The Tranny Problem

So I've been working on a thesis on the tranny problem and possible solutions and would very much like some input from Yas Forums. As we all know being transsexual is not a valid way of life and poses very real problems to yourself and those around you. As contributing members of society, we all have an interest in fixing these sick individuals and guiding them back to the correct path. We all have a vested interest in redirecting those who have strayed from God.

From my observations I have basically broken down the trans community into 3 buckets. I do see some overlap with certain individuals so my criteria may need some work but as I see it the 3 groups are: the fetishist, the autistic, and the mentally ill.

The fetishist are those that get sexual gratification from cross-dressing or making people uncomfortable. These are the people that are the biggest risk to society because of their sexual pursuit of the taboo they often have strong pedophilic tendencies. This would include such people as Jonathon Yaniv.

The autistic are those that have been autistic their whole lives and then come out as trans later in life. They are typically feminine but straight males who try to "convert" to lesbian females. Because these people are autistic they do not have a strong sense of ego or a strong sense of identity and they usually feel different because they are. Unfortunately this combination of traits open them up to being easily influenced by malicious or equally autistic trannies into becoming trannies themselves. When these people feel different their whole lives because of their autism it is not difficult for others to convince them it's not because of autism, it's because they are really women. Obviously this is wrong and these people will never pass because if they dont have enough social skills to be an attractive male, there is no way in hell they can turn themselves into attractive females. The category is where your Chris-chans and most of your speedrunners reside.

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t. closeted tranny

And the last category, the mentally ill, is the catchall for the remaining trannies. These people may or may not pass but their delusions are usually 1 symptom of a bigger mental sickness problem. Nobody in this category is "just a woman born in a male body", these are people with serious mental issues. This is where the majority of your suicides are going to come from as these people are sick and they really need our sympathy and help, not our capitulation. You shouldn't tell a schizophrenic what they are seeing or hearing is real and you shouldn't tell these people they are the wrong sex. It doesn't help them and leads them further and further into their delusions. Here is where you will find Stefonknee.

There is some overlap with certain people that fall into multiple categories such as Brianna Wu who I would say falls into both the autistic and mentally ill categories but the vast majority of trannies will fall into 1 category. Because of the 3 categories identifies I think 3 separate solutions are required.

The fetishists are sick individuals who are not compatible with society, society should take steps to protect itself from them as they are dangerous. But the autistics and the mentally ill can be saved and can recover to become functional and contributing members of society.

My proposed solution is to teach autistics how to protect themselves from people who would try to influence them. As we have seen Chris-chan was incredibly gullible and easily talked into believing anything that was put in front of him. We should help these people by instilling them a process of comparing new information with what they know in order to determine the truthfulness of new information. They should also be trained into solidifying their identity before others have a chance to corrupt that perception.

Sounds like you're a tranny.

There is no tranny problem. It’s a woman problem.

The mentally ill should be treated like we treat schizophrenics, medicine and therapy without capitulation. Sadly unless they find a medicine that works for them they will always have this problem and never be able to hold a steady job and probably never be able to live on their own.

What do you guys think and do you have any input on my thesis?

Women are not a problem, you are just looking in the wrong places. Lose weight and start going to church regularly and it's not hard to meet your future wife. If you are looking for a wholesome wife at the club or at the bar you are never going to find it.

How can you be a closeted sexual deviant? You either commit these sins against God or you don't

The other chans are saying this is a problem with (((them))), obviously removal of this tyranny would be the first step in any possible solution so really the discussion is on step 2

Dick or GTFO.

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Or just let people do what they want???

But are they really doing what they want? The autist subtype is arguable a victim not unlike old people getting scammed by poos on telescams.

I'm merely trying to save them from themselves and malicious trannies that want to inflict their pain on others

If being transgender makes them feel better about themselves then they should be allowed to.

By that logic if your grandmother feels better about themselves by giving money to Nigerian princes then you should let her. I don't accept that you would watch your grandmother do this so why would you allow your fellow brothers and sisters commit such sins against our Lord unknowingly.

Knowingly allowing evil to persist is evil itself

The solution to the tranny problem is to fix women
It's simple as that
You create a demand and a supply will inevitably pop up
Lower the demand and the supply will likewise go down

Being themselves isn’t a sin. If self discovery is a sin then what does that say about your religion?

They are no more themselves than a schizophrenic indulging in his delusions is being themselves. We don't let people do that because it ends in violence sometimes against society but most of the time against the schizophrenic themselves

Only an incel would blame women for trannies. That's literally insane. If the 3 subtypes the blame is as follows:

Fetishist => themselves and society for not removing them
Autist => other tranny autists and their friends/families for not correcting them
Mentally Ill => friends/family for not providing them a rock they can base their reality on

By marginalizing them as mentally ill your understanding of transgenders will never go beyond thinking of them as mentally ill. It’s a self-perpetuating viewpoint that needs to have its cycle broken. Educate yourself and talk to them, you’ll be surprised about how sane they are.

They are mentally ill though.

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Every tranny I've ever met is never just a tranny. It's always one symptom in a big ball of mental illness, they always have other issues such as sexual deviancy, autism, or other broader issues with perception of reality.

I'm trying to get them the help that they need instead of indulging in their delusions. They need help and that is pretty evident with a 50% suicide rate. Refusal of this is just saying you are okay with 1 in 2 of every tranny you meet killing themselves

Found the roastie
Already explained it in the last post but it's very obvious that the behavior of women has lead to an increase in people who can have sex. What your retarded sex calls incels
Well unlike yours, we believe in economics and understand the causality of supply and demand change

They are killing themselves because of people like you refusing to understand them. Of course having your identity called a mental illness will make you suicidal.

But this argument doesn't hold water when you compare it to actually victimized groups. The black slaves in the peak of American slavery didn't have anywhere close to a 50% suicide rate. And all the progressive policies you are in favor for gave only increased the suicide rate instead of reduced it.

There only group that comes close is schizophrenics at 40%, yet another group that has issues with perceiving reality with any semblance of accuracy

no problem here

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You don't pass and you never will

Comparing different demographics, cultures, and time periods is apples to oranges. And I’m sure you didn’t take religious people into account when considering people who have issues perceiving reality. How’s they’re suicide rate? The same as everyone else’s, but nice try cherry picking.

No group in history, ever, has ever had a suicide rate like schizophrenics and trannies have always had

And no group in history as ever been as misunderstood as transgenders. It’s that attitude that makes their suicide rates rise, just stop hating.

shut up, pussy

Are you really telling me that being a tranny is harder than being a literal plantation slave? Is it harder than being a Jew in auschwitz? Harder than being a Gypsy, Kurd, or Irish?

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's mental illness