What happens when these retards figure out their jobs no longer exist?
What happens when these retards figure out their jobs no longer exist?
All I know is that I want my mom to fucking die of COVID. I've been fighting with her constantly for over a month now. She wants to go out. She wants to "go to the stores". She gets angry at me, like I'm the one keeping her indoors, and I caused all of this. We're in one of the hardest hit spots in the country. She doesn't care. She wants to "go to her stores". She gets fucking angry and resentful, and it's just too much. All I think every day now is "go out and get COVID, you fucking bitch, so I can laugh and say 'told you so' as you die with that fucking tube down your throat"
Honestly I hate my mom anyway. She's a fucking bitch and both of my parents were horrible / abusive. The worst sort of vacant suburban retards
How do we get these people to start fighting BLM? I want shit to hit the fan before finals.
That’s the reason they’re protesting, you fucking moron. Tens of millions are unemployed as a result of the virus and lockdown, the longer economic activity is stalled the more Americans will be unemployed.
They look for you.
hopefully this charade will end.
Wow, they’ve reduced their predictions massively you know- this has been one hell of an overreaction. It isn’t the Spanish flu.
>ATF, NSA? That doesn't matter.
>We need our right to CONSOOM.
No. You're just extremely stupid and watch too much Fox News. The "prediction" was reduced to 50K at one point. Trump was on TV saying "we're only gonna have 50K dead!" just a few days ago. Well, we're well over 50K now. We'll hit 60K in a couple days max. And this whole thing is nowhere near over. So just no. You Trump support retards just saying retarded fucking things that are totally untrue and you say them fucking constantly
Millions unemployed for NOTHING. YOU FAGGOT.
>The state enforcing lockdowns that could mean you lose your job and certainly your liberty is analogous to consumption.
Strawman much?
almost no one dies of covid you fucking schizo
Political violence.
The original predictions were much higher, this was the reason for the lockdown, yet now it’ll be under 100,000 most likely- less than all those deaths of despair and such, yet nobody in high offices of state care much about that. The flu kills more yet nobody does a lockdown for that. Nor is there evidence that these lockdowns worked.
>trump supporter
Whatever catches your fancy.
>underage b&
Simple, basic math will tell you that the death toll is going to be way over 100K in the USA alone when this is done
The only good answer is politicians hanging from lamp posts.
Good. I hope you're one of them.
Boomers on disability and Social Security don't have jobs.
Alarmist. The US authorities are using this to impose the policies they want and to demonise those who rightly say that the lockdown is a violation of their liberty.
You watch way to many Democratic mouthpieces. I’m not an American so perhaps I’m not convinced by the political circus that is CNN. Branch out your viewing habits.
>hopefully this charade will end.
It's all breads and circuses, states are in the Midwest and Coronavirus is ready for a 2nd wave, NY and California shut down and now you have red states and some blue states about to get duped by Retards at this point, I'm betting that the Devos backed groups are standing back as the cargo cult culture of the American Midwest ensures none question why they were activated in the first place, risk getting and spreading covid19 and go watch the fox news echo chamber and now idiots are buying ultraviolet lamps and using hypodermic syringes to puncture their lungs injecting lysol
Or in Florida's case outright drinking industrial bleach abcactionnews.com
{of course Kentucky would top this stupid with more stupid}
You could always move you and buy a house. It isn't hard, I'm only 26 and I own a 120k house with 3 acres of land. Only owe 35k at 2.99% Apr
Stay in your house and starve peasant, what the governor says that day is the law!
>article is from 2018 when libtards were eating tide pods
given that the world will probably isolate china hereafter i'd say there will be a manufacturing boom as a result of this and thus plenty of jobs on the horizon...saw a normiebook vid earlier today about fake toothpaste from south africa, plebes are increasingly realizing that reliance on foreign import is a national security and public health issue.
Shit is about to hit the fan, I can sense it
user, If you think the second largest economy can be isolated you are gravely mistaken, we can’t afford to. We’ve made our bed now we must lie in it.
Companies will just move to another shithole country if it comes down to that. Alot of them already started moving production out of China before the pandemic due to "rising labor costs"
Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.
Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today! GOREPOST NOW!
People protesting because they WANT to work.
Fucking white people.