Is this possible in 2020?

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My girl. Shes also a welder and i love her.

>Want a trad wife
>Don't want to ve a trad man that shoulders all financial rwsponsibility and is permanently stoic

No, this is Midsommar type shit.

Bill's vaccine is made from recombinant rat parts, which is a special genetically engineered human-rat chimera. the recmbinant mouse has human blood, human organs and a human immune system, including the glands, and these chimera mice grow all the medicine inside their bodies.
>year of the rat
you wanted to be part rat, right? it's mouse model number 28B11.
>you are now aware that one of the biolab samples that we caught the chinese spies trying to smuggle out of the united states was an (((antibody mouse)))
recombinant mouse. here is the thing, if you value your humanity at all then you don't want mouse DNA inside you just to make you immune to viruses which aren't real because viruses don't exist. The other half of the vaccine is made from fetal stem cells taken from abortions which are cultured out in huge biovats.

Does your religion forbid killing people?

Does your religion forbid killing babies?

Does your religion forbid drinking blood?

Does your religion forbid human sacrifice?

Then you can't have Bill's vaccine without even getting into the recombinant mouse problem. The vaccine is easily the most satanic and evil thing they have every done. once the rest of you have taken it, you will no longer be human and will pose no spiritual, intellectual nor evolutionary threat to their species whatsoever.
In order to make sure you understand the threat to humanity, to your entire specie, the Global Consciousness Project dot is now pink. Do not waste my agency. You are not being warned about this for no reason.

Yes, but only with Asian girls.

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no, not with this Weimar Republic type shit

>Hey user! I folded your laundry. Here ya go.
Does she really expect me to put that shit away for her? 0/10 would not marry.

>referencing jewish directed and produced propaganda movie portraying aryans
Fuck off JIDF

why is it acting like a cutesy little retarded 8 year old? do trannies think this is what men want?
i just want a normal woman to raise a family with who isnt a massive whore

>snowniggers never sacrificed humans
lmao, cope

Do Swedes really?

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>indigo white
this girl literally fucks niggers

this is exactly my wife when she's not crippled by debilitating anxiety. she literally becomes an anime waifu. and the moment i get sick of her bullshit anxiety she becomes the most hateful cunt on the planet, throws her ring at me and grabs the baby threatening to divorce me.

kinda jealous of the guys who have a stable, middle of the road kinda chick.

>no penis reveal at the end
I can't believe I watched the whole thing for nothing.

>needing to tell me she folded my laundry
does this bitch want a gold star for doing something that should be done without even having to think about it

fuck Asians

Unless you make 120k and up it its impossible to be head of the household in this cucked feminized country. Litterally everything requires 2 incomes.

No LARP - I have a good old fashioned Christian, Anglo-Swedish American, wife with kids in small town MN.


Damn. Lots of questions. She wanted a too many gold stars. Just do the work.

>rageposting on reddit

I do

do you people really want that?

>MAGA hat


if you're not earning 100k you fucked up already.

>ywn have a qt trap tradwife make milk for you
it is over

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Why is she trying to act like a japanese gravure model?

And jews still suck the dicks of newly circumcised infants to this day, but you don't see goyim producing a "Yidsummer" movie on the Bris set in Israel do you?

Hi kike

Fuck off. Iv made 60-80k single income over seven years and i own 5 acres, house, wife and two kids. Be a fucking man.

Kinda hot though.

It’s like you brag about having a small dick

This is so fucking cringe. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore

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What dating a tranny? Yeah now more so than ever.

Thats the catch. Id rather my girl didnt have to work hard but this world sucks.

>rageposting on Reddit
>what the hell was that "burger"
>lay your head in my lap isn't "sit in your lap and hug you"
Ruined the illusion

Yes, but only in Europe and Australia, where they still have traditional society and morals. America is just very liberal, as is Canada.

I'd rather pay for a prostitute. Save yourself from the emotional rollercoaster and impending depression once she cheats on you with some BBC

To bad I'm engaged to a crazy Irish who has mood swings and sometimes selfish and sassy. But bright side submissive most times, makes meals, does laundry and let's me have sex when I want when ever I want. She also knows I'm smarter than her so she doesn't question most of my decisions.

>wide nose
>moon face
>alien hybrid eyelids
asians are fucking disgusting

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Is that a tattoo I see on her forearm...?

i will thanks

>wearing a kitty apron
>cat is missing
Honey what's for dinner?

doesn't exist, just a porn psyop

Annnndddd out the window she goes!!

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You know this bitch is a camwhore right

That woman has 1000 cock stare. Avoid.

Thinking the same thing. Let's nuke the planet and start new from the ashes.

she's got a penis? just got 100x better

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This legit blackpilled the fuck out of me. Im never gonna make it bros.

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take your meds schizoid


What is this about? It's saying the more chaos in the world the more random RNGs are? That the more people agree and the less chaos in the world means less random RNGs? Then the light goes to blue? That about right?

I watched the light go from red to orange in the 10 mins I went reading the site. Did that mean in those 10 mins there was less chaos in the world?

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gonna need the sauce on that bro

It's possible if you find a girl that grew up in a rule area with 30 ppl in her graduating class

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Fuck off Jew faggot. Please continue living in fear. It's not lost on us.

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That's cool. I am married to a french woman who gave me two fantastic children. I respect her attributes that complement mine and vice versa. Today she made me and the kids meatball subs and salad, then we went to our backyard/forest and I chainsawed and she cleaned the branches around the fence while the kids ran around. We ended the night after the kids went to bed with some scotch and sex. Am I in heaven?

what a stupid, naive, anecdotal post. dollars to doughnuts your wife is fucking niggers while you're making that single income. cope.

This is some Jewish dudes porno.

Indigo White
pornhub . com /view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e2a073c30473

Damn, Midsommar made me realize that Whites are literally crazy. And Hereditary made me realize that White families are dysfunctional. Holy shit.

Never heard of a rule area. What is that? I've heard of a rural area tho

>Trad wife

Pick one, Tyrone.

Um, you do realize that she is no longer a wife or girlfriend at this point, right. She is basically your mother. Bro, this is some sick beta söiboi tier cringe fantasy. A real woman is not going to respect you at all if she needs to baby you like this. She might do this for you for a while, but then she will cheat on you with Chad, because she needs to feel dominated by a real man. Most women won't even know why they're cheating on you, but it's an unconscious primal urge within her to feel dominated, feel safe underneath the authority of masculinity, and have her held accountable for her bullshit every now and again.

Read the Rational Male.
Read the Way of the Superior Man.
Read red pilled books on masculinity.

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wow, sick blogposting boomer!

>trade girls
How much hick cock has she sucked?

Well, didn't expect to run into myself today. My wife is also hotter than I deserve, and that makes it harder, but God damn does the anime waifu part of her make everything worth it.

How big is her benis?

Do motherfuckers really want this? I just want to be left alone

thx bro you da man

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I was born in 1989

i want total war, not some bitch around.

None besides me. Yes i fuckin did it.

I shoulder all financial responsibility, but I still can't command this kind of obedience and dedication from my gf, who I live with.

Although I don't think I can count as a trad man, I just made it in crypto in 2017, and basically just neet all day online.

I don't think trad wives exist anymore, not in the age of social media anyway.


Nooooo, she's a roastie ethot like all the rest

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Filthy fackin whore.

I do.