarded position to take.

> when IRL the right-wing is what created all of your problems
It isn't (well through your retarded marxist lens that's probably true, since you consider everyone who isn't literally a marxist to be right wing up-to an including the onions-est of basedbois and literal fascists.) All of my problems have been created by INTERNATIONALISTS, regardless of their economic leanings. International socialists and international capitalists are basically the same thing, both useful idiots who fight each other for the benefit of the elite/jews who dominate them both.

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