Why isn't the Media and leftists treating Joe Biden's Tara Reade sexual assault accusations as seriously as they did Brett Kavanaugh?
Tara reade Kavanaugh
Because the media is a wing of the democratic party.
Because it harms them and they never cared anyway.
Better question is why is the right so inept at holding their feet to the fire when given such an incredible opportunity.
The spectacle over Kavanaugh was unreal, and this will go unnoticed.
How do we fix this?
Why do you ask such obvious goddamn questions? The left along with the media are hyper biased hypocrites who wanted to nail Kavanaugh to the cross then those same leftist and media want to completely ignore anything surrounding Joe Biden
The answer is hypocrisy. The only answers the left and media give is whataboutisms
This. Why is there silence coming from the right? The only person who will eventually bring it up is Trump.
you know why
the left doesn't care about sexism or racism, and if they had their way every young conservative girl would be raped and broadcast on porn hub, they just use morality as a weapon. it was never about justice.
pic related. nra was formed to combat the kkk by arming citizens, right now a demorat governor is tryign to take citizens arms away and he is pretty much in the kkk.
Because they don't give a shit about rape, they even support it when they can get pleasure from it.
The whole Kavanaugh debacle was about one thing: how much the Clintons hated Kavanaugh for asking questions about Vince Foster.
Because hollywood is in the Dem's pockets. Simple as that.
Do you think it was just a cohencidence that Alyssa Milano, a very vocal liberal shill, just happen to sit right behind Kavanaugh during the hearing?
Fox is talking about it. Then again, that's the only non-anti-Trump mainstream network.
Bet she won't say anything about Biden or be as vocal.
CNN did, but only until after every other major outlet finished reporting it.
Kavanaugh and Brock also went back to the impeachment and lewinsky, as well as clarence thomas and bork.
Actually the initially played the race card to keep bork off of the supreme court, the republicans responded by putting up clarence thomas. he was black to the left had to pull the sexism card. this was a hostile takeover of the court by the left spearheaded by ted kennedy and marked a drastic change in the psyche of the party that has slowly ripped our country apart. we see this carry on all the way to the current day with brett kavanaugh, and because of his affiliation with brock one has to wonder if it was all a game.
If you ask me the tell tale sign is whether peopel are jailed. Kavanaugh's accusers were not jailed, so it was all a ruse.
Milano has already been plenty criticised for her silence. And the bitch still won't say anything bad about the dem's. She's ridiculous. But her small following are even more so.
Can anyone give me a single Joe Biden policy and why they should reasonably vote for him beyond stuff Trump has done or because "He's not Trump or "Vote blue no matter who."
To my understanding: The Kavanaugh thing was never a trial to determine guilt, but based on the opinions of people that already didn't want him there and of course public opinion was influenced and niggers will shill for Christine Blasey Ford despite the fact she can't recall diddly dick.
Most celebrities and Twitter niggers pay for their followers or have plenty of bots. That's why I don't take kike celebrities or their following serious because twitter algorithms aren't indicative of how people vote or debate.
It all goes back to Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Whitey Bulgar, and new england mafia trying to get rid of the italian mafia or something along those lines. It was really important to the kennedys to dominate the supreme court, biden is a part of all this too.
They're not gonna be able to give you an answer beyond "B-b-bbut Drumpf is an eXiStEnTiAl theeat to the world and USA!!"
That's the NPC's go-to line. Drumpf is an existential threat...
Do you really want Bernie to become the default nominee at a time when Trump is vulnerable?
Because there about a dozen as many accusers for Trump as for Biden. The MSM dropped the sexual assault accusations against Trump by 2017. For whatever reason, sexual assault allegations against politicians aren't making the news much.
(D). Come on, nigger.
Because kavanaugh got confirmed and proved rape doesn’t matter
The same reason they torpedoed Roy Moore over "It's unconscionable to allow a pedophile to be in the US Senate!" while simultaneously running interference for a convicted pedophile currently in the US Senate because he was on the blue team (Bob Menendez)
Biden's former policy decisions should come back to haunt him will they not?
Thing is Kav did lie to the judiciary committee ...
in 2006 when he was being vetted for his Federal Judge seat. They asked him if he had anything to do with the creation of the Patriot Act and its implementation with renditions and tortures and he said "absolutely not". But emails between himself and John Yu have come out showing that this was a lie. John Yu is famous for saying before the Senate that the president could arbitrarily order a little boy's testicles to be crushed in front of his parents to make them talk. That John Yu. The Democrats knew this but they were just as guilty of using the Patriot Act as Bush II was so instead they threw out the absurd titty grope story instead. It's aaaallllll bullshit.
its war
media is on the wrong side
have you learned nothing?