It's problematic, goys.
Fuck goyim for not knowing the k-word
Other urls found in this thread:
These people are so much more schizo than the general population thats why theyre always so fucking scared and feel victimized. I have never known a jew that wasnt showing signs of schizophrenia, severe autism, and tourettes. Often all at once. Fucking rats
>people should know I'm a victim everywhere I go even if they've never met me, even if they've never met someone with my race or religion, even if they have no meaningful part in my life.
>also cutting into infant genitals and putting old mens teeth on them is part of our sacred way of living
I think it's totally acceptable to kill jews. easy methods include poisoning or a cable tie garrote.
fuck off twitter screenshot posters should be gassed with my own farts
1,000’s of years of inbreeding does that. Some Jews are so unrelentingly autistic in a special jewish way that it’s almost unfathomable for a basic person to imagine it. They’re living in a different reality
Do the goyim know trump is part of the kike swamp yet?
I’ve got jew/Israeli mates and victimhood is definitely part of the culture. From the time they can crawl they’re bombarded with information of how their ancestors have suffered. They live in this constant state of survival where at any minute the evil goyim could round them up an gas them.
It’s used to control them and keep them loyal to the tribe.
When you live in the most philosemitic country in the world it does make it hard for Jews to play victim, yes. But still they try.
I do nothing to combat antisemitism. Do they think I'm obligated to or something?
What’s the word?
Soz, didn’t mean to sage, have a bump instead
Can we get a list of all antisemitic slurs? Asking for a friend.
i remember in grade 3 the jew in my class was talking about Ford and other issues related to jews. i always thought it was strange an 11 year old would have such strong feelings about car and soda companies but i figured it out later that they were jewish issues and he was a jew.
i mean 8 year old.
Oh come on user. Not all autists are bad, and I would even venture to say that at this particular point in time, whites have full legitimacy in feeling targeted/victimized because they are.
Unfortunately they just aren't pretending to be perpetual victims like the Jews do. The difference in behavior between an entitled, self-assuring fuck and a non-liberal white surrounded on all sides by enemies is something else.
Jew is basically a slur already.
Yes, you fucking antisemite. You're supposed to fight the use of the k-word despite not knowing what it is, because you're privileged or some shit.
Stopped reading there
>Not being anti-semitic is anti-semitic
>Every other group on the planet, especially Whites, exist to protect us and take care of us
t.triggered kikestein
Twitter is one of the battlefields, like it or not. You don't have to comment on there since it's rigged, but you can utilize the EXACT same tactics mentioned in this thread here, read on about how he deals:
>These people are so much more schizo than the general population thats why theyre always so fucking scared and feel victimized. I have never known a jew that wasnt showing signs of schizophrenia, severe autism, and tourettes. Often all at once. Fucking rats
A local Jew that I sort of know that is friends with some people I know was making a video for a charity event he was having. They were interviewing him on the news. So they gave him airtime to talk about his event. And while he's talking about it, he just blurts out in the middle of a run-on sentence, "my mother was a Holocaust survivor". Like it was really fucking weird and completely out of context because it had nothing to do with the message about raising money to help poor kids or whatever it was all about. He is brainwashed deep into that whole victimhood narrative.
These people literally opted INTO it being a "slur', it's their own goddamned word!
It's the short form of kikel, or circle, the symbol they'd draw on immigration documentation as a slight to Christian crosses, and to not out themselves as Jews at the same time.
There's a really good pasta explaining it that floats around here from time to time.
Christ killers so deep in their own condemnation they can't even write 'God' without experiencing pain.
What really makes them seethe is ignoring them or telling them you dont care. Watch their reaction when they rant about the holocaust and try to guilt trip you and you tell them you dont give a fuck. They have melt downs. Treat them like the scum they are
"Gentile privilege"
Oh my...
I think its time for operation "level playing field"
Whereby we accost jews on twitter and such and report them to the ADL for using the term goyim or goy or shiksa. Any term meant to degrade other races that aren't jewish should be reported as racism and enmasse report that shit to the ADL.
I for one am sick and tired of their god dam virtue signaling and then turning around and calling people racially divisive names. Fuck that. It's not fair and we dont have to take it.
You think this will work with the ADL?
I mean maybe en masse. Somehow doubt even mass reports will do much under leadership and their underlying support structure (legal, social) changes. It is a start.
Adl is owned by AIPAC and the jewish lobbying network. Raise twitter awareness among the hardcore leftists and make jews the new privileged class. It can work if we have an organized campaign
>Raise twitter awareness among the hardcore leftists
Hardcore leftists are an extremely jewish bunch.
t. former anarchist
I don't know - i met a shiksa, very tall and leggy Russian with TERRIBLE tourette's. She wasn't a jew but she was Thoticus Maximus.
You can defeat the thotician (thot + black magician) e-whore, user. Here's how...
Fuck off back to Redd.
The vast majority of the "Russians" in the US especially NY are Jewish Ukrainians or Uzbeks. If they say they are not, they mean it using their religion's technicality of Jew father/non-Jew mother.
The non-Jews would have had no ways of getting to the US without a refugee status and full ride.