Why are libtards so offended by cigars and whiskey? What are you boys drinking or smoking tonight...

Why are libtards so offended by cigars and whiskey? What are you boys drinking or smoking tonight. This is me owning the libtards.

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Based m' fellow MAGApede!
Personally I baked a PEPE cake to trigger the libtards, LOL

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wow ok cuck. What do u have against drinking and smoking cigars? Let me guess, u smoke WEED?

Drinking whiskey and smoking cigars is bad for your health.

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Y'all a bunch of slack jawed faggots around here. This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.

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Imagine the smell

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ok douchebag, how about u show urself.

Apart from his love of life's finer pleasures, OP is one ugly motherfucker.
And undoubtedly a faggot.

Here i am

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fuck dude, go outside.
you look like a fucking skeleton

Based and alcohol pilled.

ok cuck. Ive got meat on my bones and a sweet whiskey and cigar in my hands. How about you get off Yas Forums.

Can i achieve this hairline natty?

>did your parents have any children that lived

What a filthy disgusting habit. Only the lowest trash of society have ever smoked. How do people still fall for the Jewish smoking advertising?

virgin doubles v.s chad trips

You look like your cigar

nice looking flag you faggot

You guys are so immature. I bet u r all kids who cant even drink or smoke yet. Jealous.

You're a larping fag posting to stir up the bee's nest, none of what you're posting is real.

I love cigars and whiskey. Little virgin cucks will seethe over this Chad thread.

lol don't reproduce. shouldn't be hard. you look like a cancer patient and you're probably totally healthy in this photo

Jesus Christ what an utterly disgusting looking specimen. Fat bloated body, balding, pallid color, dark anemic circles. The picture of unhealth. Untermensch like you get the rope too.

>It's Real
Why the fuck are you so ugly! They aren't scared of Whiskey and Gars they are scared of you!

Weed aint bad bitch, just not as good as Gars and whiskey.


I thought that was brendan fraiser at first

Unironically love single malt and cubans, but OP... Homie, get hair plugs, maybe drop some weight, tan? Lasik surgery? Just anything. You look like the human equivalent of an albino pug dog.

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>Che Guevara has entered the chat

>unironically posting your jewish face on a nazi fantasy board

earlier pic. U fags r so jealous.

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put me in the screen cap.

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